Top 1200 Drug Free Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Drug Free quotes.
Last updated on October 19, 2024.
I never thought I'd miss Nancy Reagan. There can't be a rating [on the Clinton drug policy] when there hasn't been a performance.
Sure. You get all slutty with Rafe. You freak out. You cry date rape drug.' - Hayley
We're finally moving out of the realm of solely discussing biology in regards to a drug-based world. — © Ryan Bethencourt
We're finally moving out of the realm of solely discussing biology in regards to a drug-based world.
Comedy has ceased to be a challenge to the mental processes. It has become a therapy of relaxation, a kind of tranquilizing drug.
I've never taken drugs - if you take a drug of your choice, you get some ecstatic feeling.
We still (sometimes) remember that we cannot be free if our minds and voices are controlled by someone else. But we have neglected to understand that we cannot be free if our food and its sources are controlled by someone else. The condition of the passive consumer of food is not a democratic condition. One reason to eat responsibly is to live free. (pg. 323, The Pleasures of Eating)
It is very rewarding to serve the country by helping President Bush work to reduce the drug problem.
Morality is similar to religion - it is a somniferous drug which blinds people from seeing the squalor of their lives.
As someone who is in awe and grateful every day to be in a country where freedom of the press, free speech and free elections are a way of life, I am wowed, amazed and excited by the opportunity to moderate a 2012 presidential debate.
I've been regulated my whole life. We have progressive taxes. It's not a free-market free-for-all. I completely understand that society has a perfectly legitimate right to put in structures and regulations and rules that make it fairer, better, cleaner.
My daughter, unfortunately, is ill, because drug addiction is an illness. She's been fighting it for years.
The fight against drug trafficking is a false pretext for the United States to install military bases.
Enrolling in the Medicare Prescription Drug Program will be a great savings for most senior citizens. — © Paul Gillmor
Enrolling in the Medicare Prescription Drug Program will be a great savings for most senior citizens.
Free speech is a valuable commodity, which we preserve and protect, but there quite rightly is restriction on free speech in the best interest of the good order of the community and common sense.
According to the fortune-cookie logic most people live by, the best things in life are free. That's crap. I have a gold-plated robot that scratches the exact part of my back where my hands can't reach, and it certainly wasn't free.
I went on to become a drug counselor and then I became a mother, which is the biggest gift I've ever had.
Parents are key when it comes to keeping kids off drugs. Good parenting is the best anti-drug we have.
For me, the most serious problem is how America became so vulnerable to the assertion of blatant falsehoods that drive policy and are not corrected by the so-called immune system of democracy, a free press and a free democratic discourse.
Everything you want is cheap or free. If you went to a venture capitalist and said: "I need money to buy tools." You flunked the IQ test, I mean every tool that you need is free!
I suppose fear is like a drug. A little bit isn't that bad, but you can get addicted to the consumption and distribution of it.
I always thought a very strong anti-drug policy was a good thing for my union members.
America, the land of the free, is turning itself into the land of the free ride. [U.S. airlines] are operating in protected markets. They are hoovering up public funds and they still can't make a profit.
Incarcerating people for their [drug] consumption choices has the consistency of arresting a survivor of suicide for attempted murder.
Alcohol is a very patient drug. It will wait for the alcoholic to pick it up one more time.
Marijuana is a gateway drug that can lead to awful things, like Phish getting back together.
In Africa, you only have an independent media in only eight African countries, so there is very little transparency. The best gift that rich countries can give Africa is Radio Free Africa and Radio Free Africa will do for Africa what Radio Free Europe did for Europe.
I was prosecutor for 18 years. I was threatened by drug dealers, murders, and organized crime. This was a walk in the park.
As far as drug abuse and all that - listen, this is Hollywood. I don't know how I was able to avoid it, but I'm lucky that I did.
I was never a cokehead or anything like that. I always despised that drug. I thought it was a waste of time, pointless.
I want to be free again. I want to be free like when I was a kid, working with my brother and making toy airplanes and a whole model of the World's Fair in 1939 out of wax.
I'm just trying to change my life because I'm not above killing any drug dealer for money.
So many kids are fat drug addicts these days, it's almost as if Rush Limbaugh had puppies.
We must wholeheartedly believe in free will. If free will is a reality, we shall have made the correct choice. If it is not, we shall still not have made an incorrect choice, becauee we shall not have made any choice at all, not having a free will to do so.
Drug testing for recipients of various welfare programs - I really think that's something that needs to be considered.
We're already going down that path with illegal drug use and incarceration. I can't imagine it getting any worse.
Maybe the reason some folks lag behind in our free enterprise system is because they depend too much on the free part and not enough on their own enterprise.
I've heard drug experts say they believe if penicillin were discovered today, the FDA wouldn't license it.
CHILDHOOD: The rapidly shrinking interval between infancy and first arrest on a drug or weapons charge. — © Rick Bayan
CHILDHOOD: The rapidly shrinking interval between infancy and first arrest on a drug or weapons charge.
There are certain things you must not say in spite of the fact that supposedly democracy means free speech. No. You are not allowed free speech. If you speak freely, you are then deemed as I was, to be a subversive.
Considering the fact that I've used it in the past, and know what it is, and seen the results of it, I don't view marijuana as a dangerous drug.
The whole idea of having a free trade area when you have gyrating exchange rates doesn't make sense at all. It just spoils the effect of any kind of free trade agreement.
There are "extremists" in the free software world, but that's one major reason why I don't call what I do "free software" any more. I don't want to be associated with the people for whom it's about exclusion and hatred.
Free healthcare and free and equal education and peace are about the only things I passionately believe in, and I think if you don't believe in those but you go to church on Sunday then that's hypocris.
If you say a modern celebrity is an adulterer, a pervert and a drug addict, all it means is that you've read his autobiography.
When Kansans go to the pharmacy to pick up their medication, they deserve a fair deal on their drug prices.
All these biopics and biographies and people gossiping about so-and-so's drug abuse or who's sleeping with who, it's just a bunch of nonsense.
Alabama seniors all across the Third Congressional District continue facing high drug costs.
All I try to do is create an atmosphere that seems comfortable enough, that it removes tension and everyone feels free. If they feel free then behaviour happens, small moments happen and that's what ultimately works the best for me.
Modern free-traders... embrace their ideal with a passion that makes Robespierre seem prudent. They embrace unbridled free trade, even as it helps China become a superpower.
I was, I am and I always will be a drug addict. A person who gets involved in drugs has to fight it everyday. — © Diego Maradona
I was, I am and I always will be a drug addict. A person who gets involved in drugs has to fight it everyday.
The cable operators are paying to show content. The most important content you have is the broadcast stations. They take the position that over the air is free to people, so it should be free to them.
People do not realize this, but my drug addiction was actually a short span of time. It was only for two years.
There's so much more to Colombia than drug trafficking, you have no idea. They're a bit worn out by the association.
Data-intensive graph problems abound in the Life Science drug discovery and development process.
Free-market capitalism is a network of free and voluntary exchanges in which producers work, produce, and exchange their products for the products of others through prices voluntarily arrived at.
There is tonic in the things that men do not love to hear. Free speech is to a great people what the winds are to oceans ... and where free speech is stopped miasma is bred, and death comes fast.
I spent years searching for effective programs that would lower drug use and prevent addiction.
Free your heart from hatred - forgive. Free your mind from worries - most never happen. Live simply and appreciate what you have. Give more. Expect less.
I think what television and video games do is reminiscent of drug addiction. There's a measure of reinforcement and a behavioural loop.
I have seen my parents struggle with meagre means to run a family. That's why giving free and good education, free health services, water, electricity, public transport and safety of women are my top priority.
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