Top 1200 Driving Fast Quotes & Sayings - Page 10

Explore popular Driving Fast quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
Activism has always been the driving force for change.
I'm not jumping on the Andy Johnson for England bandwagon - I'm driving it!
His driving is unbelievable. I don't go that far on my holidays. — © Ian Baker-Finch
His driving is unbelievable. I don't go that far on my holidays.
Composing is like driving down a foggy road.
I don't want to be a top Bollywood actress. That's not what is driving me.
All you need is self-driving cars to destabilize society.
Every driver wants to compete in races - that is what we are all driving for.
For a boy or girl, driving cars that they love is fun.
I have a night job driving tractors on biomass farms.
Sometimes when I'm in the car driving, I scream at the top of my lungs.
There are few films where you have women really driving the plot.
I'm an athlete and a professional, I like challenges and this is my driving force.
Make the driving force in your life love. — © Mehmet Oz
Make the driving force in your life love.
I was never more alive than when the Dark Passenger was driving.
I worry a lot about what people think. I worry people think I'm not helping them enough, that they don't like my music, that I'm playing a song too fast or talking too fast. I worry my wife isn't happy with our relationship... I'm afraid somebody's going to take my career away from me. That it's going to go away, or I'm going to get fired.
Driving is the only thing I love about F1.
Hunger is the argument that is driving India to the spinning wheel.
Acting is like driving; you can never forget it, and it's in my blood.
I've never danced while driving, nor put on makeup.
My principle and my faith is what is driving me from the get-go.
Driving alone, you can make 800 miles a day.
I believe in conscientious capitalism; that's a kind of driving force with me.
I've been driving since I was 19 years old.
The excess skin, especially in my neck, was driving me crazy.
I don't have a driving desire to be all encompassing and world powerful or anything.
I actually saw a kid and went home and drew him. I don't even know who he was. I was buying a TV set in Circuit City. I was looking at this kid and he was kind of standing there, staring off into space. Kids are pretty chubby nowadays because of all the fast-food places. I grew up eating fast food but now everything is double beef and double cheese. So there are a lot of these chubby boys with long, baggy shorts.
I claim Dickens as a mentor. He's my teacher. He's one of my driving forces.
The reality is I'm not this person with this driving 'get it done' attitude.
I have a photograph of my grandfather driving a donkey cart barefoot.
If I'm not driving a Ferrari or a Lambo, I'm not gonna talk about it in my raps.
You won't catch me driving a race car that I have built.
For each character, I try to understand what is driving them.
NASCAR is a bunch of farmers driving around in circles.
People don't blame the act of driving for auto accidents.
I'm Michael Schumacher. I don't need to test my driving ability.
I definitely think there could be stricter teen driving laws.
I've always been a sucker for a truck driving song.
It's all about greed and money and it's the driving force in Hollywood. — © Robert Redford
It's all about greed and money and it's the driving force in Hollywood.
In Africa we having a saying, 'If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.' ...Before I go back home, I want you to consider us, Katie. Ponder what it would be like if we went together. Not alone and fast but together and far.
Stress should be a powerful driving force, not an obstacle.
Driving a motorcycle is like flying. All your senses are alive.
I always say this: I don't listen to stuff I've worked on when I'm driving in the car.
Baseball is like driving, it's the one who gets home safely that counts.
Living with a conscience is like driving a car with the brakes on.
If your content isn't driving conversation, you're doing it wrong.
I know there are a lot of women who are afraid of driving on highways.
Money is important, but it's not the only driving factor for me.
People do really stupid things while driving. — © Astro Teller
People do really stupid things while driving.
I was skiing fast in training, but that really doesn't count for anything until you actually do it in a race. So to finally get to prove how fast you are skiing is an added bonus that goes along with winning the first race of the year. Any race win is a good win. I don't really care where it is. I've been on the podium a bunch of times here, but it's always good for your confidence to start off the year with a victory.
I love driving the sled more than anything.
This as hard an R as we wrote in the beginning. It was fast. It was fast mainly because of De Luca. We came in with De Luca. Nic I think had a deal with Millennium and so we ended up with Millennium quickly and they said, 'Go make the movie that you want to make. Basically, here are the ground rules; stay within the budget, stay within the time and go make your movie.'
For most of my life I let women do the driving and was happy to let them.
Of course texting while driving is a terrible idea.
Trump has a way of driving a message so people hear it.
I think that's why I coach.. I used to get up early every morning with a clear goal in mind of how fast I was going to be. When I stopped rowing, there was a void in my daily routine. Now I go to bed at night and get up morning with a clear goal in mind of how fast you are going to be.
Lord Darlington (LD): I think life too complex a thing to be settled by these hard and fast rules. Lady Windemere (LW): If we had 'hard-and-fast rules' we would find life much simpler. LD: You allow of no exceptions? LW: None! LD: Ah, what a fascinating Puritan you are, LW. LW: The adjective was unnecessary, LD.
Automation is driving the decline of banal and repetitive tasks.
If you're smart and you care about life, you'll take driving seriously.
If I had to choose my driving force, it would be passion.
Let's face it: I'm scared, scared and frozen. First, I guess, I'm afraid for myself ... the old primitive urge for survival. It's getting so I live every moment with terrible intensity. Last night, driving back from Boston, I lay back in the car and let the colored lights come at me, the music from the radio, the reflection of the guy driving. It all flowed over me with a screaming ache of pain ... remember, remember, this is now, and now, and now. Live it, feel it, cling to it. I want to become acutely aware of all I've taken for granted. When you feel that this may be the good-bye, the last time, it hits you harder.
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