Top 1200 Ethical Behavior Quotes & Sayings - Page 15

Explore popular Ethical Behavior quotes.
Last updated on October 11, 2024.
Only criminals and bloodsuckers reward bad behavior.
The American people voted to restore integrity and honesty in Washington, D.C., and the Democrats intend to lead the most honest, most open and most ethical Congress in history.
The avoidance of explicit ethical judgments leads political scientists to one overriding implicit value judgment - that in favor of the political status quo as it happens to prevail in any given society.
Trying to act normal is the most unnatural behavior of all. — © Sharyn McCrumb
Trying to act normal is the most unnatural behavior of all.
If you want this planet to continue being habitable for everyone that lives here, you have to limit the number of inhabitants. Hunters do it by killing off the old or sick animals in a herd, but I don't think that's a very ethical way of limiting the population.
Most of us appear to believe that we are more athletic, intelligent, organized, ethical, logical, interesting, open-minded, and healthy-not to mention more attractive-than the average person.
I'm definitely an observer of human behavior. I always have been.
Researchers should always consider ethical concerns on scientific research and disclose their data to the public. Scientists also need to discuss issues surrounding their research with those who are concerned.
The moral disapprobation of society has an impact on behavior in societies.
My hobby is extreme Catholic behavior - before the Reformation.
Maternal behavior helps when you have to be patient with nonverbal creatures.
In the light of absolute values (religious or ethical) man himself is judged to be limited or imperfect, while he can occasionally accomplish acts which partake of perfection, he, himself can never be perfect.
Chaos is lawless behavior governed entirely by law.
Genocide is an attempt to exterminate a people, not to alter their behavior. — © Jack Schwartz
Genocide is an attempt to exterminate a people, not to alter their behavior.
I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.
. . . the wellspring for the passion that drove public speech and action in behalf of the environment was in large part religious and ethical. Environmentalism, in short, had become one version of nature religion in the lingering shadow of American transcendentalism.
Entitlement is just the grossest kind of human behavior.
Behavior is a much better barometer of what you are than words.
I have a tendency to dip my foot in self-destructive behavior.
The Why's of suffering keep us shrouded in a seemingly bottomless void of abstraction where God is reduced to a finite ethical agent, a limited psychological personality, whose purposes measure on the same scale as ours.
Life is unpredictable when you get non-standard behavior patterns.
Americans shocked me by their behavior and their narrow-mindedness.
Furthermore, there is no good ethical or economic reason for asking workmen and current producers to forego all economic gain in order to increase the purchasing power of all the wealth accumulated in past years.
If we want to have good workers and good citizens, we need to create common spaces in which individuals can talk about the moral and ethical dilemmas that they have faced and how they resolve them.
Stealing from capitalism is not like stealing out of our own pockets. Marx and Lenin have taught us that anything is ethical, so long as it is in the interest of the proletarian class and its world revolution.
The characteristic human trait is not awareness but conformity, and the characteristic result is religious warfare. Other animals fight for territory or food; but, uniquely in the animal kingdom, human beings fight for their 'beliefs.' The reason is that beliefs guide behavior, which has evolutionary importance among human beings. But at a time when our behavior may well lead us to extinction, I see no reason to assume we have any awareness at all. We are stubborn, self-destructive conformists. Any other view of our species is just a self-congratulatory delusion.
My theory was that what I had to do was make a study of human behavior.
"I signed on for the role of ‘boyfriend,’ not ‘conscience.’ If you want wholesome and ethical, you’ll have to look elsewhere. But I promise that won’t be half as much fun as this is…" His hand slid down my side and over my hip, and my heart beat faster.
There's this unspoken thing that you have to wear a tux and some kind of nice dress. There are all these ethical rules, but I'm sure if you came to the Oscars in ripped jeans and a t-shirt they wouldn't throw you out. You would just look like a fool.
Happiness is inseparably connected with decent, clean behavior.
The great discovery of the nineteenth century, that we are of one blood with the lower animals, has created new ethical obligations which have not yet penetrated the public conscience. The clerical profession has been lamentably remiss in preaching this obvious duty.
You can have me the way i am — bad behavior included — or not at all.
I wouldn't support a guy who's got Donald Trump's behavior.
The harassment and the bullying that students face is a learned behavior.
Repeating a new behavior is what makes change stick.
Frank is capable of any kind of behavior to win.
I had a wonderful teacher about animal behavior.
Repeat business or behavior can be bribed. Loyalty has to be earned.
Behavior is the mirror in which everyone shows their image. — © Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Behavior is the mirror in which everyone shows their image.
The principles governing the behavior of systems are not widely understood.
We've got to put a lot of money into changing behavior.
He found insanity no excuse, however, for irrational behavior.
What is human behavior, except trying to prove that we're not animals?
Agnosticism is not properly described as a "negative" creed, nor indeed as a creed of any kind, except in so far as it expresses absolute faith in the validity of a principle which is as much ethical as intellectual.
The reason that Google was such a success is because they were the first ones to take advantage of the self-organizing properties of the web. It's in ecological sustainability. It's in the developmental power of entrepreneurship, the ethical power of democracy.
I would love to use the tools and technology to create a completely different reality with its own rules. And in doing so, create something that incorporates the ethical component more deeply into the experience.
Everything is explicable in the terms of the behavior of a small child.
You can't assume that kindness is an inherited trait. It is learned behavior.
The way one was brought up isn't an excuse for rude behavior. — © Judith Martin
The way one was brought up isn't an excuse for rude behavior.
The driving force of any profession includes not only the special knowledge, skills and standards that it demands, but the duty to serve responsibly, selflessly and wisely, and to establish an inherently ethical relationship between professionals and society.
I'm always shocked when actors have diva-esque behavior.
I have not been true to my values and the behavior my family deserves.
I love looking at machines that mimic human behavior.
Don't let the worst people you know dictate your behavior.
As a novelist, I'm endlessly fascinated by human behavior and interactions.
The government ought to help out, because the average citizen can't go out and be doing reviews of the scientific literature. And focus on the processes that have low side effects and good long-term outcomes. Right now you're going to find those in the psychosocial area, in the therapy area, in the empirically supported treatments such as ACT or cognitive behavior therapy, behavior therapy. And go there first rather than going to the pill bottle as if it's going to be the end of your journey. Very often it's only going to help, and even only to a minor degree, and more is going to be needed.
I remembered my days and nights of sunshine and starshine, where life was all a wild sweet wonder, a spiritual paradise of unselfish adventure and ethical romance. And I saw before me, ever blazing and burning, the Holy Grail.
Repentance is a change of behavior which invites forgiveness.
Design certainly has a cosmetic, aesthetic aim. It always aims at making things beautiful. But relevance is just as important. I often say, 'If it isn't ethical, it can't be beautiful. But if it isn't beautiful, it probably shouldn't be at all.'
Do not intervene between a person and the consequences of their own behavior.
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