Top 1200 Entrepreneurial Spirit Quotes & Sayings - Page 5

Explore popular Entrepreneurial Spirit quotes.
Last updated on December 18, 2024.
What is it to 'walk in the Spirit'? It is not self-occupation, nor even occupation with the Spirit. Walking according to the Spirit is occupation with the Lord Jesus Christ in glory. If the believer ever looks to the Lord Jesus, depends upon Him, draws all his needs from Him- if He is his All in all- then the believer walks according to the Spirit of Christ.
My mother was from an entrepreneurial family and very creative. She always pushed me to take risks, to do things I wouldn't have thought of.
The minute a man stops supplicating God for His Spirit and direction, just so soon he starts out to become a stranger to Him and His works. When men stop praying for God's Spirit, they place confidence in their own unaided reason, and they gradually lose the Spirit of God.
Every growth of spiritual life, from the first tender shoot until now, has been the work of the Holy Spirit.... The only way to more life is the Holy Spirit. You will not even know that you want more unless He works in you to desire it.... The Spirit of God must come and make the letter alive, transfer it to your heart, set it on fire, and make it burn within you, or else its divine force and majesty will be hid from your eyes.... Prayer is the creation of the Holy Spirit. We cannot do without prayer, and we cannot pray without the Holy Spirit.
True philanthropy requires a disruptive mindset, innovative thinking and a philosophy driven by entrepreneurial insights and creative opportunities. — © Naveen Jain
True philanthropy requires a disruptive mindset, innovative thinking and a philosophy driven by entrepreneurial insights and creative opportunities.
The first thing is to hang on to everybody who is talented, who is entrepreneurial, who wants to make an impact and a change and start attracting ones.
God aims first to renew man's darkened spirit by imparting life to it, because it is this spirit which God originally designed to receive His life and to commune with Him. God's intent after that is to work out from the spirit to permeate man's soul and body.
The ability to bounce back after a setback is the single most important trait an entrepreneurial venture can possess.
I think that the culture at Stanford really shapes how you view the world, and you get a lot more out of an entrepreneurial mindset.
We are going to make sure that America is open to legal immigration because that is wealth and the talent and the entrepreneurial skills for the 21st Century.
There are two sides to this Baptism: The first is, you possess the Spirit; The second is that the Spirit possesses you.
I'm not sure I really am an entrepreneur. I'm not much of a businessman. I know I'm not a marketing guy. I do have an entrepreneurial lineage, though.
Zen professes itself to be the spirit of Buddhism, but in fact it is the spirit of all religions and philosophies.
No power on earth or in hell can conquer the Spirit of God in a human spirit
I think that, on the whole, risk-taking entrepreneurial characters regard nature as a sort of background that we can use for our own advantage. — © Roger Scruton
I think that, on the whole, risk-taking entrepreneurial characters regard nature as a sort of background that we can use for our own advantage.
I've been an entrepreneur all my life, and my recent focus is on finding entrepreneurial solutions to address global challenges in healthcare and education.
Doctors don't know everything really. They understand matter, not spirit. And you and I live in the spirit.
One of the phrases I frequently look for is infinite learning curve.Because each entrepreneurial pattern is to some degree unique and new.
The liberation cannot be reached but by means of the perception of the identity of the individual spirit with the universal spirit.
The absolute awareness only comes when you become the Spirit. When you get your realization and you become the Spirit. When you are the Spirit, then what happens that you start feeling on your central nervous the centers of all the people who are around you and your own centers.
We can study the whole history of salvation, we can study the whole of Theology, but without the Spirit we cannot understand. It is the Spirit that makes us realize the truth or - in the words of Our Lord - it is the Spirit that makes us know the voice of Jesus.
The five S's of sports training are: stamina, speed, strength, skill, and spirit; but the greatest of these is spirit.
There's always a mismatch between small entrepreneurial outfits and large companies, which often don't have the same outlook.
For women to succeed in politics, business and entrepreneurial ventures they have to battle against a stereotype of being heartless and unfeminine.
'Your Life Calling' is the first thing in my long career I've ever actually invented. It is my entrepreneurial debut.
Most entrepreneurial ideas will sound crazy, stupid and uneconomic, and then they’ll turn out to be right.
Here the spirit becomes a lion who would conquer his freedom and be master… Who is the great dragon whom the spirit will no longer call lord and go? ‘Thou shalt’ is the name of the great dragon. But the spirit of the lion says, ‘I will.
Capitalists are motivated not chiefly by the desire to consume wealth or indulge their appetites, but by the freedom and power to consummate their entrepreneurial ideas.
I started my first company when I was 18 and learned by trial through fire, having no formal education or entrepreneurial experience.
The man who sticks it out against his fate shows spirit, but the spirit of a fool.
Al-Qaeda has a kind of loose, almost entrepreneurial structure with lots of cells in various countries that are semi-independent.
Find ways to decentralize. Move decision making authority down and out. Encourage a more entrepreneurial approach.
It saddens me to see the entrepreneurial world in Brazil, because it's a misfortune to be a boss in our country, with so many labor laws.
The 'religious spirit,' it's demonic, and it attempts to substitute a demonic power or a fleshly power for the power of the Holy Spirit. And the 'religious spirit' is more concerned with what we look like than what we really are.
Nations are not built by governments alone. The government can at best be a facilitator, and a trigger for society's innate entrepreneurial and creative instincts.
The truth is that the Spirit of the living God is guaranteed to ask you to go somewhere or do something you wouldn't normally want or choose to do. The Spirit will lead you into the way of the cross, as He led Jesus to the cross, and that is definitely not a safe or pretty or comfortable place to be. The Holy Spirit of God will mold you into the person you were made to be.
The spirit of creation is the spirit of contradiction. It is the breakthrough of appearances toward an unknown reality.
On the whole, the longing for solitude is a sign that there still is spirit in a person and is a measure of what spirit there is.
God is Spirit - without the Holy Spirit you cannot relate to Him.
We learn together in teams. This involves a shift from a spirit of advocacy to a spirit of enquiry. — © Peter Senge
We learn together in teams. This involves a shift from a spirit of advocacy to a spirit of enquiry.
I believe in the spirit of equality and the spirit of this country as one of love and compassion and kindness.
I'm a free spirit. A spirit that evolves. I'm a diamond. I'm just refining it. Polishing it. Glossing it up.
Spirit is the third, yet in such a way that one can speak of a synthesis only when the spirit is posited.
We're supposed to be an entrepreneurial company; we're meant to be expanding and looking for opportunities - but the minute you do it, you get your head bashed in.
Most entrepreneurial ideas will sound crazy, stupid and uneconomic, and then they'll turn out to be right.
Of all the entrepreneurial opportunities available today, one of the most important is direct selling, also called network marketing.
Very simply, the Spirit of Elijah is the Holy Ghost. The Spirit of Elijah will influence anyone who is involved in this work. That, for a young person in the wickedness in the world in which we live today, is one of the greatest safeguards against the temptations of the adversary. The Spirit of Elijah will not only bless you, it will protect you.
Now, inventiveness and empathy, those qualities, if they're together in the same person, you've got an entrepreneurial genius. But they do tend to be slightly separate.
Art makes the spirit soar. And when the spirit is lifted, life follows.
As temples of the Holy Spirit. we should have communion with the Holy Spirit. The work of any believer is not only the work of a human individual, but is actually the work of the Holy Spirit.
Authentic architecture is not the incarnation of the spirit of the age but of the spirit, full stop. — © Leon Krier
Authentic architecture is not the incarnation of the spirit of the age but of the spirit, full stop.
Joy comes when we have the Spirit in our lives. When we have the Spirit, we rejoice in what the Savior has done for us.
The woman is increasingly aware that love alone can give her full stature, just as the man begins to discern that spirit alone can endow his life with its highest meaning. Fundamentally, therefore, both seek a psychic relation to the other, because love needs the spirit, and the spirit love, for their fulfillment.
The Church is the Body of Christ, and the Spirit is the Spirit of Christ. He fills the Body, directs its movements, controls its members, inspires its wisdom, supplies it's strength. He guides into truth, sanctifies its agents, and empowers for witnessing. The Spirit has never abdicated His authority nor relegated His power.
This is the spirit of the Order, indeed the true spirit of Mercy flowing on us.
I've had an entrepreneurial mindset from a young age and I've been interested in companies and products that are a little bit different.
There is an opinion that parties in free countries are useful checks upon the administration of the government, and serve to keep alive the spirit of liberty. This, within certain limits, is probably true, and, in governments of a monarchical cast, patriotism may look with indulgence, if not with favor, upon the spirit of party. But in those of the popular character, in governments purely elective, it is a spirit not to be encouraged.
The reality of spirit-matter is inevitably translated into and confirmed by a structure of the spirit.
I used to be called the "Green Jack Kemp" because of my promotion of entrepreneurial and work-based solutions for poor people.
I came to CSIR with a passion to apply all of my scientific - entrepreneurial talents to help uplift the masses of Indians through the delivery of technologies.
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