Top 1200 Drug Cartels Quotes & Sayings - Page 14

Explore popular Drug Cartels quotes.
Last updated on October 10, 2024.
Most violence is intra-racial, and much of the violence in African-American communities is a function of drug availability, joblessness and poverty.
We've got a national campaign by drug legalizers, in my view, to try and use medicinal uses of drugs and legalization of hemp as a stalking horse to get in under the radar screen.
If you sit in a position where decisions that you take would have a serious effect on people, you can't ignore a lot of experience around the world which says this drug has these negative effects.
Symptoms like anxiety, depression, aggression, alcohol or drug use, are responses to physical and emotional pain that has its roots in traumatic experiences from childhood and later in life.
Beginning in June, Alabama seniors previously without prescription drug coverage should begin to see savings of between 10 and 25 percent on their medications. — © Mike Rogers
Beginning in June, Alabama seniors previously without prescription drug coverage should begin to see savings of between 10 and 25 percent on their medications.
Drug smugglers often use juveniles to carry their shipments into the U.S. because they know the juveniles will not be prosecuted if caught.
You know what they say - sleep is the mother's drug of choice, but like heroin, only the very rich and the very poor can afford it.
By waging the drug war and "getting tough" almost exclusively in the 'hood, we've managed to create a vast new racial undercaste in an astonishingly short period of time.
I took more hell for being fat than I did for being an absolute raging drug addict. I will never understand that.
The trick is to use the drugs once to get there, and maybe spend the next ten years trying to get back there without the drug.
All school districts receive funds from the federal government, through the Department of Education, to support anti-drug education efforts.
Drug addiction is an evil, and with evil there can be no yielding or compromise.
Every hour spent investigating a drug user or seller is an hour that could have been used to find a missing child.
I hear these people saying [Barack Obama]'s like George Bush. Those people ought to be drug tested. I mean, it's crazy.
If people take any notice of what we say, we say we've been through the drug scene, man, and there's nothing like being straight. — © John Lennon
If people take any notice of what we say, we say we've been through the drug scene, man, and there's nothing like being straight.
Of course, the drug does not produce the transcendent experience. It merely acts as a chemical key — it opens the mind, frees the nervous system of its ordinary patterns and structures.
Insurance companies, drug companies are going to have to be ponying up, partly because right now they're receiving huge subsidies.
She threw into the wine which they were drinking a drug which takes away grief and passion and brings forgetfulness of all ills
What has drug addiction done for me? It's cost me my career, my fortune and basically my sex life when I found out I was HIV positive.
I was trying to decide if you still had free will as a wolf. If I was a terrible person for planning to drug my girlfriend and drag her back to my house to keep in the basement.
If my drug Ragaglitazar had been successful, we would have been getting royalties of thousands of crore rupees every year.
The only things that were available to me were either be a laborer or be a drug dealer. So I became an armed robber. It was a lot simpler.
I use the studio as my drug. That's where I relieve everything at - the studio.
FOOD is the most widely abused anti-anxiety drug in America, and EXERCISE is the most potent yet underutilized antidepressant.
In modern pharmacology it's so clear that even if you have a fixed dose of a drug, the individuals respond very differently to one and the same dose.
Trump promised to bring back jobs. He promised to lower drug prices for so many Kentuckians. And that is very important.
Well, we can't leave anyone behind just because they are sex workers or they are needle users, intravenous drug users, prostitutes.
It seems madness to say, 'We're worried that they're going to become addicted to marijuana' -- there's no evidence whatever that it's an addictive drug, but even if it were, these people are dying, what are we saving them from?
Roland could not understand why anyone would want cocaine or any other illegal drug, for that matter, in a world where such a powerful one as sugar was so plentiful and cheap.
Personally I have never found the practice of recreational drug use appealing. In fact, I have always found the lifestyle and the people who surround it to be abhorrent.
I support the death penalty for the kingpin, the guy at the top, but I don't think you should throw a drug offender in jail for five years, and let a mugger out after a year.
The fans appreciate the success the young guys are having now because they know the game is clean, that they've finally got rid of all the performance-enhancing drug issues.
It's in my own interest - it's in everybody's interest - to have streets that are safe, children that are educated, and drug use that's diminished, crimes that are not affecting us.
Our ad campaign with Pfizer is educational. Lipitor is the most widely prescribed drug in the country. For every prescription, there is a doctor writing it. It's a huge vote of confidence.
I'm a believer in biochemistry. But I tell people to try only one thing at a time to see if it works. And if you do give a powerful drug to a kid, it better have a big wow factor.
If you have a drug that is $100 for one course of therapy, and you know that you can charge $100,000, what should shareholders think when you say, 'I'd rather not take the heat'?
Artists have kids, mortgages, or drug habits, and they got to do what they got to do. But reforming and the reunion stuff isn't me. I'm a 'moving forward' person.
Drugs are merely the most obvious form of addiction in our society. Drug addiction is one of the things that undermines traditional values.
I felt that to do this drug, I had to become someone totally different than I was. I had to compromise my integrity, my value system. I knew it was so wrong.
I love being from a screwed up family. We have everything in my family: prescription drug abuse, mental illness, one of my uncles is a Mormon. — © Christopher Titus
I love being from a screwed up family. We have everything in my family: prescription drug abuse, mental illness, one of my uncles is a Mormon.
The more we look at drug resistance, the more concerned we are. It basically shows us that the end of the road isn't very far away for antibiotics.
'Drugs' and psychedelics are not two members of a family, they are antithetically opposed to each other. The pro-psychedelic position is an anti-drug position.
No, I'm not a drug addict, and neither is my husband. If that were so, you'd get a lot less work out of me. It would show in the performances and in the work.
Marijuana is the most violence causing drug in the history of mankindMost marijuana smokers are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos and entertainers.
I never see bodybuilding on the sports page and it is not considered to be a sport because of the drug question, because of steroids, let's be honest.
The drug of choice in the modern age is levity. We want everything to be light and bubbly. We just want to feel good.
Whether it's overeating or it's overworking or over-sex or whatever it is, alcoholism, drug addition, we push ourselves to the brink and then pull back because it's kind of exciting.
America is becoming a drug infested nation. Drugs are becoming cheaper than candy bars. We are not going to let it happen any longer.
I am a Doctor. A.B... M.A... PH.D... ABMAPHID! Abmaphid has been variously described as a wasting disease of the frontal lobes, and as a wonder drug. It is actually both.
Cipla has already developed a generic version, oseltamivir, which would be much cheaper than Tamiflu, the only available drug effective in treating avian flu. — © Yusuf Hamied
Cipla has already developed a generic version, oseltamivir, which would be much cheaper than Tamiflu, the only available drug effective in treating avian flu.
I wonder if one can view risk like a drug, beneficial to the organism in the proper dose. Too much or too little may be harmful.
I'm intending to work on juvenile justice reform, sentencing reform, reentry, drug treatment, access to mental health care.
How is it that mercury is not safe for food additives and Over the Counter drug products, but it is safe in our vaccines and dental amalgams?
Substance abuse is a disease which doesn't go away overnight. I'm working hard to overcome it. I did fail my recent drug test. I'm prepared to face the consequences.
We say to seniors, we understand how important prescription drug coverage, so prescription drugs will be an ingrinable part of the Medicare plan.
America's drug war is so stupid that if you pay close attention to just how stupid it is -- it'll drive you to use drugs.
If I'd done a quarter of the things of which I'm accused, I'd be pickled in alcohol, I'd be a registered drug addict and would have sired half the children in the world's cricket-playing countries
We do know that the Bandido gang in Houston does drug deal. There are a bunch of people being convicted for heavyweight narcotics trafficking from the gang.
The public properly relies upon FDA classification of drugs as nonprescription as a reflection of the agency's judgment regarding the safety and proper use of a drug without a doctor's prescription.
I think it's overly simplistic to say that any one single strategy is going to really change the focus and change the trajectory of drug use.
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