Top 1200 Eating Raw Quotes & Sayings - Page 15

Explore popular Eating Raw quotes.
Last updated on October 21, 2024.
I like eating yummy things.
Eating well is a lifelong priority.
I hold with the old-fashioned criticism that Browning is not really a poet, that he has all the gifts but the one needful and the pearls without the string; rather one should say raw nuggets and rough diamonds.
I think the proof of the pudding is in the eating. — © Manmohan Singh
I think the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
There is so much poetry, and yet nothing is more rare than a poetic work. This is what the masses make out of poetical sketches, studies, aphorisms, trends, ruins, and raw material.
In 2016 I was fresh and raw and it was grit and determination which got me to the gold medal. Nobody really knew me and what I was capable of.
A lot of folks that ain't saying 'ain't,' ain't eating.
Netflix did it right and focused on all the things that have replaced the dumb, raw numbers of the Nielsen world - they embraced targeted marketing and 'brand' as a virtue higher than ratings.
Eating is one of my favorite parts of the day
Eating is a necessity but a pleasure as well.
Eating well is a class issue.
Strange, the workings of the heart. One could go on for years, habituated to loss, reconciled to it, and then, in a moment's unwary thought, the pain resurfaced, sharp and raw as a fresh wound.
Eating is sex for old people.
Is that a beard, or is Niedermayer eating a muskrat? — © Harry Neale
Is that a beard, or is Niedermayer eating a muskrat?
I can't walk by chocolate without eating it.
I love eulogies. They are the most moving kind of speech because they attempt to pluck meaning from the fog, and on short order, when the emotions are still ragged and raw and susceptible to leaps.
I'm only happy when people are eating.
When you're shopping you forget about eating!
I don't want to encourage eating disorders.
I stick to a clean diet with lots of organic food and raw juices. Every now and then, I have a slice of cake or pizza, though; you have to have cheat days to keep you going.
Looks can be deceiving; it's eating that's believing.
My chief gifts are - naturally good at all sports with a raw talent for pretty much everything, which if nurtured could develop into improper talent.
And so I learned what solitude really was. It was raw material - awesome, malleable,older than men or worlds or water. And it was merciless - for it let a man become precisely what he alone made of himself.
I don't mind getting up in front of people and playing - singing by myself, as raw as it comes, with nobody else helping me out, which shows that you have a little bit of talent.
Because I don't play guitar any more, African harmonies and rhythms have been an inspiration to me. I love the raw origin of the sound. It complements my voice and words naturally.
Photography is a source of raw materials as I believe the camera is never perfect and will never be able to express in full what I see and feel.
I like eating everything in sight.
I was only ever briefly angry with my dad for leaving us. It happened shortly after his death, when things were at their darkest and the grief in me was raw and at its worst.
We were doing things with a hundred per cent feeling. It wasn't programmed. It wasn't asked for. It wasn't structured. It was just there. It was very raw. I don't think the industry would allow that to happen again.
I hate diets and I love eating.
I love the fact that 'Total Divas' reaches a different demographic than the normal fan base or audience that typically watches 'WWE Monday Night Raw' or 'SmackDown.'
There is nothing in the world that we do as much as we do eating
Eating is the secret to good cooking.
I personally have stopped eating seafood.
Eating is one of the great pleasures of life.
Am I eating chicken or tuna?
I didn't get this physique by not eating tacos.
It's still my happiest time when I'm eating.
In short, software is eating the world. — © Marc Andreessen
In short, software is eating the world.
You don't have to have an eating disorder to be happy or successful.
Dinner was made for eating, not for talking.
Sometimes I find myself in this super-raw place onstage where I'm like, 'Maybe that's not the best thing. Maybe I need to shut down a little.'
There is no such thing as guilt-free eating.
Red and raw like my brain, unable to shut down, thoughts crashing like electrons orbiting a nucleus of deuling emotions.
My favorite thing as a performing artist is to get a pile of raw material from a writer who says, 'Will you help me make this real?' There's nothing like starting from scratch.
For dinner I want real sushi - not the Americanized kind. My parents are American Samoan so I don't go for any of those rolls. I'll have raw prawn or sea urchin or octopus. I love it.
In short, software is eating the world
eating is the sleeping of being awake.
My appetite comes to me while eating. — © Michel de Montaigne
My appetite comes to me while eating.
Whatever his inhibitions and tastes, Western man believes in the natural holiness of seminudism and raw vegetable juice, because these have become for him symbols of unadultered nature.
When I am full, I stop eating.
Eating is never so simple as hunger.
It's disgusting eating over a keyboard.
When I was young, I had no choice as to what I was eating.
Flesh eating is unprovoked murder.
Nowadays, everyone has a stylist - we were raw, wearing 8 ball jackets with kente hats and spandex. It's a quintessential look that everyone loved.
Audacious faith is the raw material that authentic Christianity is made of. It's the stuff that triggers ordinarily level-headed people like you and me to start living with unusual boldness.
Stop eating before you're full.
I don't enjoy eating humble pie.
Shame is a soul eating emotion.
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