Top 1200 Failed Marriage Quotes & Sayings - Page 5

Explore popular Failed Marriage quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
The Amateur Marriage grew out of the reflection that of all the opportunities to show differences in character, surely an unhappy marriage must be the richest.
Marriage is a partnership between one man and one woman... Nothing could be clearer in the Bible as to what constitutes a marriage in God's sight.
I think Donald Trump's interpretation of marriage is something that he himself doesn't really believe in. 'Traditional marriage' is where two people love each other, commit to each other, care for each other over the years. It is a meaningful ceremony, and his interpretation of that is not recognizing what real marriage is.
Marriage requires the giving and keeping of confidences, the sharing of thoughts and feelings, respect and understanding always, marriage requires humility - the humility to repent, the humility to forgive. Marriage requires flexibility (to give and take) and firmness: not to compromise principles. And a wise and moderate sense of humor. Both need to be pulling together in the same direction.
Civil union is less than marriage. Marriage is a sacred and valued institution and ought to be afforded equal protection. — © James McGreevey
Civil union is less than marriage. Marriage is a sacred and valued institution and ought to be afforded equal protection.
Christian marriage is marked by discipline and self-denial...C hristianity does not therefore depreciate marriage, it sanctifies it.
I think that with marriages, people have to understand that you have to look at your marriage and understand what is needed in your marriage - not what people think your marriage should be or what people want your marriage to be.
I think it's very important that we protect marriage as an institution between a man and a woman. I proposed a constitutional amendment. The reason I did so was because I was worried that activist judges are actually defining the definition of marriage. And the surest way to protect marriage between a man and woman is to amend the Constitution.
There is nothing wrong with your marriage if you're dealing with bills and kids and the broken garbage disposal and in-laws and work demands. That's a normal marriage.
I just believe that marriage is a beautiful representation of God's love for us and that there is such a cherishing that can happen in marriage that is different from any other relationship.
The moral code of Heaven for both men and women is complete chastity before marriage and full fidelity after marriage.
Attaching the word marriage to the association of same-sex individuals mistakenly presumes that marriage is principally a matter of adult benefits and adult rights. In fact, marriage is principally about the nurturing and development of children. And the successful development of children is critical to the preservation and success of our nation.
By demanding more from men and from marriage, it's single women who have perhaps played as large a part as anyone in saving marriage in America.
Marriage is the clue to human life, but there is no marriage apart from the wheeling sun and the nodding earth, from the strayingof the planets and the magnificence of the fixed stars.
I don't know what it takes to make marriage work, but I'm going to keep trying until I get it right. I haven't given up on love or marriage. — © Stephanie Mills
I don't know what it takes to make marriage work, but I'm going to keep trying until I get it right. I haven't given up on love or marriage.
What a good thing there is no marriage or giving in marriage in the after-life; it will certainly help to smooth things out.
The marriage relationship is one of God's creations for building up people. It gives husbands and wives the chance to minister to an immortal human being in a uniquely intimate fashion. To enjoy the meaningfulness of marriage, then, requires a once-made but ongoing commitment of mutual ministry to our mates and the more we seize them, the more meaning our marriage will have.
Luck means the hardships and privations which you have not hesitated to endure, the long nights you have devoted to work. Luck means the appointments you have never failed to keep; the trains you have never failed to catch.
If our children are becoming teenagers who are abusive, have mental health issues, and are committing heinous crime, it only means that we have failed them as a society. We have failed to give them a safe, nurturing environment to ensure that they are well-balanced, useful persons in the society.
In many ways, the crumbling of the institution of marriage is the real 'war on women.' Marriage is the civilizing influence for men and for families.
President Obama is traveling around the country, proposing a stimulus bill that has already failed once. Instead of having an honest discussion about whether or not a plan that already failed once will fail again, the establishment would rather distract the American people with gossip.
The decision to get married will impact one's life more deeply than almost any decision in life. Yet people continue to rush into marriage with little or no preparation for making a marriage successful. In fact, many couples give far more attention to making plans for the wedding than making plans for marriage. The wedding festivities last only a few hours, while the marriage, we hope, will last for a lifetime
We ministers have undoubtedly failed to connect and apply Christianity to the practical everyday problems of the average man. In this, we have failed to follow in Christ's footsteps. For the religion which He taught and revealed in His own life and ministry was an intensely practical and down-to-earth affair.
We do not create marriage from scratch. Instead, in the elegant language of the marriage ceremony, we 'enter into the holy estate of matrimony.'
Giving public sanction to homosexual marriage ends up redefining marriage, and it's certain to harm children.
Marriage is built around complementarity of the sexes and therefore the institution of marriage is a support for stable families and societies.
Marriage is going to disappear, should disappear. And now the point is coming in the history of humanity where it becomes possible that marriage can disappear. It is already an outmoded phenomenon, it has lived too long and it has created nothing but misery. Marriage should disappear and love should flower again. One should live with insecurity and freedom. That I call intelligence.
Those who condemn gay marriage, yet are silent or indifferent to the breakdown of marriage and divorce, are, in my view, missing the real issue.
Every marriage is different, and it's impossible to understand your own marriage, really, much less anybody else's.
Salvation by society failed the most where it promised the most, in the communist countries. But it also failed in the West. Practically no government program enacted since the 1950s in the Western world - or in the communist countries - has been successful.
Really with marriage, from what I've heard about from different friends that are married, you can't entirely be prepared. There are things you can only learn in marriage.
Friendship is the marriage of the soul, and this marriage is liable to divorce.
The contented and economically comfortable have a very discriminating view of government. Nobody is ever indignant about bailing out failed banks and failed savings and loans associations... But when taxes must be paid for the lower middle class and poor, the government assumes an aspect of wickedness.
I ran to my marriage, I was happily ready to take on marriage.
Better no marriage, than a marriage short of the best.
The doctrine of marriage depends on Genesis being true. If there's an absolute authority, and if God's the Creator, He made one man and one woman. Jesus came and said that marriage is between a man and woman. If Genesis is not true, we're just animals, and marriage is just whatever you want to make it to be.
You can't build marriage on a foundation of selfish hedonism, because that would be to promise people only roses, and marriage is also thorns.
Marriage is like a table with four legs - the couple, the children, the parents and the in-laws. Break any of these and the marriage crashes to the floor
It took me too long to realise that if you go to a marriage counsellor to resolve problems, it's in his interest to keep the marriage going.
Being able to support oneself allows one to choose a marriage out of love and not just economic dependence. It also allows one to risk that marriage. — © Gloria Steinem
Being able to support oneself allows one to choose a marriage out of love and not just economic dependence. It also allows one to risk that marriage.
I believe passionately that the notion of having to work at a marriage is baloney. Making sacrifices and being a martyr makes one hell of a bad marriage.
So, Israel, for all its glory, has failed as a social country because it has not built a strong society, but a very weak one. We succeeded militarily and financially, and we are the 'Start-Up Nation' - but when it comes to social issues, Israel has failed. It is very sad.
There are times when marriage is not such a comfortable place... But you find your way; you become a different person. You grow into it. And you have to work at marriage every day.
By marriage the husband and wife are one person in law, that is, the very being or legal existence of the woman is suspended during marriage.
I had a marriage that I came to in the same way everybody else comes to a marriage. We all take chances when we get married.
Marriage is not one point of view: it's a constant back and forth over different perspectives - a healthy marriage, anyway.
Marriage is not defined in the federal Constitution at all; it's a matter for the states. And applying the Fourteenth Amendment to the equality of men and women and their relationship in marriage is totally different than redefining marriage. Here is the overreach of the judiciary. This, if allowed to stand without any congressional approval, without any kind of enabling legislation, is what Jefferson warned us about. That's judicial tyranny.
I was born with a stain. A mark. Like the mark of Cain. But is the mark of my father, my family. The mark of Borgia. I have tried to be other than I am. And I have failed. And If I have failed you in the process, I am truly sorry.
There are times when marriage is not such a comfortable place But you find your way; you become a different person. You grow into it. And you have to work at marriage every day.
I'm totally against straight marriage - even though I'm married. I don't think heterosexual marriage is any of the government's business. — © Penn Jillette
I'm totally against straight marriage - even though I'm married. I don't think heterosexual marriage is any of the government's business.
Marriage is great for some; it makes them better people. For me, commitment doesn't have to be marriage. It stems from the fact that I have a Westernised world view.
If there is one notion I hate more than another, it is that of marriage - I mean marriage in the vulgar, weak sense, as a mere matter of sentiment.
Marriage is a totally different phenomenon: it is the climax of love. Then it is good. I am not against marriage - I am for the REAL marriage. I am against the false, the pseudo, that exists. But it is an arrangement. It gives you a certain security, safety, occupation. It keeps you engaged. Otherwise, it gives you no enrichment, it gives you no nourishment.
A storybook marriage? No, not at all. What Mitt Romney and I have is a real marriage.
Marriage isn't always cupcakes and Jesus juice, but it's important to show each other your marriage is a priority and that you still love them.
Each marriage bears the footprints of economic and cultural trends which originate far outside marriage.
Gay marriage is a tricky issue for the Democrats due to the fact that - like taxes, defense and education - they are forced to lie about their position when running for office. In other words, Democrats are gay marriage supporters trapped in the bodies of candidates who oppose gay marriage. And no issue-reassignment surgery can help them.
If you believe, if you value and treasure and revere the institution of marriage, then you should want every family unit to be really wrapped in marriage.
I think that two people who decide to live together in a marriage situation, they have an obligation to make the marriage work for them.
Marriage for love is the most beautiful external symbol of the union of souls; marriage without it is the least clean traffic that defiles the world.
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