Top 121 Emergencies Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Emergencies quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
When I turned fifteen, I remember my father gave me a credit card which I was allowed to use for two things: emergencies and books.
True character stands the test of emergencies. Do not be mistaken, it is weakness from which the awakening is rude.
Small faults and virtues are for daily life. The big ones are for emergencies. — © Mason Cooley
Small faults and virtues are for daily life. The big ones are for emergencies.
The test of our religion is whether it fits us to meet emergencies. A man has no more character than he can command in a time of crisis.
We regard God as an airman regards his parachute; it's there for emergencies but he hopes he'll never have to use it.
The prizes go to those who meet emergencies successfully. And the way to meet emergencies is to do each daily task the best we can.
Guard units in the U.S. are suffering severe equipment shortages which will affect their ability to respond to emergencies in their home States, such as Katrina
We deal with emergencies on a regular basis out here in the Plain States.
We were never tragedies. We were emergencies. You go ahead, call 9-1-1. Tell them I'm havin' a fantastic time.
The federal government should only be providing services for emergencies. You and I, taxpayers, shouldn't be paying for cell phones so someone can have a social life. I just don't think it's appropriate.
Much of the traditional thinking about cash is well intentioned but unrealistic. Should you have six months of living expenses in the bank for emergencies? Sure. Do you? Probably not.
Watch out for emergencies. They are your big chance.
The emergencies you train for almost never happen. It's the one you can't train for that kills you. — © Ernest K. Gann
The emergencies you train for almost never happen. It's the one you can't train for that kills you.
Women are safer in perilous situations and emergencies than men, and might be still more so if they trusted themselves more confidingly to the chivalry of manhood.
I'm learning that you have to make time for what's important. You have to fight to carve little pieces of happiness out of your life, or the everyday emergencies will eat up everything.
I never really drove a cab, but I do have a hack license in case of emergencies - like no money.
Sound character provides the power with which a person may ride the emergencies of life instead of being overwhelmed by them. Failure is... the highway to success.
I'm not good in all emergencies. The frustration of an unopenable jar of jam can tip me over the edge, but at least I could use it adequately to cave in the heads of the undead.
Famine has wreaked havoc in Ethiopia for so long , it would be stupid not to be sensitive to the risk of such things occurring. But there has not been a famine on our watch - emergencies, but no famines.
Aside from true emergencies, most health care decisions are shoppable.
There were some medical emergencies at home, be it my wife's brain tumour operation, my father's cancer. Eventually we lost him in 2018.
Training was very extensive, and we dealt with many recoveries from emergencies, and fortunately, participating and observing and existing through the reality of space was a once-in-a-lifetime experience and it was not marred by unexpected hazards or catastrophes.
My life has been a series of emergencies.
"Where did that flashlight come from?" Chloe asked. "My purse." Chloe looked at Tara. "She carries a flashlight in her purse." "For emergencies," Maddie said, trying to see into the yard. "You have any chocolate?" Chloe asked hopefully. "For emergencies?" "Of course. Side pocket, next to the fork."
God is not there just for emergencies.
City government can and must help San Franciscans prepare for emergencies in order to avoid tragedy where possible and minimize loss of life and property when emergencies occur.
What is needed by him who would succeed in the highest degree possible is careful planning. He is to accumulate reserved power, that he may be equal to all emergencies.
In Italy there are two emergencies. This is what I hear, and this is what all the stats say. Employment and security.
Scum of the Earth as some may be in their daily lives, they can all be saints in emergencies.
Republics have a longer life and enjoy better fortune than principalities, because they can profit by their greater internal diversity. They are the better able to meet emergencies.
Many of us are equal to life's emergencies who cannot bear its day-after-dayness.
The trouble with emergencies is," she said, "that I always put on my finest underwear and then nothing happens.
Public emergencies may require the hand of severity to fall heavily on those who are not personally guilty, but compassion prompts, and ever urges to milder methods
Great emergencies and crises show us how much greater our vital resources are than we had supposed.
Within us all there are wells of thought and dynamos of energy which are not suspected until emergencies arise.
Niger is not an isolated island of desperation. It lies within a sea of problems across Africa - particularly the 'forgotten emergencies' in poor countries or regions with little strategic or material appeal.
Guard units in the U.S. are suffering severe equipment shortages which will affect their ability to respond to emergencies in their home States, such as Katrina.
'Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded. — © Friedrich August von Hayek
'Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded.
Let me start by emphasizing that I am open to efforts to expedite environmental procedures for true emergencies or in other clear cases where current laws are needlessly burdensome.
Men ever follow willingly a daring leader: most willingly of all, in great emergencies.
As you schedule individual tasks, give yourself a cushion. Mark the due date a few days ahead of the actual deadline so you have time to deal with changes or last-minute emergencies.
For day-to-day beauty, I'm a Q-tip and Vaseline kind of girl. I never leave home without Q-tips - they're a great fix for any makeup emergencies.
As on the one hand, the necessity for borrowing in particular emergencies cannot be doubted, so on the other, it is equally evident that to be able to borrow upon good terms, it is essential that the credit of a nation should be well established.
The etiquette business has its emergencies, heaven knows, but it is in the nature of etiquette emergencies that once one realizes what one has done, it is too late. One might as well get a good night's sleep and send flowers with an apology in the morning.
We live in a world at constant risk of public health emergencies. In our increasingly interconnected world, public health emergencies can affect anyone, anywhere.
The prizes go to those who meet emergencies successfully. And the way to meet emergencies is to do each daily task the best we can; to act as though the eye of opportunity were always upon us. In the hundred-yard race the winner doesn't cross the tape line a dozen strides ahead of the field. He wins by inches. So we find it in ordinary business life. The big things that come our way are seldom the result of long thought or careful planning, but rather they are the fruit of seed planted in the daily routine of our work.
Governors normally have jurisdiction over public health emergencies, but a widespread biological attack would cross state boundaries.
Public emergencies may require the hand of severity to fall heavily on those who are not personally guilty, but compassion prompts, and ever urges to milder methods. — © Mercy Otis Warren
Public emergencies may require the hand of severity to fall heavily on those who are not personally guilty, but compassion prompts, and ever urges to milder methods.
It was a lie but he believed in telling lies to people. Truth telling and medicine just didn't go together except in dire emergencies, if then.
It is by presence of mind in untried emergencies that the native metal of man is tested.
It is only in the lonely emergencies of life that our creed is tested: then routine maxims fail, and we fall back on our gods.
Friends aren't jumper cables. You don't throw them into the trunk and pull them out for emergencies.
To be a good professional engineer, always start to study late for exams because it teaches you how to manage time and tackle emergencies.
If you're not putting enough away for emergencies or retirement, making commitments in advance, such as signing up for payroll withholding, can help.
Nobody but radicals have ever accomplished anything in a great crisis. Conservatives have their place in the piping times of peace; but in emergencies only rugged issue men amount to much.
City government can and must help San Franciscans prepare for emergencies in order to avoid tragedy where possible and minimize loss of life and property when emergencies occur
As we've learned in 1941, national emergencies can create strange bedfellows.
The U.N.'s humanitarian agencies rely on charitable donations from the public as well as the generosity of governments to continue their lifesaving work in response to natural disasters, armed conflicts and other emergencies.
Those who prepared for all the emergencies of life beforehand may equip themselves at the expense of joy.
A student comes to me with a piece of writing, holds it out, says, 'Is this good?' A whole sequence of emergencies goes off in my mind. That's not a question to ask anyone but yourself.
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