Top 1200 Face Value Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Face Value quotes.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
People value honesty. They value integrity. They value competence and courage and all those kinds of things.
I am a Prince," he replied, being rather dense. "It is the function of a Prince—value A—to kill monsters—value B—for the purpose of establishing order—value C—and maintaining a steady supply of maidens—value D. If one inserts the derivative of value A (Prince) into the equation y equals BC plus CD squared, and sets it equal to zero, giving the apex of the parabola, namely, the point of intersection between A (Prince) and B (Monster), one determines value E—a stable kingdom. It is all very complicated, and if you have a chart handy I can graph it for you.
Smile, it increases you face value. — © Dolly Parton
Smile, it increases you face value.
I don't take anything at face value. I always look for the reasons people are the way they are.
On the face of it, shareholder value is the dumbest idea in the world.
There's something that intervenes and is very important which has to do with value. Value in the true biological sense, which is that contrary to what many people seem to think, taking it at face value - sorry for the pun - we do not give the same amount of emotional significance to every event.
People take things at face value on social media. Earnestness is the assumption.
Market value is irrelevant to intrinsic value. ... Unqualified judgment can at most claim to decide the market-value - a value that can be in inverse proportion to the intrinsic value.
Blockchain assets derive value from their usefulness. Bitcoin has value because people value the payment network. BTC is required to use the network, so people demand it. If Bitcoin continues to be useful, it will continue to have value.
Nothing of great value in this life comes easily. The things of highest value sometimes come hard. The gold that has the greatest value lies deepest in the earth, as do the diamonds.
My mum and dad are quite hippyish, so I'm pretty naive. I take everyone at face value.
I value the Lord more than I value my career, because at the end of the day, when we die, we face him. We're going to wish that we did more on this earth for him. And so I want to make sure that I'm doing everything to glorify him.
Don't get stampeded by what people around you value. The task is to figure out what YOU value - and value highly enough to throw yourself into with unqualified passion.
To love something as an artist ... means to be shaken not by its ultimate value or lack of value, but by a side of it that suddenly opens up. Where art has value it shows things that few have seen. It's conquering, not pacifying.
At face value, the U.S. Congress, there is a - they have a long way to go before they fully appreciate and understand Iranian people. — © Hassan Rouhani
At face value, the U.S. Congress, there is a - they have a long way to go before they fully appreciate and understand Iranian people.
I hear poets complaining: 'We face what our forebears did not face. We face TV. We face radio. We face this and that.'
It seems to me that the civilized human being is a skeptic someone who believes nothing at face value.
Take control of who you report to, what you do, what you create. Or start a business on the side. Deliver some value, any value, to anybody, to somebody, and watch that value compound into a career.
There is, literally and figuratively, not a gold standard. That's almost as big a problem in art as in the financial world. How do you affix a value to something that only has value because a certain number of people agree to believe in that value?
Producers generally don't like me; directors do, generally. Convincing the producers is hard. They can't see the commercial value behind such a face, nor would they get a commercial value, necessarily - and I don't mean that in a good way or a bad way.
I was 7 years old, and I challenged everything. I never accepted answers on face value.
I think anybody has, regardless of your gender, we all have equal value if you have value to bring and value to provide, you just have to be willing to use your voice.
As Christians we are here to affirm the supreme value of direct sharing, of immediate encounter -not machine to machine, but person to person, face to face.
There is enormous value in face to face interaction.
I don't value authority. I don't value the systems. I don't value patriarchal religion. I don't value the things that diminish you when you do tell the truth. So I'm not scared of the end result, and that is the biggest asset I have.
I think you feel more liberated in a foreign country. You're more open. You understand less about the social constructs that exist in a certain place, so you take people more at face value, and you're also taken more at face value, which makes you more able to be yourself.
It's not enough to create value, you have to interpret the value for your prospects and customers so that they can feel the value emotionally and empirically.
smile, It increases your face value
Smile, it enhances your face value.
I find that the British audience listens and they accept the performer for its value, value as a singer, as a vocalist, value as a performer. You're only accepted if you're good.
You should not take your intuitions at face value.
If we took Chaucer's writings at face value, we'd have to conclude he was a complete drip.
The value of catastrophic events is that they can help people face up to problems that are otherwise impossible to address.
I don't take anything that I read in the newspaper at face value on either side - from anybody.
Just as the value of a house lies in its location, The value of a mind lies in its depth, The value of giving lies in the presence of a generous spirit, The value of words lies in their reliability.
I learned to question everything you read. Don't take anything at face value. Don't care what other people say. I liked that philosophy.
Let's face it: much of what we truly value in life is rooted in our experience of repression and conflict.
A lot of books, if you take them at face value, they're just not gonna work as films. — © Christopher McQuarrie
A lot of books, if you take them at face value, they're just not gonna work as films.
The face you have at age 25 is the face God gave you, but the face you have after 50 is the face you earned.
It is inconceivable to me that an ethical relation to land can exist without love, respect, and admiration for land, and a high regard for its value. By value, I of course mean something far broader than mere economic value; I mean value in the philosophical sense.
Before I go to bed I clean my face with a cleansing milk and cotton pads and then wash my face thoroughly with a foamy face wash. I apply a calamine lotion on my face and a medicated moisturizer on my face and neck. I repeat the same procedure after I wake up in the morning.
I think anybody has - regardless of your gender, we all have equal value. If you have value to bring and value to provide, you just have to be willing to use your voice.
We know that global capitalism, and the commercially driven culture that comes with it, can be a powerful solvent, but many of us who benefit from it economically can regret the effect it has on our own lives as well as on the lives of others, and we should not view ourselves as helpless in the face of an irresistible force, especially since we may very well be complicit. We should be prepared to help others or to leave them be to sustain their cultures if we judge that they are of intrinsic value or of value to their members.
I know I'm not much on face value, but when it comes to stage value, I'll deliver for you.
I can take everything on her face at face value, and that's valuable in a friend.
Don't become a random photograph in the eyes of friends, and even your enemies, for each glance at your face will cause a declination of value and reputation. Create value, through scarcity.
Every minute of life carries with it its miraculous value, and its face of eternal youth.
What is the value of sticking a microphone in a man's face right after he has learned of his wife's death?
My hope for this country is that we remain a people who value freedom, who have the courage to face the realities with faithful hearts instead of anxious ones.
I don't like accepting things at face value. — © Terence Tao
I don't like accepting things at face value.
I value my looks very much, so it's equally important to take good care of my skin - that's a pivotal part of my face.
Nothing has value in itself. The consumer confers value on it by seeking to acquire it. Hence, the value of a thing is never objective, but always subjective.
Never take anything at face value. Dare to question and seek the truth.
My optimistic outlook on life is to sort of be positive and take everyone at face value.
If you take life at face value, it loses its luster pretty quickly. If you go after it, you get more out of it.
I try to take people at face value and then beyond, taking them out of face value and out of the category of being Black, Latino, Asian, White, Jewish, Muslim or Christian or Atheist, none of that matters to me.
I suppose, at 50, you value things in a different way. So you value connections, you value your friendships, you value your health, and you are much more aware of time passing.
When you are a face for a long time and you turn heel, your stock value immediately goes up, especially if you're able to pull it off in the ring and on the mic. Then you ride that horse as long as you can. When it starts to falter, and when attendance drops, then you can turn back babyface. And your stock value goes up again.
Of God's love we can say two things: it is poured out universally for everyone from the Pope to the loneliest wino on the planet; and secondly, God's love doesn't seek value, it creates value. It is not because we have value that we are loved, but because we are loved that we have value. Our value is a gift, not an achievement.
It is not good for all our wishes to be filled; through sickness we recognize the value of health; through evil, the value of good; through hunger, the value of food; through exertion, the value of rest.
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