Top 811 Examine Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Examine quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
Don’t recall. Don’t imagine. Don’t think. Don’t examine. Don’t control. Rest.
I do not understand; I pause; I examine.
You create your reality according to your beliefs and expectations, therefore you should examine these carefully. If you do not like some aspect of your world, then examine your own expectations.
Let each of us examine his thoughts — © Blaise Pascal
Let each of us examine his thoughts
Does political correctness have a good side? Yes, it does, for it makes us re-examine attitudes, and that is always useful. The trouble is that, with all popular movements, the lunatic fringe so quickly ceases to be a fringe; the tail begins to wag the dog. For every woman or man who is quietly and sensibly using the idea to examine our assumptions, there are twenty rabble-rousers whose real motive is desire for power over others. The fact that they see themselves as antiracists or feminists or whatever does not make them any less rabble-rousers.
Were not teaching our students the importance of relationships with other people: how you work with them, what the relational pathology consists of, how you examine your own conscience, how you examine the inner world, how you examine your dreams.
Being a creative mind, you have to examine who you are every day.
I think one of the shortcomings of reality, of real experience, is most people's inability to examine something carefully and thoughtfully without moving around or being distracted by something else. What photography does really is it forces you to examine something you normally wouldn't.
Inherited ideas are a curious thing, and interesting to observe and examine.
Let every woman, who has once begun to think, examine herself
Popular art is the dream of society; it does not examine itself.
... I was reminded of a remark of Willa Cather's, that you can't paint sunlight, you can only paint what it does with shadows on a wall. If you examine a life, as Socrates has been so tediously advising us to do for so many centuries, do you really examine a life, or do you examine the shadows it casts on other lives? Entity or relationships? Objective reality or the vanishing point of a multiple perspective exercise? Prism or the rainbows it refracts? And what if you're the wall? What if you never cast a shadow or rainbow of your own, but have only caught those cast by others?
I determine nothing; I do not comprehend things; I suspend judgment; I examine.
My point of view is if you want to move up, examine first yourself. — © Rosalyn Sussman Yalow
My point of view is if you want to move up, examine first yourself.
To examine the causes of life, we must first have recourse to death.
If husbands could realize what large returns of profit may be gotten out of a wife by a small word of praise paid over the counter when the market is just right, they would bring matters around the way they wish them much oftener than they usually do. Arguments are unsafe with wives, because they examine them; but they do not examine compliments. One can pass upon a wife a compliment that is three-fourths base
I think every leader has to be willing to examine their own biases.
Examine other points of view as if they were your own.
I don't think there is a woman in her 40s who doesn't, kind of, examine herself in the mirror.
I have no idea. I get involved because I think there's value in the project and because I love the character that is presented to me. I love the opportunity to examine a character, and to have him examine me, live inside me and move my hands. I love that. It's irresistible. It's a drug.
I try to examine everything to see if there's another approach.
I examine each student carefully: Is there a balance between their tonal and their nagual?
Vladimir Nabokov liked to examine cruelty and the human condition. That didn't mean he was cruel; there's no evidence he kicked puppies just for the fun of it. Similarly, 'Black Mirror' likes to examine possible dystopias, but that doesn't mean the show is cynical enough to endorse them.
A tree you pass by every day is just a tree. If you are to closely examine what a tree has and the life a tree has, even the smallest thing can withstand a curiosity, and you can examine whole worlds.
I'm never going to tell the reader what to believe; I'm going to examine these characters that believe different ways, and examine their motives.
We're not teaching our students the importance of relationships with other people: how you work with them, what the relational pathology consists of, how you examine your own conscience, how you examine the inner world, how you examine your dreams.
To practice Dhamma means to observe and examine oneself.
The left has done a very admirably good job of demonizing the private sector, where what happens? Cheating, lying, dishonesty, destroying the planet, killing customers, starving people. And they've positioned themselves, of course, as the great compassionate last hope. They're the ones who truly care. We're not supposed to examine the results of their efforts, which are always dismal and always fail. We're supposed to examine their good intentions.
If you examine the highest poetry in the light of common sense, you can only say that it is rubbish; and in actual fact you cannot so examine it at all, because there is something in poetry which is not in the words themselves, which is not in the images suggested by the words 'O windy star blown sideways up the sky!' True poetry is itself a magic spell which is a key to the ineffable.
Anyone who wants to be an example to others, must first examine himself.
First examine what is constantly there in your mind, what is being repeated again and again. You don't have many thoughts. If you examine minutely you will see that you have only a few thoughts repeated again and again - maybe in new forms, new colors, new garments, new masks, but you have only a very few thoughts.
Examine well your blood.
War is not a petri dish to examine and analyze our emotions.
Creativity is magic. Don't examine it too closely.
Push it. examine all things intensely and relentlessly.
To snatch the passing moment and examine it for signs of eternity is the noblest of occupations.
Trust as little as you can to report, and examine all you can by your own senses.
You can really examine the suffering and consequences that happen when there's a loss in a family.
Our femtosecond snapshots can examine a molecule at discrete instants in time. — © Ahmed Zewail
Our femtosecond snapshots can examine a molecule at discrete instants in time.
Science fiction frees you to go anyplace and examine anything.
The mere attempt to examine my own confusion would consume volumes.
I do not think it feasible to examine the phenomenon of hatefulness without being hateful.
I find that it's hard to fully examine one's life and not have faith be part of the discussion.
People are not "things" to be manipulated, labeled, boxed, bought, and sold. Above all else, they are not "human resources." They are entire human beings, containing the whole of the evolving universe, limitless until we start limiting them. We must examine the concept of leading and following with new eyes. We must examine the concept of superior and subordinate with increasing skepticism. We must examine the concept of management and labor with new beliefs. And we must examine the nature of organizations that demand such distinctions with an entirely different consciousness.
What objectivity and the study of philosophy requires is not an 'open mind,' but an active mind - a mind able and eagerly willing to examine ideas, but to examine them criticially.
Examine the platforms of both parties. Examine the character of both parties. Get down on your knees. Say, Lord, help me make this decision. And then go vote.
Examine the opportunities, the challenges you've given yourself.
Don't bother to examine a folly-ask yourself only what it accomplishes.
Every society needs to examine itself in relation to other societies. — © Paulo Freire
Every society needs to examine itself in relation to other societies.
What does a life of total dedication to truth mean? It means, first of all, a life of continuous and never-ending stringent self-examination. We know the world only through our relationship to it. Therefore, to know the world, we must not only examine it but we must simultaneously examine the examiner.
The problem with any ideology is that it gives you the answer before you examine the evidence.
We have to examine very carefully any privacy-reducing technology.
To examine oneself makes good use of sight.
I can't re-examine work I did in the past with pride.
Re-examine all that you have been told... dismiss that which insults your soul.
Examine what you do and examine what other women do. Examine the dreams that men hold of you and how they force you in a corner, literally and figuratively.
I think what we're attracted to on the page is something that is very difficult to do in life, which is to examine in what seems like a moment. To examine what we can't do in life very well, which is to be as present and accountable to what an experience is. That's why life is short and art is very long.
I don't think a lot of the news outlets examine the effect of war on a family.
Always examine the dice.
Examine what you believe to be impossible, and then change your beliefs.
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