Top 959 Exception Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Exception quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
Madness is the exception in individuals but the rule in groups.
All generalizations, with the possible exception of this one, are false.
You're my exception. — © Abbi Glines
You're my exception.
All empires come to an end, and the American one is no exception.
No knowledge is useless, with the exception of heraldry.
We normally consider stability to be the constant in life and accidents to be the exception, but it's exactly the opposite. In reality, the accident is the rule and stability is the exception.
All bowlers depend on movement, and I am no exception.
America has become and was the exception to the way most of the people in the world were forced to live, because America was the first formally built, structured country on the premise that the people ran the show based on their liberty, based on their natural God-given rights to pursue happiness. The right to life, the right to freedom and to pursue happiness. No other country in the history of the world had ever been formed or founded on such premises. This one was. That was the exception.
Most bad luck is the misfortune of not being an exception.
Those as don't eat, without exception, fail to survive.
With the exception of capitalism, there is nothing so revolting as revolution.
In reading over the Constitutions of all fifty of our states, I discovered something which some of you may not know: there is in all fifty, without exception, an appeal or a prayer to the Almighty God of the universe. Through all fifty state Constitutions, without exception, there runs this same appeal and reference to God who is the Creator of our liberties and the preserver of our freedoms.
I had a great career and I enjoyed all of it, with the exception of losing. — © Drew Bledsoe
I had a great career and I enjoyed all of it, with the exception of losing.
The essence of immorality is the tendency to make an exception of myself.
Dedication to quality, community, and originality without exception.
Sovereign is he who decides on the exception.
No rule is so general, which admits not some exception.
To every rule there is an exception—and an idiot ready to demonstrate it. Don't be the one!
Unexpected results are the rule rather than the exception.
perserverence w/o exception
It's much more fun to be the exception, not the rule
With the possible exception of the equator, everything begins somewhere.
Why have you been staring at me ever since we met? Because I’m not the Gail Wynand you’d heard about. You see, I love you. And love is exception-making. If you were in love you’d want to be broken, trampled, ordered, dominated, because that’s the impossible, in the inconceivable for you in your relations with people. That would be the one gift, the great exception you’d want to offer the man you loved. But it wouldn’t be easy for you.
I would like to believe that most people, regardless of gender, are good and kind. The good men in my stories are the rule. It's the bad men that are the exception and because I tend toward the dark in my fiction, you see more of the exception than the rule.
There is no exception to the rule that every rule has an exception.
The exception is more interesting than the rule. The rule proves nothing; the exception proves everything. In the exception the power of real life breaks through the crust of a mechanism that has become torpid by repetition.
The press is, almost without exception, corrupt.
The exception tests the rule.
Lying is the rule, not the exception.
Look, they ridiculed Jesus Christ, so I'm certainly no exception.
The exception does not prove the rule.
It is sad to be an exception. But not to be one is even sadder.
I and haven't been unemployed for 20 years. I'm an exception to the rule.
Sustaining Peace is happening. But it is the exception - not the norm.
Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude
India always changes people, and I have been no exception
Most writers adore their editors, and I'm no exception.
Everyone, without exception, is searching for happiness. — © Blaise Pascal
Everyone, without exception, is searching for happiness.
Every girl wants to be pampered and I am no exception.
Oblivion is the rule and fame the exception, of humanity.
Most women have a distaste for guns, and I am no exception.
We usually have margaritas on Thursdays but since it's Tuesday I'll make an exception.
Nothing lasts forever, so what makes love the exception.
There is something that falls short of perfection in every book, without exception, something influenced by the age, even something ridiculous; just like everyone, without exception, has weaknesses.
There's always going to be - I don't care who it is, there's always going to be - the temptation in Washington to seek the favor of the leftist media. It's always gonna be there, no matter who it is. I can only think of one exception, and that's Reagan. It's the rule rather than the exception.
The media is in the business of finding exceptions to everyday life. Bad things are still the exception. That's good, because once bad things stop being news, we really are in trouble. If people forget that bad is the exception, they think they live in a horrible world. There is so much that works and is right and friendly and warm. But we take that for granted.
Without exception, empathy is always appropriate.
Why are comedic parts for women the exception, not the rule? — © Patricia Clarkson
Why are comedic parts for women the exception, not the rule?
Almost without exception alcoholics are tortured by loneliness.
?Loneliness is the human condition. Cultivate it. The way it tunnels into you allows your soul room to grow. Never expect to outgrow loneliness. Never hope to find people who will understand you, someone to fill that space. An intelligent, sensitive person is the exception, the very great exception. If you expect to find people who will understand you, you will grow murderous with disappointment. The best you'll ever do is to understand yourself, know what it is that you want, and not let the cattle stand in your way.
The happy are an exception who enjoy innocently their simple happiness.
I went into the family business. To me, it was the norm and not the exception.
In a quantum universe, magic is not the exception but the rule.
All my novels are rooted in their time and in their place. The place of my novels is Israel, almost without exception. Almost without exception, my novels are rooted in Israel because that's the place I know well. And, that's my gutsy advice to any young writer: write only about what you know well. Don't write about that which you don't know.
In the history of modern capitalism, crises are the norm, not the exception.
There is no exception to this rule: "All the paths of the LORD are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant." They say there is no rule without an exception, but there is an exception to that rule.
The only good thing about religion is the music. Because nature is filled with balances and opposites, there are always exceptions to the overall rules, whether the overall rules are bleak or otherwise. If you propound a joyous theory of existence, I will find an exception to that. If I propound a bleak theory, someone will find a joyous exception. That's just nature being nature, I think, and I don't think it offers a lot of hope. It's sort of a respite along the way.
Most actresses are always running late - I'm no exception.
Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.
Be the exception to the rule. It's the surest way to become exceptional.
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