Top 210 Facets Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Facets quotes.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
One of the worst facets of partisan policymaking is when common-sense reforms are sandwiched between a left-wing legislative wish list.
Every diamond has the ability to shine when there is someone to recognize its good facets and inhibit its flaws.
The function of the artist is to organize the facets of life according to his imagination. — © Romare Bearden
The function of the artist is to organize the facets of life according to his imagination.
I want filmmakers to notice me, not just as a glam doll but as a human being with all facets of emotions.
Branding is quite an important thing. As an artist, you want to be able to explore facets of yourself.
You have to be a champion in all facets of life.
Unfortunately, I have two facets to my makeup, and that is both scientific and artistic. By doing medicine, I was only answering one of those sides.
I try to find influences in not only wrestling but all facets of entertainment.
The whole point of American culture is to pick up any old piece of trash and make it shine with more facets than the Hope Diamond.
I love everybody. You have to embrace all facets of humanity; love and accept everyone as being part of yourself.
I think that the web and its various facets are incredibly useful in just building a fan base and getting your chops better.
The book is an unbearable totality. I write against a background of facets.
As a designer, you always take facets of different people and you mix them together with your own thoughts and information and creativity and passion.
I think that's just a natural instinct as an actor is that you want to just keep exploring humanity and finding different facets of it. — © Erika Christensen
I think that's just a natural instinct as an actor is that you want to just keep exploring humanity and finding different facets of it.
So much of politics is about the daily grind of political business: the people to see, the myriad different facets of government, the remorseless agenda of this part of the media or that.
I know I'm not bipolar or schizophrenic, but this career allows you to explore, to take some facets of yourself and spin it.
It seems to me that no one picture can ever be a final summation of a personality. There are so many facets in every human being that it is impossible to present them all in one photograph.
We all show facets, to your mother, or to your boyfriend, or a friend. You're always a bit different.
The TV camera has no shutter. It does not deal with aspects or facets of objects in high resolution. It is a means of direct pick-up by the electrical groping over surfaces.
By praying with friends, you will be able to hear and see facets of Jesus that you have not yet perceived.
Because I'm a little ADD, I would like to incorporate even more facets to my career eventually, such as writing and directing films.
I like to do matrices. One option per line, different facets for each column. Salary, location, happiness index, failure index, and all that.
I love the grind. I think it makes you better in all facets of life.
I think all characters that we play are facets of ourselves.
A head coach has to be able to oversee all facets of the team and of the game.
I found very interesting - trying to separate the different facets of Superman in that way. When you're aware of how people perceive you, you can't always remain true to yourself, and that was an interesting thing for me to apply to the character as well - exploring these different facets of his personality while having certain bits of it stripped away. The arrogance of a person who would have the kind of power that Superman does - we see that in The Return of Superman. Superman is not that character, but since he has all of those powers, he has that capacity for arrogance.
Somebody once said that you can never act and be another person; you're only acting facets of yourself. I think there's a lot of truth in that.
I always want to improve in all my facets of the game, whether it's the receiving or blocking aspects.
I'm inspired by different cultures around the world and love to incorporate these facets into my collection.
It's daunting, taking on the task of representing the gay community, because there are so many different facets and different schools of thought and behavior.
The key to coaching is not what you do, but the way you do it. The intangibles, the motivational parts of the game are the most important facets of it.
Part of the brilliance of Stieg Larsson's books is that they are so complex, so many different facets coming together.
A woman has so many facets, and when you create an image, you have to play with all the different moments of your femininity, not just one thing, because everybody can get bored.
Make the most of every sense; glory in all the facets of pleasure and beauty which the world reveals to you...
What's emerging is a new synthesis of science, spirituality and leadership as different facets of a single way of being.
I hate my picture being taken. A photograph by definition captures one mood. And I have a million facets to my personality; I never use just one. That's why I like TV more.
I couldn't remember ever having seen a young man with such power, so many facets of expression, so much sheer invention as an actor.
To me what's most important when I'm signing a project is the character that I'm going to portray and whether it gives the opportunity to show different facets of my craft.
I've been watching RFD-TV for a few years. As a person who lives mostly in the country, I appreciate a network that shows the many facets of rural life. — © Daryl Hall
I've been watching RFD-TV for a few years. As a person who lives mostly in the country, I appreciate a network that shows the many facets of rural life.
It requires courage to make a frontal attack on nature through the broad planes and the large lines and it is cowardly to do it by the facets and details. It is a battle.
I think you can have varied and seemingly contradictory depictions of a single person because we all have many facets and, in a way, many selves.
And this do I call immaculate perception of all things: to want nothing else from them, but to be allowed to lie before them as a mirror with a hundred facets.
Whenever the internal dialogue stops, the world collapses, and extraordinary facets of ourselves surface, as though they had been kept heavily guarded by our words.
I just appreciate all the facets of a woman.
Qigong is a jewel that has many facets.
I think that physical confidence transcends to all facets of your life.
I suspect that these traits-desire, commitment, and good work habits-are important in all facets of our lives. . .
Libraries are a hallmark of a civilized culture, and librarians represent that culture to all facets of society.
The scriptures offer us so many doctrinal diamonds. And when the light of the Spirit plays upon their several facets, they sparkle with celestial sense and illuminate the path we are to follow.
I think all characters are facets of the writer. In a way, they have to be if you're going to write them convincingly. — © Ruth Ozeki
I think all characters are facets of the writer. In a way, they have to be if you're going to write them convincingly.
Faith is a really important part of my life and inspires me in all facets of my life, including my songwriting and my singing.
One of the primary services the arts can render to theology is their integrative power, their ability to interrelate the intellect with the other facets of our human makeup.
I like to indulge all the facets of my personality. There's none that I don't think, in a way, I would want to take away from.
As soon as you externalize an idea you see facets of it that weren't clear when it was just floating around in your head.
So my methodological approach is to draw on many different features in highlighting different facets of the novella (and the opera and the film).
To develop a more or less accurate simply to gain a comprehensive awareness of those facets of yourself which you didn't know existed. And these facets are easily spotted because they show up as your symptoms.
I think difficult characters are very rewarding to do. They often have facets to them and this and that.
I want to be perceived as a guy who played his best in all facets, not just scoring. A guy who loved challenges.
An illusion has been created that Gujarat is the top performing state in the country in all facets. But that is not true.
Yeah, the whole 'One Tree Hill' experience made me realize I wanna write, and produce, and direct as well as act. I'm interested in all facets of the industry.
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