Top 1200 East Asia Quotes & Sayings - Page 18

Explore popular East Asia quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
I'm a black lady from the Lower East Side of New York. Not a lot intimidates me.
In the Far East, it is taken for granted that the training of a monk is physically rigorous and academically challenging.
Maybe there are some traditional things, but they are more about the way the West packages the East. — © Massimiliano Gioni
Maybe there are some traditional things, but they are more about the way the West packages the East.
The source of the terror in Lebanon as in Iraq is to be found in the Koran and in the despotisms of the Arab Middle East.
I have to remind the people who put down East Coast surfing that Kelly Slater is from Florida.
Israel is our greatest ally in the Middle East. And it's a relationship we should be strengthening, not weakening.
I always fancied myself an outdoorsman, even though I'm a Jewish guy from the East Coast.
You know the Middle East is going crazy when Lebanon is the most peaceful place in the region.
You've never seen Manhattan 'til you've flown right up the East River. It's beautiful.
Ukraine must once again be revered and respected by its citizens as well as the East and the West.
I grew up as this rather lonely European kid living in the east Malaysian jungle.
I'm just getting to know the local pubs. I do enjoy going out in east London.
I have become a queer mixture of the East and the West, out of place everywhere, at home nowhere. — © Jawaharlal Nehru
I have become a queer mixture of the East and the West, out of place everywhere, at home nowhere.
I really missed the East Coast. I love living in Hawaii, but I miss the changing of seasons.
We all recognize that the Mid-east is dissolving into crises, and we know terrorism did not start with 9-11.
I was born in Nashville, but my whole family is from East Texas, so I consider myself a dual citizen.
Shifting loyalties in the Middle East make it difficult to vet supposed moderate groups.
I would heartily welcome the union of East and West provided it is not based on brute force.
I'm from the East Coast, and so therefore, the Pacific Northwest forest is very exotic land to me.
I have a background and an understanding of what's happened in the Middle East that a lot of people don't have, because there's been no interest.
I grew up in the Lower East Side, an Italian American - more Sicilian, actually.
For Fleur de Chine, I imagined the romantic and mysterious women from Asia's cinematic past-from the '30s femme fatale in a cheongsam and dark lipstick, to the'60s Hong Kong heroine of In the Mood for Love. I wanted to capture that fascinating, exquisite and slightly scandalous femininity.
I think Donald Trump believes in defeating ISIS, resolving issues in the Middle East.
Most Americans approach the problems of the Middle East with a pro-Israeli bias - and rightly so.
We need to unleash the military in unison with our partners in Europe and the Middle East to be effective.
Iraq can emerge as a beacon of hope and democracy in the Middle East, and the world, with our help.
Fortunately, I happened to go east at a time when live television was centered in New York.
I usually wake up really early because I keep myself on East Coast time.
The Middle East has been a part of my life since I was a young man, when I went to teach in Cairo.
I'm an American designer. It's important to riff on that. I remember, when my mom and I first came to the States, she was so shocked that everyone was so dressed down in sandals and shorts. It's not quite like that in Asia. To give that a superluxurious makeover? For me to make street wear? It's sort of chic to do it.
I was halfway across America, at the dividing line between the East of my youth and the West of my future.
The Saudis helped the U.S. ensure that the Russians never got a meaningful foothold in the Middle East.
These fledgling democracies in the Middle East, they're actually fighting for their freedom. And what are they rioting for in England? Leisurewear.
I think Hollywood makes the mistake of mixing all these identities and cultures, mostly from the Middle East.
The West for me means ambition, the East contentment. My heart is ever in one, my soul in the other.
The key issue is the shift of the centre of gravity from the West to the East, the rise of China and India.
We've gone too far in thinking we can re-create an American democratic paradise in the Middle East.
Last year I traveled to the Middle East to visit with troops in Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan. — © Kenny Marchant
Last year I traveled to the Middle East to visit with troops in Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan.
I grew up in Denton, east Manchester, and was raised by my late father, Reg, a barber.
This clash of the culture, East and the West, us and them, Muslim and Christian, does not exist.
I'm a proper Essex girl because my family was part of that great exodus from the East End.
Good journalism is being criminalized or otherwise rendered perilous to its best practitioners. Attack a government agency like the CIA, or a Fortune 500 member ..., or the conduct of the military in Southeast Asia and you find yourself in deep trouble, naked and often alone.
The conflict in the Middle East is complex, multi-faceted, and unlikely to be resolved anytime soon.
Middle East history is replete with examples of missed and lost chances to make peace.
In the north east, there, they have had quite a bit of government offices moving in. It's not a new policy.
Forgiveness, dialogue, reconciliation - these are the words of peace, in beloved Syria, in the Middle East, in all the world.
A lot of creativity coming from the east side of Harlem. It really built my character and who I am.
You have to look at the history of the Middle East in particular. It has been one of failure and frustration, of feudalism and tribalism. — © Alexander Haig
You have to look at the history of the Middle East in particular. It has been one of failure and frustration, of feudalism and tribalism.
I want to see if I can play in the Big East, ACC, Pac-10, and pitch, too.
I went to college in North Carolina, so something about being in the East Coast is home for me.
At the end of the day, Americans know that the ones they really can trust, in all the Middle East, it's only Israel.
We feel like we are using the East Side to kind of spoof what everybody thinks is cool.
If you could wean yourself off of oil and not be dependent on the Middle East, obviously it's better.
I think my favorite, and Coppola and that whole thing. East coast Italian directors I guess.
Look to the East, where up the lucid sky; the morning climbs! The day shall yet be fair.
The regional security in the Middle East cannot be further compromised by an Iranian loose cannon.
I made a fairly bold pledge that I wanted Virginia to be the energy capital of the East Coast.
There are people in this administration who say they don't care if the UN sinks under the East river, and other crude things.
There's always Tunisia. Amid the smoking ruins of the Middle East, there is that one encouraging success story.
Israel is the only country in the Middle East where Arabs can be elected to the parliament in a democratic election.
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