Top 1200 Down Syndrome Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Down Syndrome quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I have been recently diagnosed with Sjogren's Syndrome, an autoimmune disease which is an ongoing medical condition that affects my energy level and causes fatigue and joint pain.
I might have 'couch syndrome.' I'm always sleeping on the couch at home, even when I have a comfortable bed. I'm used to it.
As soon as things get serious in front of the goal, I don't have any twitches... It's probably because at that moment, my concentration on the game is stronger than the Tourette syndrome.
God descends to re-ascend. He comes down; down from the heights of absolute being into time and space, down into humanity ... down to the very roots and sea-bed of the nature He has created. But He goes down to come up again and bring the ruined world up with Him.
It's the familiar love-hate syndrome of seduction: "I don't really care what it is I say, I care only that you like it." — © Rene Descartes
It's the familiar love-hate syndrome of seduction: "I don't really care what it is I say, I care only that you like it."
I have a condition called Aspergers Syndrome, which is like a mild form of autism It means I don't interact properly in certain social situations.
I have been very blessed in that I have been completely fine. No headaches, no depression... absolutely no signs of post-concussion syndrome.
This syndrome, SARS, is now a worldwide health threat... The world needs to work together to find its cause, cure the sick and stop its spread.
Girls are generally recognized as superior mimics. Those with [Asperger's Syndrome] hold back and observe until they learn the 'rules', then imitate their way through social situations.
I guess I've always lived upside down when I want things I can't have. My wife actually thinks I have a syndrome called Reality Distortion Field. It's kind of like drugs, only you can't come back from it. Reality Distortion is almost a permanent condition. Things come in and they go out: Presto, chango! To a certain extent, I did that with myself. As a kid, I did want to be an old-timer, since they were the ones with the big stories and the cool clothes. I wanted to go there. Now, I guess I want to bring that with me and go back in time.
Information overload will lead to 'future shock syndrome' as an individual will suffer severe physical and mental disturbances.
Impostor syndrome, or feeling like a fraud at work, at home, or anywhere else in your life, will probably affect you at some point.
I guess I feel I'm masquerading as an adult when I don't have the kind of friendships and routines that I thought you were supposed to have as an adult. It's the 'Friends' lied to me! syndrome.
I have this absurd syndrome where I get these out-of-the-blue, pathetic panic attacks. It'll be in a very easy, simple scene when everything is going swimmingly, and then suddenly, bang, I'm shvitzing and can't remember my lines.
I made odd noises as a child. Just did weird things, like turn off light switches twice. I think my parents thought I had Tourette's syndrome. — © Johnny Depp
I made odd noises as a child. Just did weird things, like turn off light switches twice. I think my parents thought I had Tourette's syndrome.
God gave me Parkinson's syndrome to show me I'm not 'The Greatest' - he is.
Mom says it's because she has PMS. Do you even know what that means? "I'm not a little kid anymore. It means pissed-at- men syndrome
Russia has banned all adoptions to Americans. So, if you were hoping to get a little white kid with fetal alcohol syndrome, you're going to have to wait until Lindsay Lohan reproduces.
I have a weird thing - if I can't see where all the walls in my house are, I get a little bit freaked out. I think New York has Stockholm Syndrome'd my sense of space and what a house should be.
I commit to most things I do in life, so I don't really have any serious regrets. But I'll say this: There are plenty of people that I wish I could un-meet. It's kind of an L.A. syndrome.
I suffered from 'No one will ever fancy me!' syndrome, well into my teens. Even now I do not consider myself to be some kind of great, sexy beauty. Absolutely not.
I ask for your indulgence when I march out quotations. This is the double syndrome of men who write for a living and men who are over forty. The young smoke pot - we inhale from our 'Bartlett's.'
The reason why Three Mile Island makes such a big impact is because of a Jane Fonda movie called 'The China Syndrome.'
In many countries, wind turbines pose the single greatest threat to bats after habitat loss and white-nose syndrome.
When I was a teenager I would look in the mirror and wish I could wash away my syndrome. I hated it because it caused so much pain in my life.
I have that glass-half-empty syndrome, and it takes a great deal of effort to climb out of the hole of darkness that I choose to live in mentally.
I think we all love to watch something we know is going to go catastrophically wrong - the old banana skin syndrome, which is particular to the British sense of humour.
Better balance, less pain and less restless leg syndrome.
But Gulf War Syndrome is not one cause, not one illness. It is many causes, many illnesses.
The jury is supposed to be twelve peers, but technically that would mean every single person on the jury should have Asperger's syndrome, because then they'd really understand me.
The celebrity syndrome. When people forget who they are and start to believe what other people say about them.
I sort of have imposter syndrome, and I think when is this all going to end, when are they going to realise that I'm not a proper TV presenter.
I struggled with the pressure of having the successful record after the first record. Second album syndrome. I'm living proof; it's very real.
I think I'm so old I'm in. We call it the 'Tony Bennett Syndrome.' For some reason, young people think I'm cool.
See, even despite pious statements to the contrary, much of the industrialized world has not yet come to terms with the recognition of the fallacy of what I call the strong man syndrome.
Poor Harper Seven Beckham, having to live with that name all her life. It's the Boy Named Sue syndrome; at the very least it will toughen her up.
I had a pretty rough life. I got caught up in the star syndrome. It's not something I'm proud of, but it's something that I'm glad is over.
I have this helicopter crash, and I fall in love with this man who was in the crash with me. I must have been suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome.
Massage therapy has been shown to relieve depression, especially in people who have chronic fatigue syndrome; other studies also suggest benefit for other populations.
The extreme positions of the Crossfire Syndrome require extreme simplification - framing the debate in terms which ignore the real issues. — © Michael Crichton
The extreme positions of the Crossfire Syndrome require extreme simplification - framing the debate in terms which ignore the real issues.
Genes work with probabilities; they don't work with certainties. So most things that you're looking at with these genetic tests, it's not like you're condemned to automatically get the disease or the syndrome. There's a lot of factors in play there.
The problem with politicians getting to know the issues in indigenous townships is that we tend to suffer from what Aboriginal people call the 'seagull syndrome' - we fly in, scratch around and fly out.
Those with Anton's syndrome are not pretending they are not blind; they truly believe they are not blind. Their verbal reports, while inaccurate, are not lies. Instead, they are experiencing what they take to be vision, but it is all internally generated.
You have two years to make a record and do what you like to it; then, you have 10 minutes to do an interview that could mess it all up. It's the Crispian Mills Syndrome.
Entertainment isn't just based on the very structured syndrome of European popular music, and it's great that there are so many thousands of people who are of the same opinion.
Jerusalem Syndrome is actually a rare psychological condition that occurs to some visitors to the Middle East. They get to Israel and just snap.
I got back from Toronto, where they had a severe outbreak of SARS - you know, Severe Asian Racism Syndrome.
I've have a number of violent tics. With Tourette syndrome, there's not just compulsive actions, but compulsive thoughts as well. That used to scare my mother a lot.
I am a big self-doubter. I suffer from Impostor Syndrome. Whenever I start a new job, I think: 'I'm going to be found out.' I don't have a huge ego or enormous belief in my own talent.
I know of several children and adults (with Asperger’s Syndrome) who have reported a considerable reduction in visual sensitivity and sensory overload when wearing Irlen lenses.
He decided there was no point in telling her he'd looked in the fridge and seen none of these things. There'd just be some variation of his mother's standard crack about Male Refrigeration Blindness Syndrome.
'Doc, I can't stop singing the green green grass of home. 'That sounds like Tom Jones syndrome'. 'Is it common?' 'It's not unusual.' — © Tommy Cooper
'Doc, I can't stop singing the green green grass of home. 'That sounds like Tom Jones syndrome'. 'Is it common?' 'It's not unusual.'
I never did calligraphy... But handwriting is an entirely different kind of thing. It's part of the syndrome of modernism... It's part of that asceticism.
I'm sure nobody wants to just work and earn money and all that stuff. I know it's difficult for people to break out of the syndrome, doing a normal job.
I've got Asperger's syndrome and I'm not a very good people person, so I've always been more comfortable around machinery. Not in a weird way - I don't want to marry my car or anything stupid like that!
I suffer from imposter syndrome all the time. Even if I'm just at a party, I'm thinking people are going to find out that I'm really boring.
I think I ran so hard and so fast, in a lot of ways, from my life and I kind of took a fall. It was like - what do they call it? - post-traumatic stress syndrome.
I have a very vibrant imposter syndrome that goes on throughout most of my life, but nothing more than when someone has to put a hat on me or some kind of sash and go, 'We're giving you this certificate.'
People know you as an actor, and labels are so comfortable for people. That syndrome is always hard to get past.
Children in urban communities suffer from post-traumatic stress syndrome in higher proportions than veterans, and they need therapeutic outlets, which arts and drama has proven to provide.
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