Top 1200 Dose Of Reality Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Dose Of Reality quotes.
Last updated on October 22, 2024.
Gods are fragile things, they may be killed by a whiff of science or a dose of common sense.
Religion is just an alternate way of reading reality - you read material reality, and then you add on an extra layer of religiosity that deepens that understanding of reality. Some countries have lost that capacity, or dismissed it or marginalized it.
Take action every day - some small dose at a time. — © Jeffrey Gitomer
Take action every day - some small dose at a time.
A dose of poison can do its work but once. A bad book can go on poisoning minds for generations.
Reality television is to television what marble and gold are to real estate. The point is to dispense with the idea of taste. It's all id. The more unrestrained the better. We all know that 'reality' in reality television is not real. That anybody who would participate in reality television is a fake. But pretending otherwise makes them real.
The reality is that if you want to be in a reality-based community, you've got to respect reality and that means calling it bad when you see the past ahead and it doesn't look good and acknowledging when it's going to work.
Now make no mistake, I think we need a strong dose of fiscal conservatism in Washington, D.C.
I love masala films, and as an audience, I like my dose of commercial cinema.
A serious dose of unemployment and a spate of bank failures can make the unelectable electable quite quickly.
I definitely was attracted to similar things in punk and science. They both depend on a healthy dose of skepticism.
As soon as we renounce fiction and illusion, we lose reality itself; the moment we subtract fictions from reality, reality itself loses its discursive-logical consistency.
Starting our day off with a dose of negativity can have lasting effects.
There is no greater mystery than this, that we keep seeking reality though in fact we are reality. We think that there is something hiding reality and that this must be destroyed before reality is gained. How ridiculous! A day will dawn when you will laugh ... at all your past efforts. That which will be the day you laugh is also here and now.
In reality, every reality is a veil over reality.
My brother Alex fell in love with rhythm and blues early and gave me a strong dose of it.
Criticism is like medicine. It’s poison unless carefully administered at the right dose.
There's an all-enveloping destructiveness in Donald Trump's character and in his psychological tendencies. But I've focused on what professionally I call solipsistic reality. Solipsistic reality means that the only reality he's capable of embracing has to do with his own self and the perception by and protection of his own self. And for a president to be so bound in this isolated solipsistic reality could not be more dangerous for the country and for the world. He's not psychotic, but I think ultimately this solipsistic reality will be the source of his removal from the presidency.
Everyone is a theologian, either conscious or unconscious, in the sense that everyone has some conception of the nature of reality, of the demands of reality, and of those elements in reality that support or threaten meaningful existence.
The good news about psychedelics is that they are incredibly democratic. Even the clueless can be swept along if the dose is sufficient. — © Terence McKenna
The good news about psychedelics is that they are incredibly democratic. Even the clueless can be swept along if the dose is sufficient.
... what is faked [by the computerization of image-making], of course, is not reality, but photographic reality, reality as seen by the camera lens. In other words, what computer graphics have (almost) achieved is not realism, but rather only photorealism - the ability to fake not our perceptual and bodily experience of reality but only its photographic image.
I tell you, once a girl's got a dose of novels she's a pushover for iambic pentameter.
Absence is one of the most useful ingredients of family life, and to dose it rightly is an art like any other.
Whipping and abuse are like laudanum: you have to double the dose as the sensibilities decline.
All things are poisons. It is simply the dose that distinguishes between a poison and a remedy.
I hate the truth so much that i'd rather have a giant dose of bulls**t anyday
I try to maintain a healthy dose of daydreaming, to remain sane.
Nothing does more to lubricate the rough spots than a good dose of encouragement.
My main frustration is the fear of cancer from low dose radiation, even by radiologists.
Take a dose of rock and roll, and wash it down with cool clear soul.
Into every tidy scheme for arranging the pattern of human life, it is necessary to inject a certain dose of anarchism.
We are at home here. Alienation is unnecessary. Contact with reality at a deep level is part of the Christian's life. He enters into reality, rather than escaping from it. The flight from reality is a mark of Eastern and classical mysticism, not of Christianity.
If you want to play a complex, turmoiled character, then give him a dose of Catholicism.
When I make a film I'm always in reality among the trees, and among the people like yourselves. There's no symbolic or conventional filter between me and reality as there is in literature. The cinema is an explosion of my love for reality.
I take a dose of mathematics every day to prevent my brain from becoming quite soft.
Do not be fooled, your diet needs a daily dose of all kinds of fats if you want to be healthy.
Prolonged statistics are a lethal dose, which if it does not kill will certainly dispel your audience.
One insidious practice which sugar-coats the dose of Federal intrusion is the division of expense . . .
Whatever comes and goes, is not reality. See the event as event only. Then you are vulnerable to reality, no longer armoured against it, as you were when you gave reality to events and experiences.
Buddha was speaking about reality. Reality may be one, in its deepest essence, but Buddha also stated that all propositions about reality are only contingent. Reality is devoid of any intrinsic identity that can be captured by any one single proposition - that is what Buddha meant by "voidness." Therefore, Buddhism strongly discourages blind faith and fanaticism.
Psychoanalysis justifies its importance by asserting that it forces you to look to and accept reality. But what sort of reality? A reality conditioned by the materialistic and scientific ideology of psychoanalysis, that is, a historical product.
Reality is not so much what happens to us; rather, it is how we think about those events that create the reality we experience. In a very real sense, this means that we each create the reality in which we live.
I need a dose of the natural environment on a regular basis. It balances the bitumen and high rises of Collins Street. — © Simon McKeon
I need a dose of the natural environment on a regular basis. It balances the bitumen and high rises of Collins Street.
If you do a good job for others, you heal yourself at the same time, because a dose of joy is a spiritual cure.
It has been said that I have three heroes: Christ, Marx and Freud. This is reducing everything to formulae. In truth, my only hero is Reality. If I have chosen to be a filmmaker as well as a writer it is because, rather than expressing reality through those symbols that are words, I have preferred the cinema as a means of expression - to express reality through reality.
The Western approach to reality is mostly through theory, and theory begins by denying reality - to talk about reality, to go around reality, to catch anything that attracts our sense-intellect and abstract it away from reality itself. Thus philosophy begins by saying that the outside world is not a basic fact, that its existence can be doubted and that every proposition in which the reality of the outside world is affirmed is not an evident proposition but one that needs to be divided, dissected and analyzed. It is to stand consciously aside and try to square a circle.
And for mathematical science, he that doubts their certainty hath need of a dose of hellebore.
Having a joint family provides me with an extra dose of unconditional love and support.
The park achieved a kind of reality. Like these virtual reality games the children are playing with. I told them we were doing this 40 years ago! Disneyland is virtual reality.
Photography does deal with 'truth' or a kind of superficial reality better than any of the other arts, but it never questions the nature of reality - it simply reproduces reality. And what good is that when the things of real value in life are invisible?
Horror in your country is something you take a dose of to remind yourself that you are not suffering from it.
Fearful as reality is, it is less fearful than evasions of reality. Look steadfastly into the slit, pinpointed malignant eyes of reality as an old-hand trainer dominates his wild beasts.
I like photography because it is a reality medium, unlike drawing which is unreal. I like to mess with bend reality. Some of my works beg the question of is it real or not?
Refusing to forgive is like ingesting a lethal dose of poison and hoping it kills my enemy.
[Obama's reelection] would subject the country to what might be a fatal last dose of statism. — © Mitch Daniels
[Obama's reelection] would subject the country to what might be a fatal last dose of statism.
In fact, he's never taken an interest in a woman before. I was beginning to to suspect he might prefer one of his male sneaks, but now..." She paused dramatically. "Now, we have the lovely, intelligent Yelena to get Valek's cold heart pumping." "You really should get out of your sewing room more. You need fresh air and a dose of reality," I said knowing better than to believe a word Dilana said, but unable to control the silly little grin on my face. Her sweet, melodious laughter followed me into the hallway. "You know I'm right, " she called.
When lifes seems hopeless, rearrange things for a dose of dopeness.
I have lots of favorite shows, but not reality! I don't like reality TV so much. I'm saddened by people who don't show respect to each other and to themselves. It's horrible. Unfortunately, that's demonstrated a lot on reality television.
Dharma has several connotations in South Asian religions, but in Buddhism it has two basic, interrelated meanings: dharma as 'teaching' as found in the expression Buddha Dharma, and dharma as 'reality-as-is' (abhigama-dharma). The teaching is a verbal expression of reality-as-is that consists of two aspects-the subject that realizes and the object that is realized. Together they constitute 'reality-as-is;' if either aspect is lacking, it is not reality-as-is. This sense of dharma or reality-as-is is also called suchness (tathata) or thatness (tattva) in Buddhism.
If everybody would agree that their current reality is A reality, and that what we essentially share is our capacity for constructing a reality, then perhaps we could all agree on a meta-agreement for computing a reality that would mean survival and dignity for everyone on the planet, rather than each group being sold on a particular way of doing things.
There is nothing like a good dose of another woman to make a man appreciate his wife.
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