Top 1200 Drink Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Drink quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Excuse me please, one more drink Could you make it strong cause I don't need to think She broke my heart, my grace is gone One more drink and I'll move on.
I've made it a rule never to drink by daylight and never to refuse a drink after dark.
Some people drink to unleash their libidos, and other people drink to prop up their egos. — © Lou Reed
Some people drink to unleash their libidos, and other people drink to prop up their egos.
He took a long drink, then grimaced. “I do not have a drinking problem,” he announced, his voice needlessly loud. “I have a Churchillian relationship with alcohol: I can crack jokes and govern England and do anything I want to do. Except not drink.
We should look for someone to eat and drink with before looking for something to eat and drink.
Drink is in itself a good creature of God, and to be received with thankfulness, but the abuse of drink is from Satan, the wine is from God, but the Drunkard is from the Devil.
I am single, I don't drink. It's kind of hard to get a woman buzzed when you don't drink. You'll be like, "Yeah, I'll have a glass of water, you want a shot of Jäger? You want eight of 'em?"
It's cool to be healthy now! It's cool to, like, drink fresh juices and drink Kombucha and all that stuff.
I don't have any particular thing I do ritualistically. I do the same thing every day. I get up. Drink a lot of water. Have a wheatgrass shot. Drink some green juice. Eat as healthy as I can.
I don't do lip balm. I believe hydration really comes from the inside out, so I try to drink a lot of water. I have children who are always asking for Vaseline on their lips, but I'm saying we need to drink more water.
I hate alcoholics and AA (alcoholics anonymous). If you can't drink responsibly, don't drink at all. Don't go to meetings, whine about your character flaws and blame the fact that you are a sociopath on booze.
If you have a milkshake and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw and my straw reaches across the room and starts to drink your milkshake... I drink your milkshake! I drink it up!
The British soldiers are fellows who have all enlisted for drink. That is the plain fact - they have all enlisted for drink.
I wanted a drink. There were a hundred reasons why a man will want a drink, but I wanted one now for the most elementary reason of all. I didn't want to feel what I was feeling, and a voice within was telling me that I needed a drink, that I couldn't bear it without it. But that voice is a liar. You can always bear the pain. It'll hurt, it'll burn like acid in an open wound, but you can stand it. And, as long as you can make yourself go on choosing the pain over the relief, you can keep going.
Sometimes if I'm stuck on something, I'll have a drink, and it'll get me inspired and ready to keep going. But the trick to that, again, is that you have to drink responsibly! I've learned how to use it sometimes to help my creative process.
I say to consumers: instead of relying totally on critics, drink what you like and like what you drink. — © Robert Mondavi
I say to consumers: instead of relying totally on critics, drink what you like and like what you drink.
Lets drink to the hard working people Lets drink to the salt of the earth
Black coffee must be strong and very hot; if strong coffee does not agree with you, do not drink black coffee. And if you do not drink black coffee, do not drink any coffee at all.
I only drink wine, beer, and champagne. I've never had hard liquor, I've never had a whiskey drink in my life. I just don't like it.
We drink and we die and continue to drink.
Vodka is a very deceptive drink, because you drink it and you think, "What is this? This is pointless! It's - you can't taste it, you can't smell it... Why did we waste our money on this, bloody - why are we on a traffic island?"
I'm not very good with drink recipes. If I'm entertaining, I like to come up with a house drink for the evening, one thing I'll make for the whole evening of the whole month.
I need an hour alone before dinner, with a drink, to go over what I've done that day. I can't do it late in the afternoon because I'm too close to it. Also, the drink helps. It removes me from the pages.
If God has made your cup sweet, drink it with grace; if He has made it bitter, drink it in communion with Him.
It is the obligation of Westboro Baptist Church to put the cup of God's fury to America's lips, and cause America to drink it. And you will drink it!
So for me, my vice and big challenge is coffee intake. I drink black, organic coffee, but I drink way too much.
Drunkenness is an immoderate affection and use of drink. That I call immoderation that is besides or beyond that order of good things for which God hath given us the use of drink.
Everybody likes to drink a Coke once in a while; it's when we run out of everything else to drink and we're only left with Coke that we need to start worrying.
Excess in moderation: don't drink a few beers every day after work, wait 'till the end of the month and drink all the beers at once.
His element is so fine Being sharpened by his death, To drink from the wine-breath While our gross palates drink from the whole wine.
I drink alone. Yeah, with nobody else. You know when I drink alone, I prefer to be by myself.
I like sweet wines. My idea has always been that when you're young, you like sweet wines; and then you get sophisticated, and you drink dry white; and then you get knowledgeable, and you drink heavy reds; and then you get old, and you drink sweet again.
Before you eat food or drink water, look at what you're about to eat or drink and feel love and gratitude. Make sure your conversations are positive when you are sitting down to a meal.
I haven't had an alcoholic drink in 22 years, but when I did drink I'd go for either Canadian whisky or Budweiser. Sometimes both. For a long time I used to think "Hey you, get off the floor!" was my name.
Accept what life offers you and try to drink from every cup. All wines should be tasted; some should only be sipped, but with others, drink the whole bottle.
Did the Warwickshire militia, who were chiefly artisans, teach the Irish to drink beer, or did they learn from the Irish how to drink whiskey?
When people ask me why are you singing a drinking song if you don't drink anymore, because when I did drink I drank enough to sing drinking songs for the rest of my life!
That's the old AA maxim, "Always have a drink in your hand and you'll never want a drink." That's one of the most classic deceptions in the literature: "I'll take a drink tomorrow." I actually don't think that's necessarily a very helpful maxim in AA, but it's a very good maxim in showing how strategic self-deception can be employed, even self-consciously. That's the amazing thing, to me, about self-deception.
It is sweet and right to die for the homeland, but it is sweeter to live for the homeland, and the sweetest to drink for it. Therefore, let us drink to the health of the homeland.
I drink Champagne when I win, to celebrate...and I drink Champagne when I lose, to console myself. — © Napoleon Bonaparte
I drink Champagne when I win, to celebrate...and I drink Champagne when I lose, to console myself.
Accordingly if the devil should say, 'Do not drink,' you should reply to him, 'On this very account, because you forbid it, I shall drink, and what is more, I shall drink a generous amount. Thus one must always do the opposite of that which Satan prohibits. What do you think is my reason for drinking wine undiluted, talking freely, and eating more often, if it is not to torment and vex the devil who made up his mind to torment and vex me.
Smoking marijuana, as long as you leave the nicotine out of it, is certainly no more damaging than having a drink, and I suspect better for you than having a drink.
I really find that when I get on an airplane, I never drink anything but water, and I drink a ton of it. I like to sit in the window, but I'm always climbing over people to go to the bathroom. I'm that seatmate. But ya gotta do it. All about the water.
I like to do weird things in the shower, like drink my coffee, brush my teeth and drink a smoothie. It's good time management.
Epicurus says that you should rather have regard to the company with whom you eat and drink, than to what you eat and drink.
Writing is magic, as much the water of life as any other creative art. The water is free. So drink. Drink and be filled up.
I love a massage and a bath. I don't drink - I'll have a sip, but I've never been drunk - and I don't smoke. I envy people who have those releases. They just have a drink or a cigarette, and they feel better. I have to brave it through the whole day on my own.
Let's drink to the spirit of gallantry and courage that made a strange Heaven out of unbelievable Hell, and let's drink to the hope that one day this country of ours, which we love so much, will find dignity and greatness and peace again.
I don't even drink! I can't stand the taste of alcohol. Every New Year's Eve I try one drink and every time it makes me feel sick. So I don't touch booze - I'm always the designated driver.
I lie when I drink and I drink a lot.
Independence is a heady draught, and if you drink it in your youth, it can have the same effect on the brain as young wine does. It does not matter that its taste is not always appealing. It is addictive and with each drink you want more.
I never drink coffee, can you believe that? Works in morning television, doesn't drink coffee. — © Willie Geist
I never drink coffee, can you believe that? Works in morning television, doesn't drink coffee.
I banned bottled water from my house - we have a water-filter system so you can drink from the tap. We always drink out of glass, and recycling is a huge deal, which everybody can partake in.
I always ask at once, 'Do you drink?' and if she says 'No,' I bow politely and say I am sorry but I fear she will not suit. All good cooks drink.
Men are forever eager to press drink upon those they consider their superiors, hoping thereby to eliminate that distinction between them.... And women, when confronted by superiors, substitute for drink the crippling liquor of their sex.
I've never taken drugs. My drug, I suppose, is drink. I never drink before I sing, but I do make up for it when I come off!
I don't drink beer, and I don't drink at home.
I drink tons of water. Just as much water as I can possibly drink.
The only thing that makes me uncomfortable is when people that do drink, don't drink around me.
Here is a tip for all you young people drinking wine. With pasta, drink white wine. With steak, drink red wine. And if you're vegan, you're annoying.
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