Top 1200 Employees And Employers Quotes & Sayings - Page 7

Explore popular Employees And Employers quotes.
Last updated on October 19, 2024.
Robots allow our employees to work safely, faster, and at less cost.
The first day, week and month of an employees experience carries a lasting impression.
Employers crave the power to fire workers whose performance is judged inferior-not just to get rid of those particular workers, but more importantly to motivate and discipline the rest of the workforce.
Capital goes to where it can escape taxation and be used to pay employees in sacks of rice. — © Walter Wriston
Capital goes to where it can escape taxation and be used to pay employees in sacks of rice.
I'm in favor of building the fence, and doing everything technologically to protect our borders. But the other way to secure the border, and one of the things we must do, is put in place good guest-worker programs that employers can actually use.
HartBeat Productions is a company established by me; it's mine. I run it. I have employees.
The only people whose opinions I worry about are my wife, my children, and my employees.
What we've been hearing over and over again is that the reason Republicans are opposed to the surtax is because of the concern of its impact on job creation. Well, if you carve out employers, you take away that argument.
To our health care workers and essential employees: Thank you for everything you are doing.
Money is not the only thing that motivates employees. It's about making them happy.
Your company should act as a springboard for ambitious employees, not a set of shackles.
Most of us believe that women can do what men do. The challenge is to convince employers, legislators, mothers, that men can do what women do.
It's important to understand the compensation equation that a CEO and a founder has with his or her employees.
Motherhood gives you access to a range of different intellectual experiences and ways of seeing the world, which, in a way, makes you more flexible in the workplace. But our employers, our colleagues, don't necessarily understand.
It is important to take time out every year to honor state employees. — © Mike Parson
It is important to take time out every year to honor state employees.
Children exist in the world as well as in the family. From the moment they are born, they depend on a host of other “grownups” — grandparents, neighbors, teachers, ministers, employers, political leaders, and untold others who touch their lives directly and indirectly.
Give your employees a mission that matches their ambitions. When you challenge people, they surprise you.
With the right support and reasonable adjustments, autistic people make wonderful employees.
Justice Sandra Day O'Connor decisions reflect, in my view, that our society has worked very hard to improve the workaday world, to open doors to workers confronted by powerful employers and for women facing harassment and stereotypes.
Thousand of Virginia's are losing their coverage, facing skyrocketing insurance premiums and losing their doctors under Obamacare. Employers across the Commonwealth say that the law is preventing or slowing down hiring and growth.
For an older generation of employees, social media often remains misunderstood and underutilized.
One thing I have always promised is to be open and transparent and to treat employees and partners with respect and integrity.
In our nation there are two classes of nobility: the law-abiding workers and the law-abiding employers who sustain each other.
I have people say, 'I'll come to work for you for free,' and I tell my employees they have to compete with that.
We want to make sure that workers know their rights and that employers know their obligations. That is the best way to protect workers.
For early employees you want people that have somewhat of a risk-taking attitude.
I think it is possible to be friends with employees, but there has to be a respect level where you're not taken advantage of, either.
The U.S. Congress can do a lot to support America's workplaces and the family. By working together in a bipartisan fashion, we can ensure our constituents get jobs they need while helping employers make smart decisions about their workforce.
Corrupt, stupid grasping functionaries will make at least as big a muddle of socialism as stupid, selfish and acquisitive employers can make of capitalism.
Our approach in Louisiana has been to build meaningful partnerships that attract the leading employers of the future in a way that grows our economy and provides our people with outstanding career opportunities.
Recovery Friendly Workplaces are an opportunity for New Hampshire to help change the culture around addiction by engaging employers in being a proactive part of the conversation by providing tools, resources, and opening up access to treatment.
Train service is particularly vital for the students and employees of Southern Illinois University.
Being a smaller, nimbler company is better for our customers, employees and shareholders.
Before you can have great employees you have to put them in a position to create their own future.
If you don't stay very close to clients and employees you're going to make the wrong decisions.
Instead of putting Americans to work, the Teamsters have been busy yanking members off projects and idling construction projects from California to Indiana to New York in order to shake down employers.
Persuading employees to let go of old values and beliefs and adopt new ones can be challenging.
Arbitration clauses have become prevalent in most corporate agreements or contracts for employees.
Just the act of listening means more than you can imagine to most employees. — © Bob Nelson
Just the act of listening means more than you can imagine to most employees.
Well-trained and dedicated employees are the only sustainable source of competitive strength.
Many workplaces that never before offered telecommuting have had to do so in the face of the coronavirus. Once systems are established and practiced, both government and private employers will institute more telecommuting options.
I believe strongly that the opportunity is here for us in America to finally have a healthcare system that we can really be proud of. But it's got to be one where everybody is involved. Everybody: consumers, employers, providers, health-insurance companies, everybody.
If you look at the geographic variation in long-term unemployment, it's really striking. There are pockets where employers don't want to go, but for some reason, in part because of adequate safety nets, people don't want to leave.
Employees are the key to your success with customers. Treat them well!
It is important that we win back the trust of employees first, then customers.
Even though there is rampant unemployment in many parts of the world, there are still large numbers of jobs that are going unfilled because employers are having a hard time identifying people with the right set of skills.
Employees are looking at us to both externally and internally represent the values that are important.
... you want to be proud of how much you can get done with a small numbers of employees.
I get to deal with presidents and prime ministers and - and employees from tellers on up. And I love it.
It's much easier for people to compare wages or identify bad employers or discuss bad labor practices in the Internet economy than it was in, say, a factory environment, where that stuff wasn't usually published or available.
When you're a kid, you might be picked on for your differences. When you're an adult, employers, colleges, friends - people look for differences when you're adult, and that's what makes you shine and stand out.
Let's be honest: the implementation of the United and Continental merger has been rocky for customers and employees. — © Oscar Munoz
Let's be honest: the implementation of the United and Continental merger has been rocky for customers and employees.
To function efficiently, any group of people or employees must have faith in their leader.
Some employees are protected by union or personal contracts that limit reasons for dismissal.
Most new jobs won't come from our biggest employers. They will come from our smallest. We've got to do everything we can to make entrepreneurial dreams a reality.
I am thrilled to return full time to a job and the employees I love.
I'd be 100 percent supportive of a minimum wage - kind of industry specific, maybe regionally specific - for guest workers, so that we're not creating incentives for employers to bring in immigrants to lower the price of labor.
It is not the employer who pays the wages. Employers only handle the money. It is the customer who pays the wages.
Soaring prescription drug costs have placed a tremendous strain on family budgets. They have also imposed a heavy burden on employers - both public and private - who are struggling to provide affordable health insurance coverage to their workers.
Second, if you're the boss, just because they don't ask doesn't mean your employees don't have needs.
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