Top 1200 Expectations Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Expectations quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
I like expectations, with expectations, you have people coming at you from a place of doubt.
If you don't measure up to your expectations, realize that you should just be life without expectations.
If your expectations aren't to be the best, then... you know, nobody rises to low expectations. — © Chip Kelly
If your expectations aren't to be the best, then... you know, nobody rises to low expectations.
In life and in movies, it's a similar challenge, where you have expectations, and you end up in situations that are not meeting your expectations.
This is my definition of selling out: When you change what you do or do what you do as a reaction to someone else's expectations or lack of expectations.
The challenge we face as a government is meeting expectations - not specific expectations, but the larger expectations: things that need to be changed and that Narendra Modi will do it as though he has a magic wand.
People come with expectations and as a bandleader I constantly try to remind the audience to leave its expectations in the lobby.
You cannot live with expectations because life has no obligation to fulfill your desires. You can live with an open heart, but you cannot live with expectations. The more expectations you have, the more frustrated you will be.
It is always a challenge to work when people have big expectations. I would much rather feel comfortable working without expectations.
Have rational expectations for future returns and avoid changing those expectations in response to the ephemeral noise coming from Wall Street.
Because gratitude is the key to happiness, anything that undermines gratitude must undermine happiness. And nothing undermines gratitude as much as expectations. There is an inverse relationship between expectations and gratitude: The more expectations you have, the less gratitude you will have.
I don't burden myself too much with others' expectations - or even my own expectations. I think your happiness grows in direct proportion to your acceptance, and in inverse proportion to your expectations. It's just a matter of putting one foot in front of the other - or doing the next right thing, so to speak.
We don't use the term 'big data' - not on our website, not with customers. Saying it sets up expectations, the wrong expectations. — © Gurjeet Singh
We don't use the term 'big data' - not on our website, not with customers. Saying it sets up expectations, the wrong expectations.
I am satisfied with my achievements in terms of both development and welfare. I have not only lived up to most of the expectations of people, but also surpassed some of their expectations.
A scheme is unjust when the higher expectations, one or more of them, are excessive. If these expectations were decreased, the situation of the less favored would be improved.
I don't have expectations. Expectations in your life just lead to giant disappointments.
Nobody succeeds beyond his or her wildest expectations unless he or she begins with some wild expectations.
I wouldn't say I'm a victim of high expectations. The expectations are going to be there.
The first and most optimistic response was complete rational expectations econometrics. A rational expectations equilibrium is a likelihood function. Maximize it.
The shortest path to exceeding expectations doesn't generally pass through meeting expectations.
I think all of us as NBA players have expectations of ourselves that are different from expectations from external forces and sources.
I know a lot of people try and set expectations for me. No offense to you guys, but I set my own expectations.
I'm aware of how pop culture really infiltrates your expectations in a way that even if you think you're savvy about pop culture, it's so hard not to have these expectations of what a relationship should be. So I constantly feel like I have to bat those expectations down.
I keep my expectations low, so nobody disappoints me." "Yeah, well, I have high expectations." I look toward Miranda. "I guess my friends do, too." "Expectations make people miserable, so whatever yours are, lower them. You'll definitely be happier.
If you don't know, then it's all right. There need not be any expectations. If there are no expectations, then you are free. If you expect, then you are in bondage. Choose whatever you want. Expectations are never fulfilled.
Do you think that we're products of our environments? I think so, or maybe products of our expectations. Others' expectations of us or our expectations. I mean others' expectations that you take on as your own. I realize how difficult it is to seperate the two. The expectations that others place on us help us form our expectations of ourselves.
You work hard and you have expectations. So I'm living my expectations right now.
We don't want people to have expectations of us, but then we have expectations of everybody else.
To exceed the expectations of others, we must first raise expectations of ourselves.
At some point, you got to stop caring about people's expectations and care only about your expectations of yourself.
Great teachers have high expectations for their students, but higher expectations for themselves.
I don't really focus on other people's expectations of me. I only care what my own expectations are.
Although we deal with probabilities and expectations, the actual results can deviate substantially from such expectations, particularly on a short-term basis.
People who come to see me have expectations. If I don't live up to those expectations, I'd be a failure.
Become aware of your negative expectations and practice replacing them with positive expectations.
I went into NXT with no expectations. That's what I was told when I was hired - have no expectations, just do the best I could - and that's always what I've done for the last fifteen years. That's what I did, and you know, it's obviously working out pretty good.
You have expectations always when you buy players. Mostly, you have positive expectations.
Anytime we're interacting with someone, we're judging them, we're sharing expectations, we think they didn't live up to those expectations. — © Jonathan Haidt
Anytime we're interacting with someone, we're judging them, we're sharing expectations, we think they didn't live up to those expectations.
I still work that expectation/disappointment cycle all the time. I think it is part of the human nature and I think the most important thing is not to judge it. We are human and we do have expectations and a lot of our expectations are often not met. It is a process of learning how to be kind and compassionate and loving to ourselves when we don't get the things we want when people, circumstances, and opportunities don't match our expectations.
If I answer questions every time you ask one, expectations would be high. And as you know, I like to keep expectations low.
The first discipline modernity's originators imposed upon themselves was that of self-restraint, learning to live with vulgarity. Their high expectations for effectiveness were made possible by low expectations of what was to be.
The expectations are high, so we know: If we do not meet them, there is criticism. We have high expectations ourselves. We are not happy with fourth, third, or second, either.
The phrase 'contrary to all expectations' rings through the story of the progress of human knowledge. It was 'contrary to all expectations' that the Earth was found to revolve around the sun, and not the other way round, and that a mould growing in one of Dr. Alexander Fleming's dishes was found to be capable of destroying bacteria. When in 1989 the spacecraft Voyager 2 got close enough to the planet Naptune to take detailed pictures of the surface, they were 'contrary to all expectations'.
We had a bunch of models for user adoption of Robinhood Gold. The data team had some silly names for a range of adoption levels: 'Mediocre expectations,' 'middle-of-the-road expectations' and 'great expectations.' The numbers we ended up with were significantly higher than 'great expectations.'
The expectations of the viewer are what you're asking about. And the expectations of the viewer are manifold. However, they are very fixed, given who I am in the world. People have certain expectations of me as an artist.
Reputation is fine but you have to keep justifying it. In a sense, it makes it harder because people's expectations of you are higher. So, you have to fulfill those expectations. Or, try to exceed those expectations. But, it becomes more difficult as time goes on.
When life's conditions don't equal your expectations you are unhappy, have no expectations only appreciations (especially in the area of relationships)
Meeting expectations is good. Exceeding expectations is better. — © Ron Kaufman
Meeting expectations is good. Exceeding expectations is better.
The pressure and hype is created by the media. Of course, expectations are there and we cannot stop that nor change yourself for expectations. We just continue making films.
The first step in exceeding your customer's expectations is to know those expectations.
Being born in New York City, tends to lead to big expectations, expectations that I only started to realize after I had left.
There's strong data that, within companies, the No. 1 reason for ethical violations is the pressure to meet expectations, sometimes unrealistic expectations.
We are grateful, as artists, as individuals, that people have such big expectations of us, and we are ready to take on the burden that comes with the expectations.
With 'The Angel's Game', there was a lot of pressure from the expectations - expectations from the book industry and from readers; it's natural.
If expectations are low, you can only impress people. But if expectations are there for you to be the leading guy, and you've been paid X amount of money, you're on a tightrope, and all of a sudden, you're looking down.
If I fulfill YOUR expectations, how am I going to transform you? I have to DESTROY your expectations. I have to destroy the very mind that creates those expectations. If you come to me, never come with expectations, otherwise you will be disappointed - because I have no obligation to fulfill your expectations in any way. In fact, if I see that there are some expectations, I do things DELIBERATELY to destroy those expectations. That is the price you have to pay to be with me.
There is no one with higher expectations of me than myself. I cannot control other's expectations.
A lot of times the expectations of you are so high that no matter what you do you are never going to be able to live up to those expectations. So you better go out and do the best you can and enjoy it.
I try not to think about the expectations of other people because there's always going to be expectations.
Expectations always lead to frustrations. Expectations are the seeds, and frustration is the crop that sooner or later you will have to reap. It is your own doing.
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