Top 1200 Each Month Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Each Month quotes.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
I don't have the best self esteem; mine wavers month to month, but I know how to pick myself up.
I'm home maybe five days a month, but they're never next to each other.
I think December has always been the most haunted month, from the gothic-narrative point of view - a lot of Edgar Allan Poe stories are set in December. It's the last month of the year, and it's supposed to be sort of this mystical, spiritual month. And being Swedish, December is also the darkest month out of the year.
No business is good when, on the last day of the month, you're like, 'What was the usage for the month?' — © Payal Kadakia
No business is good when, on the last day of the month, you're like, 'What was the usage for the month?'
The play account rule is that it must be spent every month. That's right! Each month you have to blow all the money in that account in a way that makes you feel rich. For example, imagine walking into a massage center, dumping all the money from your account on the counter, pointing to the massage therapists, and saying, "I want both of you on me. With the hot rocks and the frickin' cucumbers. After that, bring me lunch!"
In normal times, at the beginning of each month, the federal government makes a cash advance to the Social Security Trust Fund called the 'normalized tax transfer,' in an amount equal to the estimated payroll taxes for the coming month.
Black History Month is in the shortest month of the year, and the coldest-just in case we want to have a parade
What of October, that ambiguous month, the month of tension, the unendurable month?
Your to-do list should include items that need to be accomplished for the month, the week, and each day. You must then ask yourself how much time you need to block off to achieve each task. Time blocking allows you to minimize distractions and to maximize your efficiency as you work to complete this list.
Can't nobody touch me right now. Maybe next month all of this will be over. But this month I'm takin' every movin' target out.
In the national team you only see each other two or three times a month, which makes it difficult to work on some of the most important aspects of the game. But if you've known each other for so many years, these things go a little more smoothly. It makes everything a little easier.
Black History Month is dedicated to heroes that paved the way for Black people. It's a month that's very imperative because it gives those who lack the knowledge of our heroes a chance to gain insight. It's not just about the month, it's about the years that it took for us to get to this one month and it's beyond placing a value on how much Black History Month really means to me.
Seasons pursuing each other the indescribable crowd is gathered, it is the fourth of Seventh-month, (what salutes of cannon and small arms!
Each month there are numerous incidents where visitors are abducted by criminal groups - just long enough to withdraw the maximum amount of money from an ATM account.
In my case, I pay a standard premium to participate in the Federal Employees' Health Benefits Plan for my wife and myself out of each month's paycheck.
You don't usually have to wait a month for a new episode of a TV show. We ask comic readers to wait a month for a new issue, and honestly, given the time that it takes to put them together, a month is really too fast.
It was the month of May, the month when the foliage of herbs and trees is most freshly green, when buds ripened and blossoms appear in their fragrance and loveliness. And the month when lovers, subject to the same force which reawakens the plants, feel their hearts open again, recall past trysts and past vows, and moments of tenderness, and yearn for a renewal of the magical awareness which is love.
If one must drink, then let one drink thrice a month, for more is bad. If one gets drunk twice a month, it is better; if one gets drunk once a month, that is better still; and if one doesn't drink at all, that is the best of all.
Each month from our income - we have a separate account, obviously - we give 80 percent of it to our parents back home. — © Granit Xhaka
Each month from our income - we have a separate account, obviously - we give 80 percent of it to our parents back home.
June is definitely a special month for me as many of my milestone films have released in this month, but that doesn't mean I consciously choose to release my films only in this month.
Now here's what I'm saying: I've always believed that every other month we hear about compromisation of bank records, I think that's the CIA and the FBI. Now let me tell you why I'm saying this. I don't believe no insignificant pip-squeak is going to be able to pull this off month after month and we can't find out what's going on.
One of the things that we really like about 'Fallout 76' is that we've built it so that we can support it on a month-to-month and week-to-week basis.
We changed our rules. If a player does not have some sot of altercation on or off the court once each month, we fine him...The guys that are our top four scorers, each of them will be required once every two months to appear on MTV. The guys who shoot the worst free throws over a one-month period, next time we have a TV game they're required to look into the camera and beat their chests after they make a good play.
I try each day, each month, each year to become a better and better person and to be good to the people I love and let them know how much I appreciate them.
October is the opal month of the year. It is the month of glory, of ripeness. It is the picture-month.
It's always a problem when you're working with people you don't really know. Most filmmaking is about shaking hands and just starting. You know, these month - or two-month-long endeavors that millions of dollars are based on, and the people doing them don't even know each other, or know each other under pressure, or know each other when things are really... Which filmmaking is completely done under in many circumstances. You're under constant crisis, making a movie.
January, month of empty pockets! let us endure this evil month, anxious as a theatrical producer's forehead.
In fact, the private sector is improving their algorithmic ability to search through big data month after month after month. And, of course, a big government bureaucracy isn't keeping up.
I have to say, that I am delighted that Secretary [Hillary] Clinton month after month after month seems to be adopting more and more of the positions that we have advocated.
Don’t sleep too much. If you sleep 3 hours less each night for a year, you will have an extra month and a half to succeed in.
The way to build your savings is by spending less each month.
March is Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month. Don't feel bad if you did not know that. I didn't, either, until someone recently slapped a picture of a green ribbon and a message wishing me a 'Happy CP Awareness Month' on my Facebook page. I always thought March was Women's History Month.
If you make time each month to give your money some attention, you'll start the next year in fabulous financial shape.
It's my job to write the best book I can each month and hand my scripts in. Everything else is beyond my control.
The first review our band ever got - when I was 17 years old and we had just released our first EP, and this tiny little magazine wrote a review on it, and for that month, we were the best album of the month, and we were also the worst album of the month. We won best and worst album of the month in the same magazine.
To the hard-working people who set a little bit aside each month, to provide for their children, or to fund their own retirement, I say: you should be rewarded not punished.
Basketball is a game of streaks. Sometimes a guy will be cold for a month and then get hot for a month.
October is nature's funeral month. Nature glories in death more than in life. The month of departure is more beautiful than the month of coming - October than May. Every green thin loves to die in bright colors.
When you're writing a story in bits and pieces, month in and month out, there really isn't time or space for reflection, no room to learn what those scripts had to teach you.
The Adversity Index was created by and Moody's Analytics to track the economic fortunes of states and metro areas. Each month, the Adversity Index uses government data on employment, industrial production, housing starts and home prices to label each area as expanding, at risk of recession, in recession or recovering.
I go home and stay there. I wash and scrub up each day, and that's it. One month I actually grew a moustache, just so I could say that I'd done something. — © Bill Murray
I go home and stay there. I wash and scrub up each day, and that's it. One month I actually grew a moustache, just so I could say that I'd done something.
The hardest thing to do is dig deep and be patient about the things you're going to learn month to month and quarter to quarter.
After leaving Queen, I decided to stop doing those mega-four-month tours. I go out for a month, and my dog recognizes me when I come home.
I've never sat down to quantify how many hours I actually spend on the strip. I use the deadlines to estimate my progress; each month I know that I have to produce so many strips, and by the end of the month I'll make sure that I have.
Each month is gay, Each season nice, When eating Chicken soup With rice
Marriage has been a very rich and beautiful development of my life. Month by month as we live together we seem to come nearer to each other; and to feel a more complete fellowship. I do not feel that it in any way fetters or narrows my world: - it seems rather to enlarge it.
'Tis a month before the month of May, And the spring comes slowly up this way.
Under the Enrichment Laws, consumers have to spend a fixed quota of dollars each month, depending on their strata. Hoarding is an anti-corpocratic crime.
I didn't become an actor for the money, so I can't stay with a job for that reason. I did too many years of theater where you just get by from month to month, happily, to make that a priority.
Starting out, iRobot was not an economic rocket ship. It took six and a half years before we had enough money in the bank at the beginning of each month to make payroll. We always made it - we paid salaries at the end of the month, and I always had four weeks to figure things out.
If you practice the holy exercise of Spiritual Communion a good many times each day, within a month you will see yourself completely changed.
I suppose that each of us may have a great moment in our life, a month, a week a year, when we are most fully what we are meant to be
Malcolm Turnbull, more than anyone, changes month to month on a range of issues.
Look at what is average in your area, your industry, and your company and then be better. That could be as simple as reading another book each month or attending a seminar each year. On the other hand, it also means acknowledging what 'average' actually is and how you, as the owner, arrive at that figure.
Those carrying a credit card balance should scale back to making the minimum payment each month so they have more money to put into savings. — © Suze Orman
Those carrying a credit card balance should scale back to making the minimum payment each month so they have more money to put into savings.
A strong, brave man is born each month, each year God gives a sage to men, A poet each ten years, perhaps, but an unselfish person,—when?
Invest less at the end of the month. Brokers tend to push stocks at the end of the month in an effort to match or surpass their previous month's sales.
to balance my own checkbook each month, I simply record whatever is necessary in the following manner: '37 cents to cover embezzlement by somebody at the bank.
Indeed the river is a perpetual gala, and boasts each month a new ornament.
I am single. Acting can make it hard to have profound relationships if you're not careful. You get into this pattern of three-month, four-month jobs and 'what's the next adventure.'
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