Top 1200 Employees And Employers Quotes & Sayings - Page 4

Explore popular Employees And Employers quotes.
Last updated on October 19, 2024.
A lot of journalists don't want to conflate their own opinions with those of their employers... With a YouTube video, you can be as personal or as journalistic as you want.
My constituents are my employers - if I let them down I should be accountable to them.
It is U.S. workers who lose out when employers cannot get the high-tech graduates they need to compete with foreign companies in the 21st century economy. — © Kit Bond
It is U.S. workers who lose out when employers cannot get the high-tech graduates they need to compete with foreign companies in the 21st century economy.
I've always shied away from online data storage. I don't even use my employers' network drives for anything sensitive. I want to control access myself.
Employers ganging up against workers is like raising an army of elephants against ants.
I was having a hard time getting interest from future employers because of my physics background. It seemed all anyone wanted was engineers.
Hire passionate employees.
Walmart isn't your average mom-and-pop operation. It's the largest employer in America. As such, it's the trendsetter for millions of other employers of low-wage workers.
Employers need to recognize that the world has changed and there are people who would like to help them provide solution in ways that are new, modern and that add value to companies.
It's important to remember that finding a job is only the beginning of a smooth transition to civilian life for our troops - as employers, we must also ensure their ongoing success.
If you didn't have employers able to pay off the books and off the record safely in cash, you wouldn't have illegal immigration on nearly the scale that we do.
Veterans have the skills employers want - discipline, motivation, leadership, and the ability to work on a team. They have made the U.S. military the most effective and respected in the world.
Mob guys had muscle, and where in hell do you think employers got the tough guys when they wanted to break a strike? — © Jimmy Hoffa
Mob guys had muscle, and where in hell do you think employers got the tough guys when they wanted to break a strike?
The employers cannot carry on industry nor accumulate profits if they have not got the good will of the workers or their acquiescence in carrying on such industry.
The government, which was designed for the people, has got into the hands of the bosses and their employers, the special interests. An invisible empire has been set up above the forms of democracy.
An MP is the only job where you have 70,000 employers, and only one employee.
Forcing your employees to follow required steps only prevents customer dissatisfaction. If your goal is truly to satisfy, to create advocates, then the step-by-step approach alone cannot get you there. Instead, you must select employees who have the talent to listen and to teach, and then you must focus them toward simple emotional outcomes like partnership and advice....Identify a person's strenths. Define outcomes that play to those strengths. Find a way to count, rate or rank those outcomes. And then let the person run.
To be effective in tackling poverty wages, a living wage has to be mandatory and basic trade union rights should be restored so workers can protect themselves from exploitative employers.
In the first study, Grant and his colleagues analyzed data from one of the five biggest pizza chains in the United States. They discovered that the weekly profits of the stores managed by extroverts were 16 percent higher than the profits of those led by introverts—but only when the employees were passive types who tended to do their job without exercising initiative. Introverted leaders had the exact opposite results. When they worked with employees who actively tried to improve work procedures, their stores outperformed those led by extroverts by more than 14 percent.
Utah sells itself to Fortune 500 companies as a noncasino state where employers don't have to be concerned about absenteeism and other problems associated with gambling
You [the employees] are involved in a crusade.
employers sense in me a denial of their values...they fear me. i suspect that they can see that i am forced to function in a century which i loathe.
Employers have decided that having the breadth of knowledge that's associated with a four-year degree is often something they want to see in the people they give that job to.
The UK's most forward-thinking employers already know they need to attract, retain and promote the best talent - both male and female.
Employers who violate rules of fairness are punished by reduced productivity, and merchants who follow unfair pricing policies can expect to lose sales.
Even small cults are a serious cost on the world economy, to victims, their families, employers, friends, and credit-card companies.
You cannot be pro-jobs and anti-business at the same time. You cannot love employment and hate employers.
I know very well what it is to be out of work and to be cheated by employers and I know what it is to be an employer.
Always treat your employees exactly as you want them to treat your best customers. You can buy a person's hand, but you can't buy his heart; his heart is where his enthusiasm is. You can buy his back, but you can't buy his brain. That's where his creativity is. Treat employees as volunteers just as you treat customers as volunteers, because that's what they are. They volunteer the best parts - their hearts and minds.
I'm a big believer that if you're happy and your employees are happy, your customers are going to be happy. If you're unhappy and your employees are unhappy, there's no way your customers are going to be happy.
I think maybe 50 years ago people and businesses felt like they had to choose between maximizing profits and making customers happy or making employees happy, and I think we're actually living in a special time where everyone's hyperconnected, whether through Twitter or blogs and so on. Information travels so quickly that it's actually possible to have it all, to make customers happy through customer service, to make employees happy through strong company cultures, and have that actually drive growth and profits.
Religious ritual is a way of structuring time so that we, not employers, the market or the media, are in control. Life needs its pauses, its chapter breaks, if the soul is to have space to breathe.
Top notch Indian employers such as Flipkart have hired Udacity Nanodegree graduates based solely on their performance in our programme, without any in-person interview.
One of the most pervasive and damaging trends we are seeing in the 21st-century workplace is the deliberate misclassification of workers by employers looking to shift responsibility and cut costs.
Employers are looking for individuals who can tell a story about what they bring to a particular company, and people with an understanding of that have a much better chance of getting to where they want to go.
What we must seek is a plan by which the men will receive high wages when the employers are receiving high prices for the product.
Convey your passion and link your strengths to measurable results. Employers and interviewers love concrete data.
Where laws recognize rights to collective bargaining, the truth is that employee rights to negotiate with employers are denied in many countries. — © Sharan Burrow
Where laws recognize rights to collective bargaining, the truth is that employee rights to negotiate with employers are denied in many countries.
Employers don't want to hire single moms with kids, because if the kid's sick then they can't work, and it goes on and on and on. It's really incredibly difficult to find a job in that situation.
Where workers are not free to change employers or leave the country without the permission of their employer, workers are, de facto, in forced labour.
If there must always be a laboring population distinct from proprietors and employers, we regard the slave system as decidedly preferable to the system at wages.
If the workers don't keep themselves current - with some assistance and guidance from their employers - then the workers who are in the legacy roles will have to be removed. That's what's so difficult.
I do not want to impose additional taxes on the employers at a time when our economy is very fragile and we want to encourage them to hire.
Employers have gone away from the idea that an employee is a long-term asset to the company, someone to be nurtured and developed, to a new notion that they are disposable.
Reforming the way the state works with businesses and providing incentives for employers will help preserve and create new jobs in Massachusetts.
When you raise the price of employment, guess what happens? You get less of it. Why do we want to make it harder for small employers to hire people?
[Donald Trump] tried to switch from looks to stamina. But this is a man who has called women pigs, slobs and dogs, and someone who has said pregnancy is an inconvenience to employers.
During three decades from 1947 to 1977, the nation implemented what might be called a basic bargain with American workers. Employers paid them enough to buy what they produced.
This is the debate we have every time we talk about the minimum wage, that if we raise it even 50 cents, that it means employers are just going to shut down. It's not true.
As Americans, we have the right to decide who lives within our borders, and we can't let unscrupulous employers to undercut honest business owners by exploiting cheap labor.
I'm there for my friends, and I'd like to think I'm there for my employees. — © Tilman J. Fertitta
I'm there for my friends, and I'd like to think I'm there for my employees.
We need employers to have an open mind about people with mental illness, and be willing to employ people, with the right support.
Half of my employees are women.
Employers able to work together with workers and sharing gains and profits will lead to a much better world, getting away from income inequality.
Producers are now employees, not creators.
I encourage employers to permit their workers time off during the lunch hour to attend the noontime services to pray for our land.
I've supported myself by writing since 1992, and I'm probably very nearly unemployable by now because employers are likely to be put off by the long gap.
I am somewhat surprised to have employees.
I've urged employers to address ergonomics and adopt ergonomics measures.
People have found very significant and simple ways to cheat their employer and get money out of their employers, and many companies lack good internal controls.
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