Top 1200 Embrace Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Embrace quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Popularity, I have always thought, may aptly be compared to a coquette - the more you woo her, the more apt is she to elude your embrace.
I have always believed that there is no point in having regrets as you learn far more from mistakes than successes. Embrace a mistake and learn from it; don't regret them.
Without grounding, it's easy to embrace the 'baller' lifestyle: dropping out of tech, throwing money at cars, boats and real estate, and slipping into a cycle of spending and indulgence.
I get 'voluptuous' a lot, or 'shapely,' but the fact is that as you get older you learn to embrace your body type. I wasn't able to do that until I was at least 23. — © Katherine Jenkins
I get 'voluptuous' a lot, or 'shapely,' but the fact is that as you get older you learn to embrace your body type. I wasn't able to do that until I was at least 23.
Strong Son of God, immortal Love, Whom we, that have not seen thy face, By faith, and faith alone, embrace, Believing where we cannot prove.
I definitely learned to embrace the quiet moments onstage from Garry Shandling - relaxing and not fighting with the crowd, not raising your voice, not ever trying to win them over.
The analysis of statistics is a big part of the modern game, and it's important as a modern manager to embrace areas that can help your team and players improve.
If you can embrace the idea that your success and happiness are tied up in defeating the fear that's holding you back, you're 90 percent of the way to where you need to go, because no, we're not kids, and no, this is not a bike.
For a truly effective social campaign, a brand needs to embrace the first principles of marketing, which involves brand definition and consistent storytelling.
I've always grown up as a tomboy and don't see myself as much of a girly girl, but when the time comes, it's fun to play dress up and embrace my femininity.
Evelyn: There's nothing wrong with embracing one's emotions. Brittany: Mom, You don't just embrace your emotions, you make love to them hard-core.
I pack my trunk, embrace my friends, embark on the sea and at last wake up in Naples, and there beside me is the stern fact, the sad self, unrelenting, identical, that I fled from.
What is magical and mystifying to me about style is not that by seeing we can believe. It is that eventually, we can believe, because we can see... we can embrace change the more we can make it tangible.
And I want to rise up, throw my arms open for a vast embrace, address an ample, luminous discourse to the invisible crowds. I would start like this: "O rainbow-colored gods. . .
We have been so pleased with the response to our unique schools in the Nashville area, and we are confident that other areas will embrace our concept, as well. — © Scott Thompson
We have been so pleased with the response to our unique schools in the Nashville area, and we are confident that other areas will embrace our concept, as well.
Children, Fear God; that is to say, have an holy awe upon your minds to avoid that which is evil, and a strict care to embrace and do that which is good.
To achieve your dreams, you must embrace adversity and make failure a regular part of your life. If you're not failing, you're probably not really moving forward.
For every reader and writer of steampunk fiction, there are probably hundreds or thousands of other activists who gleefully embrace some non-written manifestation of the steampunk ethos.
How wonderful it is to be surprised by God’s call, to embrace his word, and to walk in the footsteps of Jesus... Your life will become richer and more joyful each day!
I've always had a saying, 'Change is good.' I don't shy away from it, I embrace it. Make the most out of everything. Sometimes change is a blessing in disguise.
I come alive when I look into my boyfriend's eyes, when I embrace him, when I hold his hand and I am completely present and appreciative of all his love.
Genius of AND. Embrace both extremes on a number of dimensions at the same time. Instead of choosing a OR B, figure out how to have A AND B-purpose AND profit, continuity AND change, freedom AND responsibility, etc.
Wherever you are spiritually, whatever you have been through emotionally, you are already wrapped in the Lord’s embrace. Held by nail-scarred hands. Enfolded in the arms of One who believes in you, supports you, treasures you, and loves you.
Yet in order to make sure the European social model keeps up with the pace of economic change that is now necessary, the EU must embrace a new approach to lawmaking.
Glossier is really for anyone who wants to embrace the present and live in the now. It's about embracing constant change and who you are at any given moment, and that's often someone who's imperfect - and that's cool.
The number one lesson I received from my father is to be responsible for yourself and your family. The responsibility you embrace is working, paying the bills, and coming home EACH night, just as a start.
I've never understood why artists, who so often condescend to the cliches of their own culture, are so eager to embrace the cliches of cultures they know nothing about.
What we have found is that we were the principal mediators in many cases between the Iraqis and their own security forces and their own government, and so you have to almost embrace that role.
Most legacy companies get crushed - they get Blockbustered - because they are too afraid to walk away from the status quo, to embrace what the future is.
Change is in the air, as old patterns fall away and new energies are emerging. Consciously release what needs to be released, and welcome with a full embrace the newness you've prayed for and so richly deserve.
Once you understand that someone has Tourette and that they can't help their tics, it takes away the distraction. And you can engage your compassion. You feel for them. You embrace them.
What is magical and mystifying to me about style is not that by seeing we can believe. It is that eventually, we can believe, because we can see we can embrace change the more we can make it tangible.
Embrace what makes you unique, even if it makes others uncomfortable. i didn't have to become perfect because I've learned throughout my journey that perfection is the enemy of greatness.
I think people's perception of a rich girl is literal, but metaphorically I embrace it as being rich in love, spirit, joy and religion. So it's not about money.
The most incredible part of seeing people embrace and recognize my music is experiencing the lives of people when they are powerfully affected, encouraged, and personally impacted.
I have an amazing spouse; we're a team. He works, and I work, and we sort of do this dance with each other so that we can be present to our kids. But I think the whole 'balance' thing is an illusion; we just embrace the imbalance.
I just want Christians to embrace the fact that music is made not just for the church, but it's also for the people that need to hear about the love of God.
I embrace a Green New Deal; I just think we have to have public-private partnerships if we're going to get there. We have to align the environmental incentives with the financial incentives.
I tend to stay with the panic. I embrace the panic. — © Larry David
I tend to stay with the panic. I embrace the panic.
Heartache forces us to embrace God out of desparate, urgent need. God is never closer than when your heart is aching.
Positive change always encounters resistance, conflict, and obstacles. We must embrace difficult and heated situations in life, for that is the method of igniting our reactions in order to transform them.
Death is a mighty mediator. There all the flames of rage are extinguished, hatred is appeased, and angelic pity, like a weeping sister, bends with gentle and close embrace over the funeral urn.
You must recognize, embrace, and be honest about what is real for you today and allow that understanding to inform the choices you make. Only then will you be able to build the future of your dreams.
O harmless Death! whom still the valiant brave, The wise expect, the sorrowful invite, And all the good embrace, who know the grave A short dark passage to eternal light.
People often say that I'm curious about too many things at once... But can you really forbid a man from harbouring a desire to know and embrace everything that surrounds him?
A lot of people resist transition and therefore never allow themselves to enjoy who they are. Embrace the change, no matter what it is; once you do, you can learn about the new world you're in and take advantage of it.
Readers of fiction read, I think, for a deeper embrace of the world, of reality. And that's brave. I never get over being thankful for that - for the courage of my readers.
Often you see big companies, big banks who are eager to embrace crushing regulatory burdens because they drive up everyone's costs.
I'm trying to learn, as I'm in my 40s, to embrace what I've been able to achieve and be proud of it. And I know there's roles that I will want to play before I die, but I'm still just taking one day at a time.
Wherever I am, I will embrace the life and the lifestyle. I've lived in Hollywood before, and we've moved into the old neighbourhood in West Hollywood. I love California. — © John Barrowman
Wherever I am, I will embrace the life and the lifestyle. I've lived in Hollywood before, and we've moved into the old neighbourhood in West Hollywood. I love California.
I am supporting many Republican candidates who embrace the principles and policies set forth in Speaker Ryan's vision and who are committed to moving our country forward on the right path.
I wanted to portray a newly democratized, enclosed society. I wanted to show how extraordinarily fluid people are in their embrace of other human beings.
Stand-up comedy is tough right now. Anybody can come to a concert, tape you, and put you up on the Internet. You either fight it or embrace it.
Even though I'm totally dependent on modern electronic gizmos, from my laptop to my iPod to my cell phone, I love to embrace old technology or no technology at all.
The most successful politicians are the ones who embrace their best traits while turning their liabilities into loveable attributes. And yet, many a candidate tries to run as something they aren't simply because the strategy dictates it.
The key to pursuing excellence is to embrace an organic, long-term learning process, and not to live in a shell of static, safe mediocrity. Usually, growth comes at the expense of previous comfort or safety.
Our sexual lives are maintained by the shadow side and the light side, so the more we can understand and embrace enlightenment, the less need there is for chemical enhancement.
We always make the mistake in the United States of America in Democratic or Republican administrations alike is we tend to embrace the despot that's least troublesome to us. That should not be the way we view things.
We shouldn’t be afraid to embrace whimsy, that nagging idea that life could be magical; it could be special if we were only willing to take a few risks.
Light makes photography. Embrace light.
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