Top 1200 Educational Programs Quotes & Sayings - Page 19

Explore popular Educational Programs quotes.
Last updated on October 16, 2024.
Communism and socialism, programs for intellectual control over society ... fascism, a program for the social control of intellect.
There's a lot of complacency in philanthropy. People figure organizations are trying to do good, and that's enough, even if the results aren't there. But that's wasteful and inefficient. It crowds out better programs.
I was attacked for being stingy and not spreading money around to popular programs. Ahead of my 2019 run for governor, those stances cost me politically. — © Tate Reeves
I was attacked for being stingy and not spreading money around to popular programs. Ahead of my 2019 run for governor, those stances cost me politically.
As you know in this committee, we have all of HUD, and HUD is responsible for so many programs that determine the quality of life for women and families.
The use of anthropomorphic terminology forces you linguistically to adopt an operational view. And it makes it practically impossible to argue about programs independently of their being executed.
Economic research demonstrates that tax dollars spent in early childhood development provide extraordinary return on investment-16% for high quality programs
We need to reform our school lunch programs. We need to get healthy items into the vending machines.
As more people rely on government programs, the harder it becomes to conduct the necessary reforms to preserve them to help our society's most vulnerable.
I still think it's essential for a parent to cook with their children. Weighing out the ingredients and learning where the food comes from is educational, but it also helps to place meal times at the heart of family life. We never had dinner in front of the TV.
I am personally not against keeping animals at zoos, as they serve a huge educational purpose, but treating them well and with respect seems the least we could do, and with 'we' I mean not just zoo staff, but most certainly also the public.
I've benefited enormously from an arts education and a music education in New York. When they cut the programs for funding, I was devastated.
Just as important, we need a new dedication to opening avenues for employee participation and motivation through profit-sharing and innovative programs of job enrichment.
Bedales was perfect for my sister and me. Very open. Very few rules. No uniforms. Co-educational. And very little of 'You have to do this like this.' You very much controlled your education.
I kept thinking, 'Somebody has to make a food show that is actually educational and entertaining at the same time... a show that got down to the 'why things happen.' Plus, I hated my job - I didn't think it was very worthwhile.
Our educational system globally has not been historically great in reskilling for newer job roles. We need a new social contract to do that. For India, lack of an incumbent structure might be an advantage, where it can use digital education to leapfrog.
The manuals we got from IBM would show examples of programs and I knew I could do a heck of a lot better than that. So I thought I might have some talent. — © Donald Knuth
The manuals we got from IBM would show examples of programs and I knew I could do a heck of a lot better than that. So I thought I might have some talent.
Policies that aim to promote the livelihood security of the people - promoting employment, improving the nutritional status of children and women, expanding educational opportunities, and providing affordable healthcare - would be the first charge on the budget of a developmental state.
No Child Left Behind widens the gap between the races more than any piece of educational legislation I've seen in 40 years. It denies inner-city kids the critical-thinking skills to interrogate reality.
Higher education should be based on quality, not quantity; receive merit-based funding; and be free of unnecessary bureaucracy. Not the least of the benefits of educational reform is to foster the pride of achievement at national and international levels.
Over time, the desire of Iraqis to contribute to their own security has manifested itself in citizens volunteering for the police, the Army, and concerned local citizen programs.
I've never regretted not making Linux shareware: I really don't like the "pay for use" binary shareware programs.
In an age of never-ending health fads, it's comforting to learn that one of the healthiest activities you can do has existed for millennia. It's called reading. Yes, books are not just entertaining or educational: they can also improve your mental health.
Every effort needs to be made to try and offset the costs of Katrina and Rita by reductions in other government programs, especially those that are wasteful, duplicative and ineffective.
I oppose Obamacare and believe it has failed. It drove up premiums, took insurance away from people who were promised otherwise, and usurped state programs.
Between rounds of speed chess I read enough of a programming manual to teach myself to write programs on the school's DEC mainframe in the language Basic.
Some people recovering from drugs or alcohol stay with the programs indefinitely, making the recovery program their family, a long-term source of attention rewards.
As a youngster, I played in Little League, Pony League, and all sorts of amateur baseball programs growing up.
I'm a bit of a control freak, so I always appreciate being inside the nuts and bolts of the music - I don't like newer programs that paper over your cracks.
My mom set up relief programs in third world countries. We would do things like go to Bogota with her instead of summer camp.
There are many challenges in the global education ecosystem: from top-down systemic issues in how educational services are organized and delivered, to bottom-up issues of curriculum effectiveness, accountability, and human resource allocation.
Safety-net programs must make efficient use of taxpayer resources and harness the capabilities of recipients by helping them move back into the workforce.
Forcing free market plans to compete with these government-run programs would create an unlevel playing field and inevitably doom true competition.
Governments, political parties, pressure groups, and the bureaucrats of the educational hierarchy think they can avoid the inevitable consequences of unsuitable measures by boycotting and silencing the independent economists. But truth persists and works, even if nobody is left to utter it.
Medicare will usher in federal programs that will invade every area of freedom as we have know it in this country.
Only those who are ideologically opposed to military programs think of the defense budget as the first and best place to get resources for social welfare needs.
We kill when we close our eyes to poverty, affliction, or infamy. We kill when, because it is easier, we countenance, or pretend to approve of atrophied social, political, educational, and religious institutions, instead of resolutely combating them.
Many programs are built on the government's spending power, and the existence of an extraconstitutional limit on that power is a worrisome development.
We laugh at liberals who declare that their favorite spending programs should be exempt because the spending is for a noble cause. — © Grover Norquist
We laugh at liberals who declare that their favorite spending programs should be exempt because the spending is for a noble cause.
Scotland has never ceased to amaze the world with its forward vision, bold action and great educational institutions. Nothing makes me more proud than to promote this wonderful land with all its richness and diversity wherever I go.
I am a Democrat; I want to fund programs that help people. In order to do that, you need to have revenues and you have revenues when you have jobs.
Public schools in the late '80s and early '90s were a total mess... we felt that if I was going to have a good educational option in my life, I would have to go to a public school district that actually served its children.
Most philanthropists want to be effective altruists. But the problem isn't intention: it's measurement. Unlike financial investing, which has reporting standards, audit processes, and educational requirements, social investing is notoriously tricky to evaluate.
One cannot expect positive results from an educational or political action program which fails to respect the particular view of the world held by the people. Such a program constitutes cultural invasion, good intentions notwithstanding.
It is time to recognize conventional MBA programs for what they are - or else to close them down. They are specialized training in the functions of business, not general educating in the practice of management.
The problem with kids these days is they don't have enough fun stuff to do. When I was stationed with my family in Germany, youth basketball programs gave me something to strive to do my best at.
I grew up in youth programs in Chicago, so they are definitely close to my heart. It is all about helping kids and giving back to a sport that has given me so much.
In giving to the March of Dimes, my fans can help support vital research and programs to help babies and their families.
Almost everyone who reaches a plateau where he or she is happy and comfortable says its because of finding balance between work, relaxation, exercise, socialising and family - plus some alone time to do something contemplative, creative, or educational.
An essay is a thing of the imagination. If there is information in an essay, it is by-the-by, and if there is an opinion, one need not trust it for the long run. A genuine essay rarely has an educational, polemical, or sociopolitical use; it is the movement of a free mind at play.
As President, I will end once and for all the use of taxpayer funds to promote the National Endowment for the Arts and other programs that subsidize amoral and degrading activities.
Poverty is about people lacking the tools they need to get on in life. And solving it is about tackling educational failure, antisocial behaviour, debt problems and addiction, and of course it's about work.
And I definitely wanted to be a writer, but I felt a duty now, having used up those educational resources, I felt a duty to the church and my parents to become a priest.
I've never regretted not making Linux shareware: I really don't like the pay for use binary shareware programs. — © Linus Torvalds
I've never regretted not making Linux shareware: I really don't like the pay for use binary shareware programs.
In South Carolina, there's a lot of arts programs. So I was blessed enough to go to the Governor School For Arts & Humanities.
People who have got to know Western educational methods always claim that the reading of the Classics was a useless waste of time and should be abolished. Such chatter is to be heard from hundreds of people and cannot be stopped. But it is a serious mistake.
Here in the United States, we've seen the failure of mass programs of redistribution and the fiscal crises to which they give rise. And yet many continue to defend and promote them.
Housing programs designed to help young families and senior citizens purchase homes should be available to people of all races, including African Americans.
I kept thinking, 'Somebody has to make a food show that is actually educational and entertaining at the same time... a show that got down to the 'why things happen.' Plus, I hated my job - I didn't think it was very worthwhile
The rationale for the vast network of government welfare programs as well as regulation and control over private enterprise is based on the socialist analysis of the market economy.
Almost everyone who reaches a plateau where he or she is happy and comfortable says it's because of finding balance between work, relaxation, exercise, socialising and family - plus some alone time to do something contemplative, creative, or educational.
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