Top 1200 Driver Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Driver quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
When I was really little, I wanted to be a taxi driver or a bus driver; I loved the fact that I could play my own music when I wanted. But I can't imagine actually doing that now; I think I'd get bored.
To be a driver that can cross off one of those marquee events as a winner, that cements your legacy in motorsports, to be able to win the Daytona 500 is the ultimate dream of a race car driver.
I am a trained, professional stunt driver. I'm a great driver. — © Andrea Parker
I am a trained, professional stunt driver. I'm a great driver.
I believe that requiring those already in Texas to obtain driver’s licenses would ensure they pass a driver’s test and meet the requirements to obtain auto insurance.
If the bus driver is black, I thank him... when I get off at my spot, whereas I would never think of doing this if the driver were white.
I've already done enough to have earned 'good driver,' so if I can be known as a great person and a good driver, that's better than only being a great driver.
My driver shops for me; he selects my clothes. That is why my driver and I wear the same clothes.
I've never seen myself as a 'girl driver.' I'm just a driver.
I'm an awful driver. I'm not going to lie about it. I'm not a good driver. I tried for a long time to pretend that I was. There's a lot of road rage and a lot of times it's directed at something I've done on the road.
I'd say it [success in NASCAR] is probably 50% car, 30% driver and 20% luck. When it comes to the driving, if the driver doesn't do his part, then it's just kind of like multiplying a negative times a positive: The end result is going to be a negative.
I've been taught from a young age to want to be the best driver... It was about being the best driver and not the best girl.
My dad was a taxi driver - he's a long distance lorry driver now - and he has an amazing work ethic.
I feel comfortable around every driver out there and each driver is in charge of their own car, but you feel very secure racing the competition out there. — © Kurt Busch
I feel comfortable around every driver out there and each driver is in charge of their own car, but you feel very secure racing the competition out there.
Look at Gleason in The Honeymooners. He was humorous but the way he lived wasn't really humorous. He was a bus driver. Who wants to be a bus driver? He didn't have any money and he was not famous. But despite that, the show is humorous.
I'm an awful driver. I'm not going to lie about it. I'm not a good driver. I tried for a long time to pretend that I was. There's a lot of road rage and a lot of times it's directed at something I've done on the road
I would gladly give up my driver if it's not conforming. But there's still 130 other players in the field that potentially have a nonconforming driver, as well.
I always said that you can use the same vehicle although the driver will change, or the same vehicle to go for the race. It's a different driver, this is exactly what's happening to the cabinet.
Perhaps the difference between a professor and a bus driver is that the professor can say stupid things with complete authority while the bus driver is not authorized to make brilliant insights.
I ask myself, 'Why can't a truck driver have the right to carry a gun?' Just think about it; put yourself in the shoes of a truck driver. He nods off at the petrol station... and when he wakes up the next day, his spare tyre has gone.
You never learn anything in school. Think about how many car accidents happen every day. Driver’s ed? What’s up? I still haven’t been to driver’s ed because if everybody I know has been in an accident, I can’t see how driver’s ed is really helping them out.
I'm very proud of being Italian-American, but people don't realize that the mafia is just this aberration. The real community is built on the working man, the guy who's the cop, the fireman, the truck driver, the bus driver.
NASCAR does a good job of trying to keep things equal with new rules. We're not allowed to have computers in our cars to tell the crew what's going on. So the only thing you have is the driver, and the driver-crew chief relationship. That's the most important thing.
I believe that Renault can provide me with a competitive car in the future, and that's what a driver needs and what a driver is looking for.
I don't need a driver's license, my Uber driver needs a driver's license.
The living nightmare for a red state NASCAR driver would be a gay French driver.
I don't want to just be a good driver: I want to be a complete driver and hopefully the best driver in the world.
To drive a semi-truck, a driver needs a commercial driver's license. While formal training isn't required, most drivers enroll in a program to help prepare them for the written and practical exams in their states.
Instead of letting the driver-base grow organically , we are setting up driver-training schools across different districts in the country.
Pressure is always a part of a racing driver's life, but my father helped me a lot on my way to becoming a F1 driver.
I kind of look up to Lewis, not as a hero, but as a very good driver who is very fast. Everyone has to admire his pace, especially in qualifying. He is a driver I support, in terms of him being British, and I want him to win, but he isn't an idol to me.
I sometimes think it ironic for an ex-seaman, longshoreman, truck driver, policeman, bus driver, etc... to find success writing children's novels.
Winning the championship is more than 50% driver. It's probably 60% driver, 40% car. I don't really know where luck fits in there - over the course of a season, everybody catches their breaks.
A race driver needs to be quick, to be intelligent, to have good relationships and be in the right place at the right time. There are a lot of factors that would create a successful race driver.
Impact investment is an important business driver, and more importantly, it is a business driver because clients want it.
If you got into a taxi and the driver started driving backward, would the taxi driver end up owing you money?
Fortunately, there's another handy driver that has manifested itself throughout the history of cultures. The urge to want to gain wealth. That is almost as potent a driver as the urge to maintain your security. And that is how I view NASA going forward - as an investment in our economy.
Each driver has some particular style, and you compete against each driver in each race a little bit differently.
A drunk driver is very dangerous. So is a drunk backseat driver if he's persuasive. — © Demetri Martin
A drunk driver is very dangerous. So is a drunk backseat driver if he's persuasive.
I'm actually not a very good driver, to be honest with you. I'm a scatterbrain driver. I'm not very focused. I'm always trying to find the right music station or put on a new CD or trying to eat something.
Was I always going to be here? No I was not. I was going to be homeless at one time, a taxi driver, truck driver, or any kind of job that would get me a crust of bread. You never know what's going to happen.
You can imagine the long process and what you need to do as a driver to extract the maximum out of the car, what you need to do as a driver talking to the team about what you need, but what also the team can do for you to make that happen.
Every time the races would come to Richmond, my mom would have a sheet of where each driver was doing appearances. And we'd go on a Thursday night road trip to each stop to get each driver's autograph.
I think that's a very good point they're bringing into Formula One at the moment, to get rid of all the electronics. And I think that's what a Formula One driver needs. That's why they are a Formula One driver. They need to drive themselves.
An engineer can look at the data, but he needs a translator from the cockpit - the driver - to understand it completely. For example, only the driver can tell you why he abruptly takes his foot off the gas pedal at a certain point. The data doesn't necessarily tell the engineer whether the driver made a mistake at that point or the car was acting up. The information the driver provides often helps determine the direction of development.
You cannot expect the guy who drove the car into the ditch to navigate it out of the ditch. You have to put a new driver in the seat. I'm not saying the new driver is going to be any better, but we need a new driver. Kerry is the only choice.
I saw someone label me as a dubstep producer but I'm definitely not a dubstep producer. There's nothing wrong with that, though, because that's major. But it's like a school bus driver being labeled as a NASCAR driver. I would love to be a NASCAR driver, but I drive buses for a living.
A racing driver has to be a good driver.
I had a great opportunity to be an F1 driver but, on the other hand, I have a great opportunity to become a rally driver with a very good programme. — © Robert Kubica
I had a great opportunity to be an F1 driver but, on the other hand, I have a great opportunity to become a rally driver with a very good programme.
I don't want to go back into space for military reasons, but the economic driver still remains. And so it's a matter of people understanding how that economic driver is revealed with healthy investments on the space frontier.
You think I'm a pretty good race car driver? Wait until you see my brother. He's the best driver in the family.
When you are a race driver you see things in the race driver mode.
Well, they had a lot of the things they found in his possession. They had the map, you know, that marked the route of the parade. They had statements from the bus driver and the taxicab driver that hauled him somewhere.
My new life goes beyond my dreams because my dream was Formula One and I achieved it. I'm a driver, I feel like a driver. I have won this race because I am alive.
I don't think there's any real motivation for somebody to be a truck driver. Mine was simple; dad was a truck driver, I wanted to own one.
We need to recognize that although terrorism is real, there are many other dangers out there. And terrorism should not be the only driver or necessarily the leading driver of our foreign policy and especially of our domestic politics.
I love running good because it meets expectations, whether it's the fans' or my own. And I know that they come to be entertained: they pull for a particular driver to be entertained by that driver's success and that driver's personality, and they relate to that individual.
That evening I rode downtown on an unaccountably empty bus, sitting in the last row. At the front I saw a thin cloud of smoke rising around the driver’s head. ‘Hey, bus driver,’ I said. ‘Can I smoke?’ ‘May I,’ said the bus driver. ‘I love you,’ I said.
You said a bad driver was only safe until she met another bad driver? Well, I met another bad driver, didn't I? I mean it was careless of me to makes such a wrong guess. I thought you were rather an honest, straightforward person I thought it was your secret pride." "I'm thirty," I said. "I'm five years too old to lie to myself and call it honor." She didn't answer. Angry, and half in love with her, and tremendously sorry, I turned away.
When I first got my driver's license, I was hit by a drunk driver. He was coming off of a freeway, and I was hurt pretty badly from somebody driving really fast.
My driver Kellie Frost and I would race these fellows home and they were always faster on the highway. We did the same with Daniel and his driver, and thus began a long series of jokes and competitions to alleviate the impossible hours and tensions this film provoked.
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