Top 1200 Driving Fast Quotes & Sayings - Page 18

Explore popular Driving Fast quotes.
Last updated on September 29, 2024.
Being an F1 driver is a crazy job but not what everyone expects. My year consists of 20% driving and 80% media, marketing, and travel.
Do it fast, you pansycake.
The idea of a young thin woman who weighs 100 pounds driving herself around in a 4,000 pound SUV is laughable. — © Peter Diamandis
The idea of a young thin woman who weighs 100 pounds driving herself around in a 4,000 pound SUV is laughable.
Happiness lies in conquering one's enemies, in driving them in front of oneself, in taking their property, in savoring their despair, in outraging their wives and daughters.
I'm fast for a heavyweight.
"Isn't it fun getting older?" is really a terrible fallacy. That's like saying I prefer driving an old car with a flat tire.
You know, somebody actually complimented me on my driving today. They left a little note on the windscreen, it said 'Parking Fine.' So that was nice.
I was driving pretty much the way everyone drives in LA, like elephants dancing on each others’ backs at a circus.
It would be fun to be eighty-five and have a Broadway debut. That's the goal I'm shooting for. When they revive 'Driving Miss Daisy' for the seven-hundredth time.
For me, audio books was about when you can't actually physically get hold of a book, like when you're driving. It's a fantastic companion on a long journey.
It's probably similar to being in New York City and having a cab driver behind you and you're driving too slow. It's not the most pleasant thing.
Used to be marketing was viewed as the people with crayons and scissors who did creative work. Now it's seen as central to driving growth.
I like driving at least a part-time electric car because there's nothing coming out of the tailpipe. That's very important to me. — © John Densmore
I like driving at least a part-time electric car because there's nothing coming out of the tailpipe. That's very important to me.
Brexit is really a good forerunner of what's going to happen here in November, I think. The same angst that drove that vote is driving the American election.
Having success at an early age gave me more of a sense of what's important in life rather than always driving to make it.
I'm very fast.
I was the sixteen-year-old driving everyone to bingo and shopping. It was quite a responsibility. It made me the man in charge of a lot of things.
There is a powerful driving force inside every human being that once unleashed can make any vision, dream, or desire a reality.
Not everyone in Santa Monica is a well-heeled, juice-cleansing, Prius-driving yogini, but for better or worse, that is the city's dominant chord.
Authoritarians tend to consolidate support by using fear, but more importantly by driving a wedge among the people that they want to control.
My mom was always driving me back and forth to guitar lessons, growing up. She was super supportive and probably my biggest cheerleader.
I don't really think about having a retrospective on my high-school years. It's not something that, from a positive or a negative standpoint, is a driving force in my life.
The Affordable Care Act has been designed to provide health security by driving competition, lowering premiums, and protecting families.
I feel safe when I'm on the racetrack, I really do. I know that I'm surrounded by the best drivers in the world. That's something you can't say when you're driving down the interstate.
I was driving my car, I crashed and broke my spine. So yes there are things worse in life than never being someone's sweetie.
The forces that are driving mankind toward unity and peace are deep-seated and powerful. They are material and natural, as well as moral and intellectual.
Indeed, by refusing to tackle Assad's brutality, we may actively alienate more of the Sunni population, driving them towards ISIS.
I'm not that strong. I'm not fast.
I'm a fast writer.
It's as simple as finding something on the street and then writing a jingle. If I'm driving and I have my turn signal on and it's rhythmic, maybe I just write a song to that.
I'm fast for a cruiserweight.
I'm a fast learner.
There's obviously a big difference between driving on the freeway in the desert, where there are no children playing or running over the road, than deploying it in a neighborhood.
I can't wait to be able to drive, but it's hard. Good driving doesn't really run in my family genes. My mother is possibly the worst driver ever.
Don't be so fast, you're all you've got.
For every cyclist who jumps a red light, a thousand drivers break speed limits or gape dangerously at their smartphones while driving.
Eating a tuna roll at a sushi restaurant should be considered no more environmentally benign than driving a Hummer or harpooning a manatee.
I think perfect dates involve walking a lot, and not a bunch of driving around in cars. Ideally, you can walk together and go to a restaurant. — © James Mercer
I think perfect dates involve walking a lot, and not a bunch of driving around in cars. Ideally, you can walk together and go to a restaurant.
A lot of times, I get what I want to write while I'm driving. I love listening to music in the car, perhaps because of my dad - that's all he does.
I don't want to be the dude that you just think about with a crazy suit, talking crap, fighting in these super fights and driving a Rolls-Royce.
The driving thing was for me to get out of the poverty that we lived in... My mother always used to say that we were as good as anyone else.
You can be living in a big house, driving a nice car, going on exotic vacations and still be empty inside, crippled with fear and dread.
I was painting sets, working in editorial as an assistant, driving their trucks... lying that I knew how to drive a truck... and doing commercials and documentaries.
For whatever reason, people know that car crashes can happen but they don't live with that fear every day when they're driving, or they're able to overcome it.
Cultural Marxism that has permeated all of Europe and has been the driving force that has brought France - the nation of Liberty, Fraternity and Equality - to the brink.
The reason music became so powerful to our generation is that it's art you can consume in your car, and we were driving around a lot.
Although I love snow, it messes things up terribly around Seattle, with all of our hills. I worry about my loved ones driving.
I am Constantly afraid, but it's a big driving force in my life. I'm more likely to try and tackle a fear than let it control me. — © Toks Olagundoye
I am Constantly afraid, but it's a big driving force in my life. I'm more likely to try and tackle a fear than let it control me.
To get the feel of the polar night, I went back to Spitsbergen in winter. I went snowshoeing in the dark and experimented with headlamps and climbed a glacier in driving snow.
Ever since I was younger, I was fascinated by cars and driving. The first time I actually drove a car, I was twelve years old.
I don't care whether you're driving a hybrid or an SUV. If you're headed for a cliff, you have to change direction. That's what the American people called for in November, and that's what we intend to deliver.
Really appreciate the sunset as you're driving home, cursing all the terrible drivers on the road. Be where you are when you're there rather than out there in the future or back there in the past.
Whatever you do in your daily life - driving from here to there, trying to reach someone on the phone, doing this or that - you always are going toward somewhere. That's inevitable.
I wrote the tunes. I was the driving force. The rest were quite happy just to go along with things. But it was more of a democracy then.
Driving the No. 26 Sandy Hook School Support Fund Toyota is like nothing I have ever been part of in my NASCAR career.
We assume that we have free will and that we make decisions, but we don't. Neurons do. We decide that this sum total driving us is a decision we have made for ourselves. But it is not.
If people are driving you around to look at animals, that's wonderful. That's educational, but it's not necessarily enlightening and you're not finding out much about yourself.
Pluralism has been the driving fact behind political theory now since the Copernican revolution and the wars of religion that were spawned from it.
I'm a fast driver.
I have a responsibility, and it's something that I did wrong, and if I could personally apologize to every single person that has lost a loved one from drunk driving I would.
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