Top 1200 Extraordinary Person Quotes & Sayings - Page 19

Explore popular Extraordinary Person quotes.
Last updated on October 22, 2024.
If a healthy person were placed on the other side of a room from a person who was sick with AIDS, the AIDS virus would not be able to drift across the room through the air and infect the healthy person.
It's an extraordinary thing, this tiny little province of Northern Ireland, where carnage happened. And I was part of it. I grew up in it.
Here's the deal: the extraordinary becomes ordinary really quickly. One minute, everything is new and amazing, the next it's expected. — © Forrest Griffin
Here's the deal: the extraordinary becomes ordinary really quickly. One minute, everything is new and amazing, the next it's expected.
I would say that foreign policy is a place where intelligence, resolve, clarity, and confidence in cause, is of extraordinary importance.
The possibilities of existence run so deeply into the extravagant that there is scarcely any conception too extraordinary for Nature to realise.
It takes a certain amount of intelligence and imagination to realize the extraordinary queerness and mysteriousness of the world in which we live.
The possible impact of the virus [Zika] an extraordinary event and a public health threat to other parts of the world.
I think social change work is some of the most extraordinary dreaming that any of us have the possibility of doing.
The English judged a person so that they'd be justified in casting her out. The Amish judged a person so that they'd be justified in welcoming her back. Where I'm from, if someone is accused of sinning, it's not so that others can place blame. It's so that the person can make amends and move on.
It's not that I'm a very good person. It's that I think I should at least look at the ways in which I am not a good person, the ways in which I so readily become the person who would not notice that the wonderful clothing I'm wearing someone is probably dying for.
We have relationships and know the exact outcome with that person because we don't deal with ourselves and don't deal with our issues and end up being attracted to the same person or the person is attracted to our energy.
I remember some of the sets on "Alexander" were extraordinary and it would just take your breath away.
I really cannot understand the point of what you're saying. Really,' said Clotilde, looking at her. 'What a very extraordinary person you are. What sort of a woman are you? Why are you talking like this? Who are you?' Miss Marple pulled down the mass of pink wool that encircled her head, a pink wool scarf of the same kind that she had once worn in the West Indies. 'One of my names,' she said, 'is Nemesis.' 'Nemesis? And what does that mean?' 'I think you know,' said Miss Marple. 'You are a very well educated woman. Nemesis is long delayed sometimes, but it comes in the end.
What you are as a single person, you will be as a married person, only to a greater degree. Any negative character trait will be intensified in a marriage relationship, because you will feel free to let your guard down -- that person has committed himself to you and you no longer have to worry about scaring him off.
You write a book, it's out for however many years, and with the passing of time, you're not the same person. I'm not the same person I was when I wrote those books; I'm not even the same person I was when I started writing 'Beg.' I had many shifts spiritually, and one of them was in the use of language.
You can't stand at the Bellagio and watch these seven story fountains and not go, 'That's something of extraordinary man-made beauty.'
Painful for a person is rebellious independence, only in loving companionship with his associates does a person feel safe: Only in reverently bowing down before the higher does a person feel exalted.
We've all met a certain type of spiritual person. She's a wonderful person. She loves the Lord. She prays and reads the Bible all the time. But all she thinks about is herself. She's not a selfish person. But she's always at the center of everything she's doing.
I'm a good person. In most ways. But I'm beginning to think that being a good person in most ways doesn't count for anything very much, if you're a bad person in one way.
I would like to point to the extraordinary lengths the mainstream media will go to maintain a sensationalist story. — © John McAfee
I would like to point to the extraordinary lengths the mainstream media will go to maintain a sensationalist story.
What we do know is that the era of climate change is upon us and the extraordinary in California today will become the ordinary of tomorrow.
Individually and collectively, Cherokee people possess an extraordinary ability to face down adversity and continue moving forward.
I like to live life in an understated way because that's who I am - an ordinary guy who has experienced an extraordinary journey.
By choosing a precise intersection between subject and time, he may transform the ordinary into the extraordinary and the real into the surreal.
I can't imagine my life without the extraordinary bebop jazz revolution in New York in late '40s and '50s.
[The] idealization of marriage is typical of those who are excluded from it: priests, gays, adolescents. It shows an extraordinary willful blindness.
But the Beast was a good person...the Prince looked on the outside the way the Beast was on the inside. Sometimes people couldn't see the inside of the person unless they like the outside of a person. Because they hadn't learned to hear the music yet.
There is a spark of idealism within every individual which can be fanned into flame and bring forth extraordinary results.
The genius of the American system is that through freedom we have created extraordinary results from plain old ordinary people.
It's a real pleasure to go to work when you're in the most extraordinary surroundings, and working with people who are young and interested and creatively keen.
I wanted to be in a Baz Luhrmann film. It's just extraordinary. He's so amazing at what he does. He makes the most incredible films.
My mother was electric onstage, and I vividly recall the extraordinary power she had over her audiences
I like that feeling in your brain when you've got seven things that you're holding in one moment-you heard that person cough, you heard that person laugh, you're also saying your line, you're also listening to the person who's talking to you.
What ultimately happened is that my country had a war. I think it would be extraordinary, as a writer, not to want to write about that.
Lots of people have objections to prizes of all types, and it would be extraordinary if everybody agreed on anything that's worthwhile - they never do.
I'm a shy, nervous person, and I don't like teaching with "terms." I didn't teach them, like, "This is first person, this is second person, this is foreshadowing," or whatever, so no one probably felt like they were learning anything. But I feel like teaching in that way reduces the concept to a term.
If I focus on one person, the idea is that, oh, now you've attained this goal and beaten one person. One person. Well, what about the rest of them? Now how are you going to feel about fighting them? What's the motiviation there?
[S]o if the device of the person in the ambulance detected the device of the person he loved the most, or the person who loved him the most, and the person in the ambulance was really badly hurt, and might even die, the ambulance could flash GOODBYE! I LOVE YOU! GOODBYE! I LOVE YOU!
I found the emotion that as an athlete you block out, and it really helped me to understand myself as a person. I'm a really emotional person and it helped make me a better person.
I don't know if anyone has noticed but I only ever write about one thing: being alone. The fear of being alone, the desire to not be alone, the attempts we make to find our person, to keep our person, to convince our person to not leave us alone, the joy of being with our person and thus no longer alone, the devastation of being left alone. The need to hear the words: You are not alone.
The dictionary describes a selfish person as one who is 'concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself: seeking pleasure or well-being without regard for others.' May we add, a selfish person is often one who refers to 'I,' 'me,' and 'mine' rather than to 'we,' 'ours,' 'yours,' or 'theirs.' This person is anxious to be in the limelight, to be on center stage in life's little dramas. He or she may be a poor listener, or a conversation monopolizer. Selfishness is the great unknown sin. No selfish person ever thought himself to be selfish.
I find age such a foreign concept. I have to be reminded. I still have the extraordinary feeling of adventure, striking out into unknown fields. — © William Shatner
I find age such a foreign concept. I have to be reminded. I still have the extraordinary feeling of adventure, striking out into unknown fields.
When I say ' thug' I mean not a criminal, someone who beats you over the head, I mean the underdog. You could have two people- one person has everything he needs to succeed and one person has nothing. If the person who has nothing succeeds, he's a thug. Cuz he overcame all the obstacles.
For all its ubiquity and its universality, war offers the attraction of the extraordinary - the escape from the gray everyday, from the humdrum into higher things.
When you have the best and tastiest ingredients, you can cook very simply and the food will be extraordinary because it tastes like what it is.
I'm inspired by many of my friends, colleagues, and the extraordinary people I've been fortunate enough to meet along the way.
Whenever one does extraordinary things, someone is bound to try to repeat them for themselves. It's the way of the world.
I think that, like anything, people take their image and what they want somebody else to be and then people just run with it. And when you really know the person and really love the person, you recognize that that person is nothing like that.
Because I think whenever you sit down with another human being who would absolutely disagree with you on every issue, you learn about them as a person and you relate, in human terms, and it's much more difficult for either side to dismiss out of hand, like that person's a freak, that person's a Nazi.
We sit for a week and listen to an extraordinary amount of people talk about what they do in the intelligence world. It's pretty overwhelming.
With a living person you're always burdened with this idea of fair representation, treading this fine line between honoring the person, and yet you really look at the word "honor," it implies that you then have to address struggle and hardship and failure, and all these things that it means to be human, that you show the fullness of their life. If the person's living, they are able to interject.
The secret of the world is the tie between person and event. Person makes event and event person.
It was very interesting growing up in South Africa then. It was extraordinary. It was multiculturalism before it became an issue.
I'm incredibly excited to be joining the 'Doctor Who' family. It's such an extraordinary British institution, I couldn't be prouder to call the TARDIS my home.
Most people never really sat down and got to know a homeless person, but every homeless person is just a real person that was created by God and it is the same kind of different as us; they just have a different story.
Infinite possibilities exist to create the previously un-creatable, think the unthinkable and do the undoable-it's an extraordinary time to be alive. — © Mark Victor Hansen
Infinite possibilities exist to create the previously un-creatable, think the unthinkable and do the undoable-it's an extraordinary time to be alive.
The survival of extraordinary creatures such as the giant Tasmanian freshwater crayfish - the largest in the world - is in doubt because of logging.
Every time one person chooses a new way to respond to the challenges of life, each time an individual chooses a new option, that person then becomes a living bridge for all the others who choose to follow in that person's path.
My father when I was a kid was so deeply involved with Native Americans, he used to bring home these extraordinary headdresses and pipes.
With respect to love we speak continually about perfection and the perfect person. With respect to love Christianity also speaks continually about perfection and the perfect person. Alas, but we men talk about finding the perfect person in order to love him. Christianity speaks about being the perfect person who limitlessly loves the person he sees.
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