Top 342 Ecological Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Ecological quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
The shortage of fresh water is the major ecological problem of this moment.
If you look into the way that materials are used in an ecological system you'll notice that you'll find that there is no waste. The waste of one organism becomes food for another and everything's recycled in an ecological system whereas in our human built environment there's a throughput system. We use something then we throw it away... We have to imitate nature and try to re-use everything we make as human beings or recycle them - when we cannot re-use or recycle them we should try to reintegrate them back into the natural environment.
. . . the upsurge of Spirit is the only plausible way to stop the ecological destruction of our planet. Even people who have no interest in a communal solution to the distortions in our lives will have to face up [to] this ecological reality. Unless we transform our relationship with nature, we will destroy the preconditions for human life on this planet.
Ecological differentiation is the necessary condition for coexistence. — © Garrett Hardin
Ecological differentiation is the necessary condition for coexistence.
The system of technological production that we have today has been justified in terms of creating more goods to feed more people and to meet more needs. But it actually destroys more of the resources that we need in order to meet those multiple needs. If we shift to an ecological perception, a diversity perception, we realize that some of the instruments of which we are very proud are actually extremely primitive for dealing with nature. To me that is the great lesson of ecological awareness at the turn of the millennium.
The new paradigm may be called a holistic world view, seeing the world as an integrated whole rather than a dissociated collection of parts. It may also be called an ecological view, if the term "ecological" is used in a much broader and deeper sense than usual. Deep ecological awareness recognizes the fundamental interdependence of all phenomena and the fact that, as individuals and societies we are all embedded in (and ultimately dependent on) the cyclical process of nature.
I think buildings should imitate ecological systems.
Throughout the world today there is a gowing awareness of the failings of the Western model of development and a corresponding desire to look for more human-scale, ecological ways of living. If Ladakh now succeeds in creating for itself a future which retains the foundations of its traditional past, it will be an inspiring example of how all the various elements of an ecological future fit together.
I think that witnessing ecological problems visible from space is one of the new and essential roles of astronauts
Nothing that you make in the world exists in isolation from the social and political and ecological dimensions of it.
One of the penalties of an ecological education is that one lives alone in a world of wounds.
We see a world of abundance, not limits. In the midst of a great deal of talk about reducing the human ecological footprint, we offer a different vision. What if humans designed products and systems that celebrate an abundance of human creativity, culture, and productivity? That are so intelligent and safe, our species leaves an ecological footprint to delight in, not lament?
When you don't take into account the way ecological systems work, then you do damage.
The origin of agriculture involved both human intentionality and a set of underlying ecological and evolutionary principles. — © Kent V. Flannery
The origin of agriculture involved both human intentionality and a set of underlying ecological and evolutionary principles.
I think that witnessing ecological problems visible from space is one of the new and essential roles of astronauts.
People look at the future and see a black hole. They look at climate change and see an ecological crisis. They look at their leaders corrupted by money and see a political crisis. They wonder if they'll ever be able to pay off their student loan or own a house. Given this ecological, political and financial crisis, what they want is a different future. Their fundamental demand is a different regime to provide that future.
If somebody makes a really wonderful, ecological car, I'm down, no matter where it comes from.
The ecological principle in agriculture is to connect the genius of the place, to fit the farming to the farm.
Technology cannot be an end in itself but must aim at solving long term social and ecological problems.
Striving for longevity through versatility facilitates what we might call an ecological or true materialism. ... we are not truly materialist because we fail to invest deep or sacred meanings in material goods. Instead, our materialism connotes an unbounded desire to acquire followed by a throwaway mentality. True materialism could become part of a new ecological consciousness.
The world owes an ecological debt to the African continent.
A token of ecological awareness in a society devoted to self destruction and waste but unwilling to acknowledge its indulgent ways.
We must speak more clearly about sexuality, contraception, about abortion, about values that control population, because the ecological crisis, in short, is the population crisis. Cut the population by 90% and there aren't enough people left to do a great deal of ecological damage.
I think buildings should imitate ecological systems. Ecological systems in nature before we had human beings you know interfere with them exist in a state of stasis - they are self-supporting, self-sustaining.
The re-establishment of an ecological balance depends on the ability of society to counteract the progressive materialization of values. The ecological balance cannot be re-established unless we recognize again that only persons have ends and only persons can work towards them.
The superabundance is an ecological myth that we will never run out of resources, that the Earth, that Gaia, is in this perpetual state of renewal. And the "contagious magic" is the blind belief that this is the case, and the reason we're careering towards ecological disaster.
Unfortunately, there are some ecological phenomenological chemicals within consumerism.
The problem of environmental children's health is very urgent in Russia. Environmental situation now is the main factor, which determines young generation's health... the volume of pollutant emissions in atmosphere and water grew and scale of ecological man-caused catastrophes increased. More than half of Russian territories, where 60-70 percent of the of population lives, have unsafe ecological situation.
Women must see that there can be no liberation for them and no solution to the ecological crisis within a society whose fundamental model of relationships continues to be one of domination. They must unite the demands of the women's movement with those of the ecological movement to envision a radical reshaping of the basic socioeconomic relations and the underlying values of this [modern industrial] society.
Catch-and-release fishing is an ecological necessity, not my preference. The practice smacks of bad faith, an inauthentic act.
In the last few decades we have seen the extraordinary rise of ecosocialist movements around the world inspired in large part by Marx's ecological critique of political economy. Marx was indeed influenced by some of the earliest attempts to develop what we now call an ecological-systems view, rooted in the concept of metabolism. Building on this perspective, Marx defined socialism as the rational regulation by the associated producers of the metabolism between society and nature in such a way as to conserve energy and to promote the satisfaction of human needs.
To be economical agriculture must be ecological.
I often plagiarize from myself. I like to think of this as ecological journalism: I recycle.
Birds are an ecological litmus paper.
The ecological crisis is a moral issue.
Creating a sustainable, economic, social, and ecological environment that provides everyone the opportunity to succeed is my mission in Congress.
Ecological devastation is the excrement, so to speak, of man's power worship.
I'm into environmental and ecological issues, so maybe that is an avenue to go down.
In the global marketplace of the future the price of every product will tell the ecological truth. — © Kalle Lasn
In the global marketplace of the future the price of every product will tell the ecological truth.
It is not man the ecological crisis threatens to destroy but the quality of human life.
Trees are right at the heart of all the necessary debates: ecological, social, economic, political, moral, religious.
Modern society will find no solution to the ecological problem unless it takes a serious look at its lifestyle.
The future of food security will depend on a combination of the ecological prudence of the past and the technological advances of today.
The linear, single species idea of farming is an assault on ecological function. Something's going to break down in that system - anything from soil structure, in economics... but where to start is with true ecological function.
In calling society an ecological system we are not merely using an analogy; society is an example of the general concept of an "ecosystem" that is, an ecological system of which biological systems - forests, fields, swamps - are other examples.
The theory of evolution by natural selection is an ecological theory-founded on ecological observation by perhaps the greatest of all ecologists. It has been adopted by and brought up by the science of genetics, and ecologists, being modest people, are apt to forget their distinguished parenthood.
Ecological thought rejects consumerism at its peril.
Subversive, ethical, ecological, political, humorous ... this is how I see my duty as a designer.
An anarchist society, far from being a remote ideal, has become a precondition for the practice of ecological principles. — © Murray Bookchin
An anarchist society, far from being a remote ideal, has become a precondition for the practice of ecological principles.
Is it too late to prevent us from self-destructing? No, for we have the capacity to design our own future, to take a lesson from living things around us and bring our values and actions in line with ecological necessity. But we must first realize that ecological and social and economic issues are all deeply intertwined. There can be no solution to one without a solution to the others.
I've got two brothers. One's older - the artist - and then my younger brother is an ecological economist - a farmer.
Our ecological emergency demands proactive choices, not reactive sideswipes.
Inevitably, ecological awareness has this kind of '70s flavour to it.
The abuse of the Earth is the ecological crisis.
While designed to visually seduce, Dune is not primarily a formal exercise but a social, ecological, cultural one.
The ecological crisis we face is so obvious that it becomes join the dots and see that everything is interconnected. This is the ecological thought. And the more we consider it, the more our world opens up." The ecological thought " a vast, sprawling mesh of interconnection without a definite center or edge. It is radical intimacy, coexistence with other beings, sentient and otherwise.
No, Simi. No food. (Astrid) ‘No, Simi. No food.’ You sound like akri. ‘Don’t eat that, Simi, you’ll cause an ecological disaster.’ What is an ecological disaster, that’s what I want to know? Akri says it’s me on hunger binge, but I don’t think that’s quite right, but that’s all he’ll say about it. (Simi)
Humanity is living off its ecological credit card and can only do this by liquidating the planet's natural resources.
The population explosion is an ecological phenomenon of displacement. Unless we solve that ecological problem of displacing people - to build huge dams, to build motorways, to take away what people need in order to survive - we will keep pumping more and more money into population programs. We will have more and more coercive and violent methods through which women's bodies are treated as experimental grounds for new contraceptives. Yet we will not have a solution to the problem of numbers.
It seems to me that there must be an ecological limit to the number of paper pushers the Earth can sustain.
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