Top 1200 Economy Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Economy quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Health reform is an essential part of restoring America's economy and maintaining our competitiveness.
When people are able to live at home, they have more disposable income. That part is good for the economy.
What I take from writers I like is their economy - the ability to use language to very effective ends. — © Mos Def
What I take from writers I like is their economy - the ability to use language to very effective ends.
There is no reason that America can't compete in a global economy, and I love being one small proof point in that.
We have to diversify our economy. We have to create jobs. We have to focus on education, more training programmes.
Actually, they should just roll it all back get rid of gambling...It destabilizes the U.S. economy
Competition is a powerful and essential part of this nation's economy and vital to cutting government costs.
To survive in the future, we will need our economy to be dynamic, entrepreneurial, innovative and flexible.
The only thing wrong with the U.S. economy is the failure of the Republican Party to play Santa Claus.
If you think about it: a big bank in any country, what is it? Really, as an investment, it's a warrant on economy.
Where there is no market economy, the best intentioned provisions of constitutions and laws remain a dead letter.
Empowering women in the workforce is a key to growing the economy and having a thriving middle class.
If you stimulate the economy by means of a tax cut, the people that you tend to be benefiting are the better off. — © Judy Woodruff
If you stimulate the economy by means of a tax cut, the people that you tend to be benefiting are the better off.
The efficiency, credibility, and liquidity of the financial markets have been foundational to the largest economy in the world.
I believe in just enriching the economy. And we're leaving so much on the table, 72 percent of the planet.
A strong American economy is essential to the well-being and security of our friends and allies.
There is no precedent of an advanced economy withdrawing from a trade agreement as deep and as complex as the European Union.
An economy open to new concepts and novel ventures is bound to generate unequal gains.
If the economy is strained, then Social Security, like the rest of the government, will be, too.
Industry, economy, honesty and kindness form a quartet of virtue that will never be improved upon.
It is essential to link enterprises on the basis of objective laws of a socialist economy and legal system.
Quite frankly, I'm running a campaign on the economy and jobs and economic opportunities for the American people.
For every slot machine you add, you lose one job per year from the consumer economy
In a global economy where our economies and supply chains are deeply integrated, it's not even possible.
In an economy where the only certainty is uncertainty, the one sure source of lasting competitive advantage is knowledge.
Industry, economy, honesty, and kindness form a quartet of virtues that will never be improved upon.
Previous governments, particularly the one before I took over, mismanaged the economy quite badly.
There's no miracle formula but we have to move towards a lower carbon economy. We don't have any other choice.
High-level corruption, inefficiency, non-governance, and policy paralysis have crippled the nation's economy.
Despite the value to Canada, our country lags in competitiveness in the global social economy.
The real loss by gambling is $180,000 to the consumer economy for each slot machine
The opposing tendencies of concentration and spread are of little consequence in the liberal model of political economy.
Economy is a savings-bank, into which men drop pennies, and get dollars in return.
One of the fastest ways to build the clean energy economy is to allow more people to benefit from it.
Now we are flying off into outer space, there is no clear curb on what can be done in the name of the economy.
Humour is not a postscript or an incidental afterthought - rather it is a serious and weighty part of the world's economy.
In an unmolested market economy - one where all dealings are consensual - the 'allocation' of wealth and income is the result of transactions.
Any sustained rise in the price of oil will hit the Indian economy hard. — © Sanjaya Baru
Any sustained rise in the price of oil will hit the Indian economy hard.
Labour are determined to create a fair, sustainable tax system in an economy that works for everyone.
When you cover the economy as a reporter, there's one part of the job that is always easy: finding economists who disagree.
We need to create an economy that works for everyone, not crony capitalism and unchecked corporate consolidation.
India's waste problem is gigantic, and with its economy growing steadily, it will be compounded manifold.
No economy, no matter how bad, can hold down a goal that is followed by enough action.
As the economy turns, one of the most significant impediments to economic growth is going to be labor availability.
Healthy competition is good for the global economy. Criminal conduct is not. Rampant theft is not. Cheating is not.
There is so much for the U.K. to be proud of - a world-class, modern economy and a free, fair and tolerant society.
You know, a huge drain on California's economy is the illegal immigrants. We need to close the borders.
The global economy is spluttering back into life. The Tories would have left it to choke to death. — © Alistair Darling
The global economy is spluttering back into life. The Tories would have left it to choke to death.
Because education is the backbone of a competitive workforce and successful economy, making it a priority is not uncommon.
I believe you cannot survive in this global economy without some form of postsecondary education.
All one needs is a computer, a network connection, and a bright spark of initiative and creativity to join the economy.
I think it's important to focus on our economy, on jobs, on getting America back to work.
In todays economy, the most important resource is no longer labor, capital or land; it is knowledge
When people talk of the economy being strong, they don't seem to feel that they, too, are better off.
Whether we vote to leave or remain, there are risks to our future; there are challenges in the global economy.
Among the most urgent political priorities of our age is the separation of economy and state.
I don't think that the economy can absorb a massive flow of immigration that does not relate to the issue of persecution.
We have to be able to show Canadians that our strength on the economy doesn't mean we ignore all other issues.
Chidamabaram has ruined the economy. He has turned out to be a third-rate failure as finance minister.
I believe that overall if you want a growing economy what you have got to have is sufficient flexibility to allow that to happen.
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