Top 119 Drunkenness Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Drunkenness quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Some people are commended for a giddy kind of good-humor, which is as much a virtue as drunkenness.
Nor is drunkenness censured for anything so much as its intemperate and endless talk.
Drunkenness doesn't create vices, but it brings them to the fore. — © Seneca the Younger
Drunkenness doesn't create vices, but it brings them to the fore.
Among Jews, there is an absence of drunkenness, always a fruitful source of domestic strife and misconduct.
[Retirement] is a dangerous experiment, and generally ends in either drunkenness or hypochrondriacism.
Drunkenness is not only the cause of crime, but it is crime; and if any encourage drunkenness for the sake of the profit derived from the sale of drink, they are guilty of a form of moral assassination as criminal as any that has ever been practiced by the braves of any country or of any age.
What does drunkenness accomplish? It discloses secrets, it ratifies hopes, and urges even the unarmed to battle.
Drunkenness is nothing else but a voluntary madness.
According to Kim Jong-Il's biography, they say he has been constantly accused of dishonesty, drunkenness and sexual excess. So if he lived here, he could be in Congress.
The military world is characterized by the absence of freedom - in other words, a rigorous discipline-enforced inactivity, ignorance, cruelty, debauchery and drunkenness.
Youth ages, immaturity is outgrown, ignorance can be educated, and drunkenness sobered, but stupid lasts forever.
Drunkenness is never anything but a substitute for happiness.
Like gluttony or drunkenness, hatred seems an agreeable vice when you practice it yourself, but disgusting when observed in others. — © William Henry Irwin
Like gluttony or drunkenness, hatred seems an agreeable vice when you practice it yourself, but disgusting when observed in others.
All excess is ill; but drunkenness is of the worst sort. It spoils health, dismounts the mind, and unmans men. It reveals secrets, is quarrelsome, lascivious, impudent, dangerous, and mad.
I envy the poet. He is encouraged toward drunkenness and wallows with nubile wenches while the painter must endure wretchedness and pain for his art.
On tobacco: A branch of the sin of drunkenness, which is the root of all sins.
Alcohol is barren. The words a man speaks in the night of drunkenness fade like the darkness itself at the coming of day.
Very early in my childhood I associated poverty, toil, unemployment, drunkenness, cruelty, quarreling, fighting, debts, jail with large families.
It were better for a man to be subject to any vice than to drunkenness; for all other vanities and sins are recovered, but a drunkard will never shake off the delight of beastliness.
There is no drunkenness equal to that of remembering whispered words in the night.
The Bible, in which these things are taught, favors drunkenness, murder, slavery, lying, stealing and lechery.
Some men find happiness in gluttony and in drunkenness, but no delicate viands can touch their taste with the thrill of pleasure, and what generosity there is in wine steadily refuses to impart its glow to their shriveled hearts.
Drunkenness is nothing but voluntary madness.
What is a gathering without unseemly drunkenness?
There is a drunkenness to grief, which is good.
The cheapness of wine seems to be a cause, not of drunkenness, but of sobriety. ...People are seldom guilty of excess in what is their daily fare... On the contrary, in the countries which, either from excessive heat or cold, produce no grapes, and where wine consequently is dear and a rarity, drunkenness is a common vice.
Gluttony and drunkenness have two evils attendant on them; they make the carcass smart, as well as the pocket.
A day of minor profit or prophet led to a night of drunkenness.
Drunkenness is the very sepulcher Of man's wit and his discretion.
The proper behavior all through the holiday season is to be drunk. This drunkenness culminates on New Year's Eve, when you get so drunk you kiss the person you're married to.
No animal ever invented anything as bad as drunkenness - or so good as drink.
I would fain keep sober always; and there are infinite degrees of drunkenness.
Feast, n. A festival. A religious celebration usually signalized by gluttony and drunkenness, frequently in honor of some holy person distinguished for abstemiousness.
Excitement is the drunkenness of the spirits. Only calm waters reflect heaven in their bosom.
Thirst teaches all animals to drink, but drunkenness belongs only to man.
I hate ingratitude more in a man than lying, vainness, babbling, drunkenness, or any taint of vice whose strong corruption inhabits our frail blood".
All the crimes on earth do not destroy so many of the human race nor alienate so much property as drunkenness.
To describe drunkenness for the colorful vocabulary is rather cynical. There is nothing easier than to capitalize on drunkards. — © Anton Chekhov
To describe drunkenness for the colorful vocabulary is rather cynical. There is nothing easier than to capitalize on drunkards.
Drunkenness is deplorably destructive, but her demurer sister Gluttony destroys a hundred to her one.
A man must be able to hold his drink because drunkenness is sometimes necessary in this difficult life.
Drunkenness was in good repute in England till "Bloody Mary" frowned upon it; it remained popular in Germany. The French drank more stably, not being quite so cold.
I used often to go to America during Prohibition, and there was far more drunkenness there then than before; the prohibition of pornography has much the same effect.
Sobriety diminishes, discriminates, and says no; drunkenness expands, unites, and says yes. Not through mere perversity do men run after it.
Passion is the drunkenness of the mind.
Drunkenness is temporary suicide.
Drunkenness is simply voluntary insanity.
Drunkenness, the ruin of reason, the destruction of strength, premature old age, momentary death.
[Evelyn Waugh] made drunkenness cute and chic, and then took to religion, simply to have the most expensive carpet of all to be sick on. — © Rebecca West
[Evelyn Waugh] made drunkenness cute and chic, and then took to religion, simply to have the most expensive carpet of all to be sick on.
Had we been as free from all sins as we were from gluttony and drunkenness we might have been canonized for saints.
Drunkenness does not create vice; it merely brings it into view.
World is crazier and more of it than we think, Incorrigibly plural. I peel and portion A tangerine and spit the pips and feel The drunkenness of things being various.
Prohibition only drives drunkenness behind doors and into dark places, and does not cure it or even diminish it.
If merely 'feeling good' could decide, drunkenness would be the supremely valid human experience.
Alcohol, taken in sufficient quantities, may produce all the effects of drunkenness.
What does drunkenness not accomplish? It unlocks secrets, confirms our hopes, urges the indolent into battle, lifts the burden from anxious minds, teaches new arts.
To commit suicide is easy. To live without a god is more difficult. The drunkenness of triumph is greater than the drunkenness of sacrifice.
Drunkenness is nothing but a self-induced state of insanity.
The doctors of antiquity have affirmed that love is a passion that resembles a melancholy disease. The physician Rasis prescribed, therefore, in order to recover, coitus, fasting, drunkenness, and walking.
The man had arrived at that stage of drunkenness where affection is felt for the universe.
The secret of drunkenness is, that it insulates us in thought, whilst it unites us in feeling.
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