Top 143 Ether Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Ether quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
You put yourself on tape as an actor a lot - and you send them off, they go out into the ether, and you have no idea what's going to come back, or when.
The modern concept of the vacuum of space, confirmed every day by experiment, is a relativistic ether.
[Of the ether] it is no greater mystery at all events than the shoemakers' wax. — © Lord Kelvin
[Of the ether] it is no greater mystery at all events than the shoemakers' wax.
Sometimes it seems that the fate of the world is decided entirely in the ether of electronic communications and corporate backroom deals.
Ether is the token of the Ethereum network, which is focused on disrupting contract law.
Ether is the only substance we are confident of in dynamics. One thing we are sure of and that is the reality and substantiality of the luminferous ether.
Piety--warm, soft, and passive as the ether round the throne of Grace--is made callous and inactive by kneeling too much.
My mind was, as it were, strongly impregnated with the Johnsonian ether.
Pirate ships were built for stealth and invisibility. They filed no manifests with any agency or government. When they went missing or sunk, nobody went looking for them. They simply disappeared into the ether.
UBIQUITY, n. The gift or power of being in all places at one time, but not in all places at all times, which is omnipresence, an attribute of God and the luminiferous ether only.
No matter how close we got to a station or a disc jockey ... they could disappear into the ether without so much as a wave goodbye or a farewell song.
For what is prayer but the expansion of your self into the living ether?
The man who eats to live, who is friends with the five powers - earth, water, ether, sun and air - who is a servant of God, the Creator of all these, ought not to fall ill.
Whenever any great song or album gets lost in the ether, someone is deprived of the joy of hearing it, and the great effort of those who created and recorded the work is damaged.
You look at any poetic creature: muslin, ether, demigoddess, millions of delights; then you look into the soul and find the most ordinary crocodile! — © Anton Chekhov
You look at any poetic creature: muslin, ether, demigoddess, millions of delights; then you look into the soul and find the most ordinary crocodile!
What folly takes light through ether to each eye from every horizon.
The purity men love is like the mists which envelope the earth, and not like the azure ether beyond.
I cannot but regard the ether, which can be the seat of an electromagnetic field with its energy and its vibrations, as endowed with a certain degree of substantiality, however different it may be from all ordinary matter.
Each successive period of progress is a period more humane and spiritual. The only logical conclusion is that all is Mind and its manifestation, from the rolling of worlds, in the most subtle ether, to a potato-patch.
There is nothing worse than a man in the throws of an ether bender.
The forces of rotation caused red hot masses of stones to be torn away from the Earth and to be thrown into the ether, and this is the origin of the stars.
It appears, from all that precedes, reasonably certain that if there be any relative motion between the earth and the luminiferous ether, it must be small; quite small enough entirely to refute Fresnel's explanation of aberration.
All matter comes from a primary substance, the luminiferous ether
There is no instrument for measuring the pressure of the Ether, which is probably millions of times greater: it is altogether too uniform for direct apprehension. A deep-sea fish has probably no means of apprehending the existence of water, it is too uniformly immersed in it: and that is our condition in regard to the Ether.
Float with me in the world of ether.
The whole mass of any body is just the mass of ether surrounding the body which is carried along by the Faraday tubes associated with the atoms of the body. In fact, all mass is mass of the ether; all momentum, momentum of the ether; and all kinetic energy, kinetic energy of the ether, This view, it should be said, requires the density of the ether to be immensely greater than that of any known substance.
Music draws from almost the identical place as art does, which really is that intangible - it's like you're pulling from the ether. I don't know where it comes from.
There is nothing more helpless and irresponsible than a man in the depths of an ether binge.
Proposition IX. Radiant light consists in Undulations of the Luminiferous Ether.
You'll be using digital currency. I think really what will happen is you'll use a combination of bitcoin, ether, your devices, the 'Internet of Things.' We've got billions of devices coming online.
In what rapt ether sails the world, of which the weariest will never weary?
I am living with a rising generation which talks like people coming out of ether.
[W]e pity our fathers for dying before steam and galvanism, sulphuric ether and ocean telegraphs, photograph and spectrograph arrived, as cheated out of their human estate.
There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge.
In art, something comes of nothing. Out of the thin air and the ether, you create a story. And that is intensely satisfying.
A voice cannot carry the tongue and the lips that gave it wings. Alone must it seek the ether. And alone and without his nest shall the eagle fly across the sun.
The outer eyes see only by reflection. The vibrationsfrom the inner eye, optic, is conveyed along the opticnerves and produced, spectacular, on the ether.
People think I'm some kind of prophet, but I'm not someone who gets my information from the ether. I've been given the coordinates about how things work. — © David Icke
People think I'm some kind of prophet, but I'm not someone who gets my information from the ether. I've been given the coordinates about how things work.
I'm trained to look for certain things... I shoot, I shoot, I shoot, and then I go find it in the ether.
Of all that is most beauteous, imaged there In happier beauty; more pellucid streams, An ampler ether, a diviner air, And fields invested with purpureal gleams.
From the Book of Mormon come other precious promises, including promises of peace, freedom, and blessings if we 'will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ' (Ether 2:12).
Regular panelists on shows can be terrifying. They own that space, and many guest comics suspect they are favoured in the edit, while their own hilarious jokes end up being ejected into the ether.
I believe there's a platonic ideal for every book that is written, like there's the perfect version of the book somewhere in the ether, and my job is to find what that book is through my editing.
The events over the DAO hack might have spooked some people from ether to Bitcoin, helping with the rise in price, and now that ether is recovering a little, that movement is reversing the action.
The only thing that really worried me was the ether. There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. And I knew we'd get into that rotten stuff pretty soon. Probably at the next gas station.
Matter moves, but Ether is strained.
Dick Dart emerged from the ether during a flight from New York with my wife and children to Puerto Rico.
When I think about myself, my thought seeks itself in the ether of a new space. I am on the moon as others are on their balconies. I participate in planetary gravitation in the fissures of my mind.
I've been doing American auditions for a while, and it always felt sort of like sending these audition tapes off into the ether. So just hearing anything back from anyone was kind of startling.
I think we all choose our style from the ether and whatever is out there. — © David Duchovny
I think we all choose our style from the ether and whatever is out there.
Don't you see, Katniss, this will decide things. One way or the other. By the end of the day, they'll ether be dead or with us. It''s more than we could hope for! Well, that's a sunny view of our situation.
Guild doesn't like me." "That's true." "He doesn't like you, ether." "That is mystifying.
I am convinced that there are universal currents of Divine Thought vibrating the ether everywhere and that any who can feel these vibrations is inspired.
As like a church and an ale-house, God and the devell, they manie times dwell neere to ether.
Big, evocative words get thrown around, and people can sing along to passionately as if the lyrics just materialized out of the ether, largely because they don't ever seem to coalesce into a writerly voice.
They say much about the Einstein's theory now. According to Einstein the ether does not exist and many people agree with him. But it is a mistake in my opinion. Ether's opponents refer to the experiments of Maykelson - Morli [Michelson-Morley] who made attempts to detect the Earth's movement relative to the fixed-bed ether. These experiments failed, however it didn't mean the ether's non-existence. I always based as fact the existence of mechanical ether in my works and therefore I could achieve positive success.
Time dissipates to shining ether the solid angularity of facts.
We have to wonder whether digital technology, rather than making it easier to communicate, is actually doing the opposite. We now sit alone at a keyboard, firing off zeros and ones into the ether. Offices are silent.
Soar, eat ether, see what has never been seen; depart, be lost, but climb.
It is the sky that makes the earth so lovely at sunrise, and so splendid at sunset. In the one it breathes over the earth the crystal-like ether, in the other the liquid gold.
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