Top 1200 Economic Independence Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Economic Independence quotes.
Last updated on October 8, 2024.
Puerto Ricans are United States citizens, and I think that the issue of statehood or independence needs to be addressed and needs to be resolved.
Take the American declaration of Independence. It contains no mention of territorial limits. We are not obliged to fix the limits of the State.
The Independence and Liberty you possess are the work of joint councils and joint efforts, of common dangers, sufferings and successes. — © George Washington
The Independence and Liberty you possess are the work of joint councils and joint efforts, of common dangers, sufferings and successes.
Men have always been a prey to distractions, which arethe original sins of the mind; but never before today has an attempt been made to organize and exploit distractions, to make of them, because of their economic importance, the core and vital center of human life, to idealize them as the highest manifestations of mental activity. Ours is an age of systematized irrelevances, and the imbecile within us has become one of the Titans, upon whose shoulders rests the weight of the social and economic system
From the first moment of independence, the United States has been dedicated to innovation as a way of government and a way of life.
If democracy is justified in governing the state,then it must also be justified in governing economic enterprises, and to say that it is not justified in governing economic enterprises is to imply that it is not justified in governing the state.
I love indie record stores, man. I love anything that's about independence and preserving the brand of good music.
See, Independence means freedom, for me, more specifically, freedom of speech which we seem to have lost.
Radical socio-economic transformation is a policy of the ANC. As a leader of the ANC, you have to implement the policy. When I talk about radical socio-economic transformation, it's not my thing; it's an ANC policy.
The greatest economic minds of the 19th century, all of them without exception, considered economic growth as a temporary necessity. When all human needs are satisfied, then we will have a stable economy, reproducing every year the same things. We will stop straining ourselves worrying about development or growth. How naïve they were! One more reason to be reluctant about predicting the future. No doubt they were wiser than me, but even they made such a mistake!
Before Lil B, hip-hop and music in general was in a different space. Lil B really just pushed this independence.
Liberty can no more exist without virtue and independence than the body can live and move without a soul.
I am so old-fashioned. I've never lived with a man. I am completely about the independence of paying my own rent.
To be a philosopher is not merely to have subtle thoughts, nor even to found a school, but so to love wisdom as to live according to its dictates, a life of simplicity, independence, magnanimity and trust.
There is an alternative to terror. It is called, in the political order, democracy. In the economic order, it is called the dynamic enterprise economy. (...) It empowers poor people from the bottom up. (...) A dynamic economic sector is the poor's best hope of escaping the prison of poverty. It is the only system so far known to human beings to take poor people and make them, quite soon, middle class, and some of them even (horrors!) rich.
Instead of being taught independence, energy, and enterprise, our youth today is taught to look for security. — © B. Carroll Reece
Instead of being taught independence, energy, and enterprise, our youth today is taught to look for security.
As long as [our] independence is not achieved, it remains to be achieved.
We need economic policies in the U.S. that produce jobs, first of all, but good jobs, second of all. Believe it or not, Germany, a country characterized by high wages, strong unions, a social safety net, and so forth is the second largest exporter (after China) in the world. The idea that the only way to succeed is by eliminating vacations, sick days, worker protections, and so forth is simply belied by the competitiveness rankings produced by the Economist magazine's intelligence unit and by the World Economic Forum.
I quite like the Queen. Now, this must come as a fairly amazing statement for someone who is avowedly left wing, pro-independence and anti-monarchy, but there you go.
Americans' information independence is under attack, whether it's the repeal of net neutrality or the repeal of broadband privacy protections.
The pro-independence movement has all different social sensibilities - from left to right, including pro-liberal, socialist and communist.
I personally think the male and female roles have changed dramatically in the past few decades. Men are no longer the breadwinners. Financial independence for a woman is a huge thing.
What better day to lay the cornerstone of the Freedom Tower than the day our country declared its independence.
Mahatma Gandhi went from Africa to India, and once India won its freedom, it helped African countries to get their independence.
Let us march immediately, and never lay down our arms until we obtain our independence.
If Hong Kong could exercise democratic self-governance under the sovereignty of China, it would not be necessary for us to take this step on the path toward independence.
I must have dialogue with the Chinese government, and dialogue requires compromise. Therefore, I'm speaking for genuine self-rule, not for independence.
Lucifer represents life, though, progress, civilization, liberty, independence. Lucifer is the Logos, the Serpent, the Savior.
My biggest financial fear is dying and not leaving enough to see my daughter through to adulthood and financial independence.
Timid and cowardly soldiers cause the loss of a nation's independence; but pusillanimous magistrates destroy the empire of the laws, the rights of the throne, and even social order itself.
The divers were the bravest of us. They gave their lives for the independence of our country and the success of our revolution.
Our clients value our independence as the leading partner of both the established providers and emerging players.
I had fought for my independence and fought for my freedom to do as I chose.
Library of the Works of Ludwig von Mises”. Here is an article he wrote in 1951, some two years after his magnum opus Human Action appeared, where is lays out his case in a more popular form. The money sentences are “Economic theory has demonstrated in an irrefutable way that a prosperity created by an expansionist monetary and credit policy is illusory and must end in a slump, an economic crisis. It has happened again and again in the past, and it will happen in the future, too.
The Keystone pipeline would add to our domestic supply. It would help us with energy independence.
Egypt is kind of like the Hollywood of the Middle East. I mean, we had cinema maybe decades before the other Arab countries ever got independence.
If a caribou needs to be sacrificed for the sake of energy independence, I say, 'Mr. Caribou, maybe you need to take one for the team.'
On the distinctive principles of the Government ... of the U. States, the best guides are to be found in ... The Declaration of Independence, as the fundamental Act of Union of these States.
There can be no argument about the Lone Star State's significant contributions to American history, and we must remember the actions and the sacrifices of those who made Texas independence a reality.
The fire of independence is burning just as bright in my breast as in the most fiery breast in this country, but ways and methods differ. — © Mahatma Gandhi
The fire of independence is burning just as bright in my breast as in the most fiery breast in this country, but ways and methods differ.
Who can forget the awesome scene in 'Independence Day' when the White House gets blown up by aliens? Sure, it looks cheesy now, but back in 1994, it was incredible.
We can only save ourselves through elevating our individual consciousness, by realizing there is already completeness within, and exercising as much considerate independence, respect and fairness as is possible.
A spirit, breathing the language of independence, is natural to Englishmen, few of whom are disposed to brook compulsion, or submit to the dictates of others, when not softened by reason, or tempered with kindness.
By the single example of this painter devoted to his art with such independence, my destiny as a painter opened out to me.
What you perceive as "liberal" is my independence to choose what i do, with whom, and when. Moreover, it also means that i may choose not to do it, with anyone, ever.
Love is generally confused with dependence; but in point of fact, you can love only in proportion to your capacity for independence.
There's more and more recognition that a carbon economy is dangerous to us economically. And there is increasing recognition that renewable fuels have economic value as well as obvious value for our health and our well-being and our survival. In fact, as you know, the economic revolution in renewable fuels has been impressive. It really had not been anticipated.
The genius must have his freedom and his independence.
Our media provides a continuing message that for men, heroism is defined through association with control, independence, and the ability to commit violence, from superheroes to crime dramas.
I don't have good business sense. You never get much money for the arts. But I like independence. I like to grow.
When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir.
The ability to provide choices and the right to make choices that prove not detrimental, are the fundamental ingredients of free trade and independence. — © John Truman Stoddert
The ability to provide choices and the right to make choices that prove not detrimental, are the fundamental ingredients of free trade and independence.
If you think Independence Day is America's defining holiday, think again. Thanksgiving deserves that title, hands-down.
Economic progress means the discovery and application of better ways of doing things to satisfy our wants. The piping of water to a household that previously dragged it from a well, the growing of two blades of grass where one grew before, the development of a power loom that enables one man to weave ten times as much as he could before, the use of steam power and electric power instead of horse or human power - all these things clearly represent economic progress.
But human beings are not machines, and however powerful the pressure to conform, they sometimes are so moved by what they see as injustice that they dare to declare their independence. In that historical possibility lies hope.
We have a tendency to romanticize independence. Most business literature still views autonomy as a virtue, as though communication, teamwork, and cooperation were lesser values.
When real independence comes to India, the Congress and the League will be nowhere unless they represent the real opinion of the country.
It has always been the aim of royalty and aristocracy to lower the individual liberty and independence of the common people. A baron and a minute-man could not breathe the same air.
What man wants is simply independent choice, whatever that independence may cost and wherever it may lead.
This is one of man's oldest riddles. How can the independence of human volition be harmonized with the fact that we are integral parts of a universe which is subject to the rigid order of nature's laws?
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