Top 1200 Done With Love Quotes & Sayings - Page 16

Explore popular Done With Love quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
I have always felt that, aside from research that violates universal human mores, when it comes to technological applications, that which can be done will be done.
Books have this function that help me to understand the work I've done, to wrap it up. Once it's done, fortunately, it doesn't mean there's closure.
I love food and I love everything involved with food. I love the fun of it. I love restaurants. I love cooking, although I don't cook very much. I love kitchens. — © Alma Guillermoprieto
I love food and I love everything involved with food. I love the fun of it. I love restaurants. I love cooking, although I don't cook very much. I love kitchens.
We may not be proud of every song we've ever done - or been forced to do - but I believe we've done more than meets the eye.
I have done a lot of NFL games, a season-opening home games, playoff games, championship games, and of course Stanley Cup games, World Series, NBA championship games. But I have never done a Superbowl. It's probably the only major sporting event I've never done and I would like to.
No love is Love that subjugates the Lover. No love is Love that feeds on flesh and blood. No love is Love that draws a woman to a man only to breed more women and men and thus perpetuate their bondage to the flesh.
Many times after a game, I get the feeling that I have not done enough, I should have done better, of course there is room for improvement.
What I may call the messages of Brave New World, but it is possible to make people contented with their servitude. I think this can be done. I think it has been done in the past. I think it could be done even more effectively now because you can provide them with bread and circuses and you can provide them with endless amounts of distractions and propaganda.
Sports and music are the same thing to me. When done wrong, they are really frustrating; when done right, they can change your day.
By the time I'm done with a project, it's taken so long that I usually don't even like it anymore. I only see the things I wish I'd done differently.
New ideas pass through three periods: 1) It can't be done. 2) It probably can be done, but it's not worth doing. 3) I knew it was a good idea all along!
I write from what's in my heart. I write what I love and have always done that.
The consumer, so it is said, is the king each is a voter who uses his money as votes to get the things done that he wants done. — © Paul Samuelson
The consumer, so it is said, is the king each is a voter who uses his money as votes to get the things done that he wants done.
Love never reasons, but profusely gives; it gives like a thoughtless prodigal its all, and then trembles least it has done to little.
Be creative in that sense and your creativity will become an offering to God. God has given you so many gifts, Garima; something HAS to be done just in deep thankfulness. But remember: with no motive, not as a means but as an end unto itself. Art for art's sake, and creation for creation's sake, and love for love's sake, and prayer for prayer's sake.
I'd love to direct a film, but I don't think I have the temperament for it. I'm very hyper, and I want things to be done ASAP. If I turn director, I might end up killing my actors.
People used to be funny about approaching me, but now they seem to think I'm as sane as anyone who's done what I've done in movies can be.
Too often, I have not been what I wanted to be; I've succumbed to pressures. Yes, I have. The things I've done that I liked, I've always done against advice.
I love Donna Summer, and I love ABBA. I love late 70s disco. I love the Bee Gees. I just love that period of recording.
Ladies and babies, and mortgages, for that matter, can all wait. Acting has done a strange thing to me, though. I often sit there, thinking, 'I love this, but I wouldn't put my daughter on the stage.'
Writing is something that you can never do as well as it can be done. It is a perpetual challenge and it is more difficult than anything else that I have ever done.
Just as love for one individual which excludes the love for others is not love, love for one's country which is not part of one's love for humanity is not love, but idolatrous worship.
If you have a friend, a good friend, a woman you love, and you learn she’s done something abominable, do you stop loving her?
There are a few things that can be done only by experiencing them. Love is one of them. There is no way to learn it; you have to do it. And by trial and error one learns.
I have done a few solo projects that I really enjoyed and would love to have time to do more. Key word here is time!
I love, love, love, love, love, love Naeem Khan. Every dress he makes looks like it belongs in a museum. You put it on, and you feel like royalty.
Now remember, we've already done more than a billion dollars worth of cuts. We've already done that. So we need to get some credit for that.
I've done it the hard way - first Olympic gold medallist from Great Britain to win a world title, the 'road warrior.' I love that tag because I do travel.
The two principles on which our conduct towards the Indians should be founded are justice and fear. After the injuries we have done them, they cannot love us.
I am fortunate to have a lot of love in my life. I love my family, I love my dog, I love my close friends, and I absolutely love my incredible girlfriend.
A lot of actors say that theater's the thing for them. And that's great, and I'm not one to speak with any authority about it because of not having done it properly. For me, movies are what I love.
I got to the point where I'd featured on songs; I'd done backing singing for major artists. I'd done all these shows, but it was always for other people.
I've never seen a job being done by a five-hundred-person engineering team that couldn't be done better by fifty people.
Say you are doing a portrait and the face is perfectly done, but the rest of it is done in brushstrokes. That is sort of like what might happen in the films.
Every night before I turn out the lights to sleep, I ask myself this question: Have I done everything that I can.... Have I done enough?
I love Donna Summer, and I love ABBA. I love late '70s disco. I love the Bee Gees. I just love that period of recording.
I've essentially done theater for more of my life than I've done television or film, and it's really something I feel I know better.
Every actor has a different journey. Whatever I've done, it has turned out positive for me because I've done it with the right intention. — © Sana Khan
Every actor has a different journey. Whatever I've done, it has turned out positive for me because I've done it with the right intention.
The best thing I've done with my money is buy a house for my family. You wake up to a house you love and you feel like somebody.
What you've done is done. You've got a goal you never reach, and it's always farther away. It keeps you walking. I don't want to sit down.
I love, love, love apricot baby food. My closet in the kitchen is filled with jars of it. I love Lucky Charms and Cocoa Pebbles cereal. I love my purple couch, and I love dancing. I used to have the best stuffed animals, but Samson [her dog] ate them.
See with the eyes of love, / Hear with the ears of love / Work with the hands of love, / Think thoughts of love / Feel love in every nerve.
Love is a great thing. It is not by chance that in all times and practically among all cultured peoples love in the general senseand the love of a man for his wife are both called love. If love is often cruel or destructive, the reasons lie not in love itself, but in the inequality between people.
He could deal with his guilt all by himself. Guilt didn't add up to love, an emotion she was done with forever.
I love to be a vessel through which characters can come through. And if I can move an audience with my work, then I've done my job.
I'm just done downplaying how much I love Radiohead and how massive of an influence they are on what I do, because it's pretty obvious.
If you live to be 100 years old, what you've done here for the last two days, weeks, monthswhat you've done here will echo in eternity.
Even in the best times, managing science has been compared to herding cats; it is not done well, but one is surprised to find it done at all. — © Gerald Holton
Even in the best times, managing science has been compared to herding cats; it is not done well, but one is surprised to find it done at all.
I have done scenes where I've had to hold the hand of a girl and tell her that I love her. And frankly I did not enjoy that much.
I've never done it, but I think if you do a Google search for 'People who will help me travel across the country to meet my online love,' I'm probably the only person that comes up.
It may almost be held that the hope of commercial gain has done nearly as much for the cause of truth as even the love of truth.
So confident am I in the intentions, as well as wisdom, of the government, that I shall always be satisfied that what is not done, either cannot, or ought not to be done.
Deciding not to decide is, of course, among the most important things done by the Supreme Court. It takes a lot of doing, but it can be done.
I'm still learning. I've never done a digital project before. And I'm pretty sure I did things to the software that weren't supposed to be done.
I don't know what kind of career I want to forge for myself. But I want it to be one where I love the work that I've done. And I like to think that I have good instincts.
I really love it, I love working with directors that are very collaborative and allow me input. I've done over 75 films, it's just like you're an apprentice. You learn so much about camerawork, lenses, and I'm always talking about DPs and directors and they always give me lists. I think pretty soon, I'll be ready to move away from being in front of the camera.
I love three things," I then say. "I love a dream of love I once had, I love you, and I love this patch of earth." "And which do you love best?" "The dream.
You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have truly lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love.
I see no reason that a golf course cannot be played in 18 birdies. Just because no one has ever done that doesn't mean it can't be done.
I love Bach, I love Beethoven, I love Mozart, I love the Beatles, I love you know, Stockhausen, I love many things. But for some reason I come back to Elizabethan music because it's a little bit like the Beatles.
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