Top 1200 Drunk Man Quotes & Sayings - Page 12

Explore popular Drunk Man quotes.
Last updated on October 26, 2024.
If you're drunk please don't drive. If you're on shrooms please don't think Walmart's a prison for bad clothing that needs help escaping.
When I am introduced as someone from New Orleans, people sometimes say: "I'm so sorry." New Orleans. I'm so sorry. That's not the way it was before,not the way it's supposed to be. When people find out you're from New Orleans, they're supposed to tell you about how they got drunk there once, or fell in love there, or first heard the music there that changed their lives. At worst people would say: "I've always wanted to go there." But now, it's just: "I'm sorry." Man, that kills me. That just kills me.
Even an idle phone conversation when driving takes a 40 percent bite out of your focus and, surprisingly, can have the same effect as being drunk. — © Gary W. Keller
Even an idle phone conversation when driving takes a 40 percent bite out of your focus and, surprisingly, can have the same effect as being drunk.
And in the end, we were all just humans...Drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness.
Do you find it easy to get drunk on words?" "So easy that, to tell you the truth, I am seldom perfectly sober.
I am as drunk as a lord, but then, I am one, so what does it matter ?
Come, for my part I will have only those glorious, manly pleasures of being very drunk, and very slovenly.
People always want to compare their dogs to having kids. That's insulting. First of all, nobody has a dog because they were too drunk to pull out.
There are people who have an image of me as being rude and inconsiderate. But I'm completely the opposite, because I was raised not to be. I might have been tripping over myself drunk, but I was always courteous.
If I'm not the one thing you can't stand to lose, If I'm not that arrow to the heart of you, If you don't get drunk on my kiss, If you think you can do better than this then I guess we're done. Let's not drag this on, Consider me gone.
Don't drink to get drunk. Drink to enjoy life.
Modern morality and manners suppress all natural instincts, keep people ignorant of the facts of nature and make them fighting drunk on bogey tales.
I have lived carefully, sheltered myself from the cold winds, eaten moderately of what was in season, drunk fine claret, slept in my own sheets; I shall live long. — © Evelyn Waugh
I have lived carefully, sheltered myself from the cold winds, eaten moderately of what was in season, drunk fine claret, slept in my own sheets; I shall live long.
When kids hit one year old, it's like hanging out with a miniature drunk. You have to hold onto them. They bump into things. They laugh and cry. They urinate. They vomit.
I remember when I was a kid rugby players were some big guys that drunk a lot of beer but now they have proper training programs and diets and all that. And the pioneers of all that is bodybuilding.
After all, it was never Darnay he quoted, only Sydney, drunk and wrecked and dissipated. Sydney, who died for love.
'Would I mind if someone wrote a sequel to one of my books?' I asked myself, and I decided that I wouldn't, providing that the writer was respectful, had read my book first, and wasn't drunk when doing it.
If you're stumbling out of a bar, and people tweet about it, well, don't be dumb. If you're going to get falling-down drunk, stay at home - which I did a lot of.
You do not really wish to hear more of the Battle of Kadesh. Let me say only that human fat, gorged in considerable quantity, has an intoxicating effect. I became ... drunk.
I got married, had two kids, watched a lot of football, drunk a lot of pints, etc.
I love Austin, but last time I was in town for twelve hours. I was exhausted, drunk and miserable. But none of that was Austin's fault.
A man who can do everything fully consciously becomes a luminous phenomenon. He is all light, and his whole life is full of fragrance and flowers. The mechanical man lives in dark holes, dirty holes. He does not know the world of light; he is like a blind man. The man of watchfulness is really the man who has eyes.
Oh, you crows! Feast away! What a spread! Soup straight from the eye sockets! And thick red sake! But don't have too much Or you'll surely get drunk.
I said to myself, 'the champion of the whole world can whoop every man in Russia, every man in America, every man in China, every man in Japan, every man in Europe - every man in the whole world'.It sounds big, didn't it? So I kept working until I did it.
I was having a good time before, but you grow up after a couple years and realize, "I can't get drunk like this every night." Things change.
People are disappointed if you're not entertaining and to be entertaining often means to be drunk.
All romantics meet the same fate some day. Drunk and cynical and boring someone in some dark cafe.
Complaining that a comic is drunk is like going to a titty bar and complaining because your lapdancer is a communist.
I am very good at keeping secrets, except when I am drunk, when I will tell you absolutely anything.
You know the stories of a woman saying to Churchill, 'Sir, you're drunk,' and he said to her, 'And you're ugly, but in the morning I'll be sober.' I was really excited to do that scene, but I did get slapped.
I hate crowds of people pretending to be happy on one night of the year, where they get drunk and obnoxious by the end of the night.
Watching Phil Mickelson play golf is like watching a drunk chasing a balloon near the edge of a cliff.
I see myself as a serious artist, but yeah, when people come to my shows, they want to hear 'What Was I Thinkin',' 'Drunk on a Plane,' and lots of up-tempo, fun songs.
Clubs are so lame. Nobody even dances at these clubs. They stand around and get drunk and they schmooze. There is no enjoyment factor.
For my most of my career I've been a falling-down drunk. Most of my interviews were done hungover, and for a while it was great.
How much for the bottle, put it on my tab. Hop out like a model all them foreign tags. Get so drunk and high, I will have to call a cab.
When the doors of opportunity swing open, we must make sure that we are not too drunk or too indifferent to walk through.
My mother was an amateur singer, my father was an amateur drunk. — © Ozzy Osbourne
My mother was an amateur singer, my father was an amateur drunk.
The very dogs were all asleep, and the flies, drunk with moist sugar in the grocer's shop, forgot their wings and briskness, and baked to death in dusty corners of the window.
I've never been drunk, but often I've been overserved.
Ivory's the kind of girl who gets drunk and immediately starts slurring. I have a lot of friends like that, and I think it's because it makes me look 'more together.
Judges make tough decisions on child abuse, divorce, property disputes, drunk driving, domestic violence and other issues that should be free from politics.
He has been known by many names: Lucifer, Beelzabub, Belial, the Prince of Lies, Satan, and at a party once an obnoxious drunk kept calling him "Dude."
I've never been drunk. I've never even had a beer.
What, when drunk, one sees in other women, one sees in Garbo sober.
There is no escape - man drags man down, or man lifts man up.
Talking to a drunk person was like talking to an extremely happy, severely brain-damaged three-year-old.
I can't believe he didn't have the dignity and presence of mind just to get drunk and pass out in some gutter," said Jace. "I must say, I'm disappointed in the little fellow.
I wonder what the High Septon would have to say about the sanctity of oaths sworn while dead drunk, chained to a wall, with a sword pressed to your chest? — © George R. R. Martin
I wonder what the High Septon would have to say about the sanctity of oaths sworn while dead drunk, chained to a wall, with a sword pressed to your chest?
The only reason people go to bars is to get drunk and have sex. To me, bars are what hell is like.
I've been in clubs. I don't like being in an enclosed place with really loud music, and a lot of drunk people. It's not my idea of a good time. It's just such a miserable life.
This New Age is marking the dawn of a new world-thought. That new thought is a new cosmic concept of the value of man to man. The whole world is discovering that all mankind is one and that the unity of man is real – not just an abstract idea. Mankind is beginning to discover that the hurt of any man hurts every man, and, conversely, the uplift of any man uplifts every man
I know what I think but I don't know how to put it into words. Maybe I could get a little bit drunk and dance it for you.
Human nature is like a drunk peasant. Lift him into the saddle on one side, over he topples on the other side.
The car crash that took the lives of these two lovely people has been portrayed as a traffic accident caused by a drunk driving at high speed. The reality is that it was murder.
I was the biggest, most hopeless and most violent drunk in baseball.
I could get drunk and run around Nashville naked. But I won't because I want to set a good example for my fans. I think they deserve to have a role model.
I attended a very small junior high and specially in the end that became a disaster. The principal was pretty senile and a drunk, so the children more or less runned the school.
It's nerve-wracking singing in front of people. I think that's why most people get drunk for karaoke.
The last thing I stole was a box of Coca Cola from a parked truck in Adelaide. I was nice and drunk. It was New Year's Eve. And that was about 28 years ago.
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