Top 1200 Employees And Employers Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Employees And Employers quotes.
Last updated on October 19, 2024.
There is a very strong linkage between U.S. banks and European banks. There are plenty of European employees that are employed by U.S. companies, and there are plenty of U.S. employees that are employed by European companies.
If you don't have collective agreements between unions and employers, governments have to legislate more.
Employers know the nature of people best. — © James Cook
Employers know the nature of people best.
The costermongers' boys will, I am informed, cheat their employers, but they do not steal from them.
We need an employer verification system that works so that we can hold employers accountable.
What do you really believe makes a difference in the company? For me it's really clear. It's about customers and employees. Everything else follows. If you take care of your customers and you have motivated employees, everything else follows.
What immigration really does is redistribute wealth away from workers toward employers.
I've urged employers to address workers' pain.
Social media is the future, with employers recognizing they need to start hiring people with the right skills.
Our employers today face numerous challenges and stiff competition from businesses all over the world.
The workingmen have been exploited all the way up and down the line by employers, landlords, everybody.
Other countries around the world make employees and retirees first in the priority. For example, in Mexico, the bankruptcy laws say if a company wants to go bankrupt... obligations to employees and retirees will have a first priority. That has an effect on every negotiation that takes place with every company in Mexico.
One of the best ways to make growth personal is to give employees a share in their firm, a real incentive to go the extra mile, more of a 'John Lewis Economy' if you like...We know that firms where employees are engaged and own a stake do at least as well as other companies in the good times and have performed even better in recent bad times. Expanding and recruiting at a much faster rate and achieving better productivity...So, why do they make up just 2% of our business landscape?
For employers, mobility no longer means merely traditional expatriate placements, but moving jobs to where talented people are located. — © Alain Dehaze
For employers, mobility no longer means merely traditional expatriate placements, but moving jobs to where talented people are located.
No strike could ever be won with a Communist at its head since the employers would make victory impossible.
I'm fairly sure I didn't show enough gratitude to my employers, and I'm sorry for that.
If you were charged with fixing the U.S. auto industry, how would you do it? The guys who run the auto companies are out of touch with their customers and their employees. They ride to work in their limousines. They go up in their elevators and lock themselves in their offices. They don't walk out into the plants. They wouldn't even drive in the neighborhoods where their employees live. They give themselves big bonuses when the company isn't making any money. I'd make them get involved with the people who are building the cars. They've got to become real people.
Had the employers of past generations all of them dealt fairly with their men there would have been no unions.
I'm not naive to the fact that my gender has at times helped me. Employers are now thinking, 'Let's get perspectives that are different than the ones we have.'
No mandatory prison term for employers who hire illegals.
Shareholder value is the result of you doing a great job, watching your share price go up, your shareholders win, and dividends increasing. What happens when you have increasing shareholder value? You're delivering better employees to their communities and they can give back. Communities are winning because employees are involved in mentoring and all these other things. Customers are winning because you're providing them new products.
Global supply chains are founded on a Darwinian model that rewards employers who treat working people as less than human.
The best worst example of making people feel unappreciated today lies in the casualness, indeed indifference with regard to massive lay-offs even when there isn't a financial crisis. That is a message to employees that they are expendable, interchangeable, easily dismissed and replaced, often by younger, less experienced and cheaper employees. The essential message being conveyed to people is, You are worthless. What an incredibly dumb thing that is for management to say!
Remember, FDA employees are serious about fear. We pay these people to panic about an iota of rodent hair in our chili, even when the recipe calls for it. FDA employees are first-class agonizers, world champions at losing sleep. When Meryl Streep got hysterical about Alar, they actually checked the apples instead of Meryl's head.
The UFC are my employers, so they have to come first.
Exporting Church employees to Latin America masks a universal and unconscious fear of a new Church. North and South American authorities, differently motivated but equally fearful, become accomplices in maintaining a clerical and irrelevant Church. Sacralizing employees and property, this Church becomes progressively more blind to the possibilities of Sacralizing person and community.
Ed Lawler and I document that the key to creating good, productive jobs in all industries is to organize work processes and systems in ways that allow employees to contribute significant amounts of "added value" to the products they make and services they provide. When mangers give employees the organizational structure, resources, and authority needed for them to contribute their ideas and efforts, American workers, like those at Harley-Davidson, almost always prove capable of effectively competing against their overseas counterparts.
I have proposed maternity leave for mothers whose employers do not provide it.
The great irony of executive compensation is, if you pay your employees more, you're gonna create more demand for your goods and services! Which is gonna lead to more executive compensation than if you pay your employees less and try to take all the cream off of the top.
I’ve seen how important this concept is in business. To be truly successful, companies need to have a corporate mission that is bigger than making a profit. We try to follow that at, where we give 1% of our equity, 1% of our profits, and 1% of our employees’ time to the community. By integrating philanthropy into our business model our employees feel that they do much more than just work at our company. By sharing a common and important mission, we are united and focused, and have found a secret weapon that ensures we always win.
The decision-makers should communicate the customer pictures and the logic of the strategies and actions. That communication allows employees throughout the organization to implement the strategies and actions, tweaking them appropriately in response to variations in the marketplace. It also allows employees to recognize information in the marketplace that contradicts the customer pictures, either because the pictures were not entirely correct or because customers have changed.
Laboring men can perform for themselves the office of becoming their own employers.
I also think that employees these days expect less of a separation of work and personal life. That doesn't mean that work tasks should encroach upon our personal time, but it does mean that employees today expect more from the companies for whom they work. Why shouldn't your workplace reflect your values? Why is "giving back" not a part of our jobs? The answer for us is to integrate philanthropy with work.
There is no more certain way to deter employment than to harass and penalize employers.
The CEO announces that the purpose of the firm is to improve the lives of the customers and the lives of the firm's stakeholders and the quality of the planet. The company will give fair compensation to all the stakeholders and the CEO will not earn more than 20 times the median income of his employees. He will want his employees to rate him, just as he also has to rate them.
Companies have greater responsibility to their team members and to the world these days. We're the ones with the power. Large employers are the ones that can move the needle on issues.
When I won medals, I think I was doing something for my employers also. I am making them proud.
Sanctions and workfare make it easier for employers to impose insecure practices on desperate people. — © Guy Standing
Sanctions and workfare make it easier for employers to impose insecure practices on desperate people.
Employers and business leaders need people who can think for themselves - who can take initiative and be the solution to problems.
Employers' national income is a particular disincentive to employ because it is an expense without benefit.
First and foremost, we have to ensure that we have to get our own kids ready for work so that employers want to take them on.
Most employers see breaks in employment as a blemish on a resume. In the case of military spouses, however, it's due to their frequent moves.
By cracking down on wage theft, we can make sure workers and taxpayers are not getting ripped off by crooked employers.
Modern Australian trade unionism and the unionist that I am doesn't rely on a class war view that somehow that the interests of employees and managers are in two separate spheres and they're irreconcilable. I believe that when people can go to work and be happy, satisfied, engaged, where the employer is getting employees who feel their interests are aligned with the employer, you get productivity. This is the future of Australian workplaces.
Wal-Mart is an amazing success story. What I particularly admire very much about the late Sam Walton was his policy of valuing his employees. Giving value to employees is very rare in the retail industry. I also admire the strategies Walton used to build up his discount store concept.
The worst leaders are the once that think they have to know as much or more than the people who work with them. The best leaders are the once who know that their employees know hell of a lot more than what they know and willing to admit it whilst expressing the value of their employees.
I think employers need help in understanding how to translate a military career.
When times are bad, the gloves come off and employers are less nice. People become disposable.
Now in a lot of rural towns in Kentucky, the school system is the heartbeat of the community, not to mention one of the major employers. — © Krystal Ball
Now in a lot of rural towns in Kentucky, the school system is the heartbeat of the community, not to mention one of the major employers.
You can't have employment and despise employers ... No goose, no golden eggs.
It [feminism] is mixed up with a muddled idea that women are free when they serve their employers but slaves when they help their husbands.
Responsible employers who pursue bold growth agendas must embrace intelligent technologies.
I don't believe that employers should have access to an employee's private passwords, including Facebook.
Employers love cheap labor, but a country should train its own people.
Border enforcement coupled with employer sanctions and threatening employers who hire immigration law violators is insufficient.
Most hierarchies are nowadays so cumbered with rules and traditions, and so bound in by public laws, that even high employees do not have to lead anyone anywhere, in the sense of pointing out the direction and setting the pace. They simply follow precedents, obey regulations, and move at the head of the crowd. Such employees lead only in the sense that the curved wooden figurehead leads the ship .
Employers are like horses — they require management.
I think most young professionals would be surprised to learn how accommodating employers can be to inquisitive potential candidates.
Too many employers have said that they are unable to find skilled workers.
Most employers just aren't willing to look beyond the dumbest or worst thing someone has done.
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