Top 154 Fable Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Fable quotes.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
Providence has done, and I am persuaded is disposed to do, a great deal for us; but we are not to forget the fable of Jupiter and the countryman.
Whosoever counts these Lays as fable, may be assured that I am not of his mind.
History is not fable agreed upon, but truth disagreed upon. — © Ivan Panin
History is not fable agreed upon, but truth disagreed upon.
For me, going back to 'Fable' is a terrible experience. I look at it and at best I would call it fractured.
The artist is the child in the popular fable, every one of whose tears was a pearl.
It was an amazing thing to see how Bowerstone, the capital of 'Fable,' progressed. It went from, in 'Fable 1,' to just 20 houses and then in 'Fable 3' it felt like a city that had districts. You could see that sense of progression in it.
Human beings have always told their histories and truths through parable and fable. We are inveterate storytellers.
There are going to be some real surprises in 'Fable 2.'
I have watched constantly that in our work the highest moral and spiritual standards are upheld, whether my productions deal with fable or with stories of living action.
And when life's sweet fable ends, soul and body part like friends; no quarrels, murmurs, no delay; a kiss, a sigh, and so away.
What makes 'The Lorax' such a powerful fable is partly its shamelessness. It pulls no punches; it wears its teacher heart on its sleeve.
Fiction or fable allures to instruction.
When I was quite a boy I had a spasm of religion which lasted six weeks... But I never since have swallowed the Christian fable. — © George Meredith
When I was quite a boy I had a spasm of religion which lasted six weeks... But I never since have swallowed the Christian fable.
Owen [Suskind], in a sense, grew up on a diet of myth and fable, and has become an expert on their themes, which contain a moral guide that connects people.
Science Fiction has always been and will always be a fable teacher of morality.
I think the charm of 'Fable' was in the feeling of the world and definitely the humor.
Still we live meanly like ants, though the fable tells us we were long ago changed into men.
Life is this simple: we are living in a world that is absolutely transparent and the divine is shining through it all the time. This is not just a nice story or a fable, it is true.
Better by far to embrace the hard truth than a reassuring fable. If we crave some cosmic purpose, then let us find ourselves a worthy goal.
As we are poetical in our natures, so we delight in fable.
There was a whole sequence of concept art about a 'Fable' set in a kind of steampunk Victoriana age.
There, at the centre, are the artists who really form the consciousness of their time; they respond deeply, intuitively to what is happening, what has happened, and what will happen, and their response is expressed in metaphor, in image and in fable.
What is history but a fable agreed upon?
Alice in Wonderland Syndrome. This is a mental illness. It is like looking through the wrong end of a pair of binoculars. It is as if you are living in a fantasy world of a fable. This is an interesting and sad syndrome. I’m sure that I have that syndrome. If it’s not it, then why the heck does my every moment with the ordinary girl feel like a fable?
Imagine an American Hans Christian Andersen, conceive of the Brothers Grimm living in Missouri, and you will approximate Howard Schwartz, a fable-maker and fable-gatherer seduced by the uncanny and the unearthly. In Lilith's Cave, he once again reaches into a magical cornucopia of folklore and fantasy and spreads before us, in enchanting language, the marvels and shocks of dybbuks, ghosts, demons, spirits, and wizards.
We've got plans for 'Fable' III, IV, and V. It's a big story arc, and if you play Fable II, you'll recognize things from 'Fable I.'
It is a myth, not a mandate, a fable not a logic, and symbol rather than a reason by which men are moved.
In 'Fable III' we have taken away the experience system.
The Bible account of the creation of Eve is a preposterous fable.
A man with great talents, but void of discretion, is like Polyphemus in the fable, strong and blind, endued with an irresistible force, which for want of sight is of no use to him.
The fable of a god or gods visiting the earth did not originate with Christianity.
Fable has strong shoulders that carry far more truth than fact can.
Suspense films are often based on communication problems, and that affects all of the plot points. It almost gives it kind of a fable feeling.
All cartoon characters and fables must be exaggeration, caricatures. It is the very nature of fantasy and fable.
O Charidas, what of the under world? Great darkness. And what of the resurrection? A lie. And Pluto? A fable; we perish utterly.
There is a line of poetry, a sentence in a fable, a word in an essay, by which my existence is justified; find that line, and immortality is assured.
Oh this is reality, not a fable, that the Lord Jesus Christ is our friend. And we should not be satisfied until we are brought to this.
When we transitioned from the PC to the console with 'Fable,' it took us five years to do that. And that's just going from a mouse to a controller. — © Peter Molyneux
When we transitioned from the PC to the console with 'Fable,' it took us five years to do that. And that's just going from a mouse to a controller.
[On Napoleon assuming power in France:] The time of Fable is over, the time of History has begun.
Despite the strength of the feminist movement in the 1970s and beyond, a fable has persisted that educated women are rejected as marriage partners.
India, the new myth--a collective fiction in which anything was possible, a fable rivalled only by the two other mighty fantasies: money and God.
So in the Libyan fable it is told That once an eagle, stricken with a dart, Said, when he saw the fashion of the shaft: With our own feathers, not by others' hands, Are we now smitten.
Read my little fable: He that runs may read. Most can raise the flowers now, For all have got the seed.
The thing about 'Fable' is that it was such a rich world. It was, well, what the name says it is. It's all about Fable and Albion and this idea of legends and humor.
For me, "Zoo" has always been a fable. It has nothing to do with realism. It's a fable about what man is doing to the world, and the animals have retribution. But in the real world, this would not happen. But in the world of 1984, this kind of thing can happen in a story.
Fable is more historical than fact, because fact tells us about one man and fable tells us about a million men.
I think it's fantastic that people still remember Fable, and some of them are really passionate about it.
The fable says that the tortoise won in the end, which is consoling, but the hare shows a good deal of speed and few signs of tiring. — © Northrop Frye
The fable says that the tortoise won in the end, which is consoling, but the hare shows a good deal of speed and few signs of tiring.
I am thoroughly tired of the fable style of narrative and shall do my best to get up something entirely different and possibly little more worthy.
I can find my biography in every fable that I read.
Whether in cave paintings or the latest uses of the Internet, human beings have always told their histories and truths through parable and fable. We are inveterate storytellers.
The Allwise Creator hath been dishonored by being made the author of fable and the human mind degraded by believing it.
It is a myth, not a mandate, a fable not a logic, a symbol rather than reason by which men are moved.
I wanted to write a new fable and see how many rules you could break.
You know, the health bar in 'Fable III' was destined to be this pixel-high line at the top left-hand side of the screen. No one was looking at it! No one even knew it was there!
The Fable story hinted at a dramatic time before 'Fable 1' when the Guild was founded, this would be a perfect setting for 'Fable 4.'
What profit has not that fable of Christ brought us!
Crowds are somewhat like the sphinx of ancient fable: It is necessary to arrive at a solution of the problems offered by their psychology or to resign ourselves to being devoured by them.
Did universal charity prevail, earth would be a heaven, and hell a fable.
I'd love personally... this is not an announcement at all, but I would love to see 'Fable 2' on the PC.
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