Top 1200 Faithful Wife Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Faithful Wife quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
To the Memory of those faithful brown slave-men of the plantations throughout the South, Daddy's contemporaries all, who during the war while their masters were away fighting in a cause opposed to their emancipation, brought their blankets and slept outside their mistresses' doors, thus keeping night-watch over otherwise unprotected women and children -- a faithful guardianship of which the annals of those troublous times record no instance of betrayal.
I meet young people everywhere who are wonderful and faithful; youth who want to do the right thing and who indicate the reality of what I have been saying for a long time, that we've never had a better generation of young people in the Church than we have today. They are faithful. They are active. They're knowledgeable. They are a great generation, notwithstanding the environment in which many of them are growing up.
When a man opens a car door for his wife, it's either a new car or a new wife.
My wife dresses to kill. She cooks the same way. — © Henny Youngman
When a man opens a car door for his wife, it's either a new car or a new wife. My wife dresses to kill. She cooks the same way.
Are you debating whether you should take a step of faith in Jesus, or whether you should wait until you can clearly see how to do what He has asked? Simply obey Him with unrestrained joy. When He tells you something and you begin to debate, it is because you have a misunderstanding of what honors Him and what doesn't. Are you faithful to Jesus, or faithful to your ideas about Him?
My guitar heroes are Eric Clapton and Jeff Beck and people like that - so I've tried to make an album of Robert Johnson covers that, well, while not totally faithful for blues purists, is faithful for people like me that grew up with the '60s and the electric blues-rock versions of Johnson's songs.
I'm praying to the Creator of the world, the King of the universe, the all-powerful, all-knowing, all-faithful God. I'm praying to the God who made the mountains and who can move them if necessary. I'm praying to the God who has always been faithful to me, who has never let me down no matter how frightened I was or how difficult the situation looked. I'm praying to a God who wants to bear fruit through me, and I am going to trust that he is going to use me tonight. Not because of who I am, but because of who he is. He is faithful.
Some think that people come to a ball to do nothing but dance; whereas everyone knows that the real business of a ball is to look out for a wife, to look after a wife, or to look after someone else's wife.
We can only learn and advance with contradictions. The faithful inside should meet the doubtful. The doubtful should meet the faithful. Human slowly advances and becomes mature when he accepts his contradictions.
England is my wife, America my mistress. It is very good sometimes to get away from one's wife.
Honolulu, it's got everything. Sand for the children, sun for the wife, sharks for the wife's mother.
A wife lasts only for the length of the marriage, but an ex-wife is there for the rest of your life.
My mother, throughout her entire life, has been faithful to the church, even though the church has not been that faithful to her because of her politics.
Gorillaz virtually changed my wife...sorry, I mean,, actually, it was my wife. — © Terry Gilliam
Gorillaz virtually changed my wife...sorry, I mean,, actually, it was my wife.
I've never used one word of profanity in front of my wife, or my daughter, or my granddaughter or anybody else's wife.
First of all, my wife writes half my act. I don't know how I could "steal" from my wife.
My wife doesn't want to go. She says, 'I am your wife, I will do as a wife should.' But she is worried about what she will do in Chicago, all by herself.
The secrets of success are a good wife and a steady job. My wife told me.
A wise man in his house should find a wife gentle and courteous, or no wife at all.
Lyrically, there's a lot of songs that are influenced by my wife. They're about my wife and I.
This was one of the greatest test of his faith he had ever experienced. The thought of deceiving the kind and faithful wife of his youth... was more than he felt able to bear.... his sorrow and misery were increased by the thought of my mother hearing it from some other source, which would no doubt separate them, and he shrank from the thought of such a thing, or of causing her any unhappiness.
Do you ask why I am unwilling to marry a rich wife? It is because I am unwilling to be taken to husband by my wife. The mistress of the house should be subordinate to her husband, for in no other way, Priscus, will the wife and husband be on an equality.
Among the Tibetans, one wife has many husbands, because men are too poor to support a whole wife.
What you have is Mitt Romney running around the country saying 'Well, you know, my wife tells me that what women really care about are economic issues, and when I listen to my wife, that's what I'm hearing.' Guess what? His wife has actually never worked a day in her life.
Unfortunately, everyone thought that Teri Hatcher was my wife. Matter of fact, I would be with my wife, holding my wife's hand at a football game, and someone would come up to me and say, 'Hey, I love those commercials you do with your wife.' My kids almost had shirts made up that said, 'Teri Hatcher is not my mom.'
I feel like I'm not living a life different than anyone else. You know, I live in a house with 5 kids and a wife, but I also travel on the road with a band of brothers, just doing life. I am a member of a church, but it's almost like it's a little church on our bus. It's about trying to pursue God and stay faithful to Him in this crazy world.
Only as He is faithful will His covenants stand and His promises be honored. Only as we have complete assurance that He is faithful may we live in peace and look forward with assurance to the life to come.
The elephant, not only the largest but the most intelligent of animals, provides us with an excellent example. It is faithful and tenderly loving to the female of its choice, mating only every third year and then for no more than five days, and so secretly as never to be seen, until, on the sixth day, it appears and goes at once to wash its whole body in the river, unwilling to return to the herd until thus purified. Such good and modest habits are an example to husband and wife.
True love in Mexico isn't between lovers; it's between a parent and a child. Mexico is a very intense culture of sons adoring their mothers, and this is why I claim that Mexican culture is matriarchal. Because the one constant, faithful, inviolable, holy love of loves - the love of your life - is not your wife or your lover; it's your mother.
We must never let fear... divert us from our faith and faithful living. Every person in every era has had to walk by faith into what has always been some uncertainty. This is the plan. Just be faithful. God is in charge. He knows your name and He knows your need.
If I was your wife Sir, I'd poison you! Madam, if you were my wife, I'd let you!
Never be so faithful to your plan that you are unwilling to consider the unexpected. Never be so faithful to your plan that you are unwilling to entertain the improbable opportunity that comes looking for you.
The Lord compensates the faithful for every loss. That which is taken away from those who love the Lord will be added unto them in his own way. While it may not come at the time we desire, the faithful will know that every tear today will eventually be returned a hundredfold with tears of rejoicing and gratitude.
My wife is from Jamaica. My ex-wife. My stepchildren - and then there's my son. So, it's a biracial family.
We like to say 'husband' and 'wife' a lot. I say, 'husband, where are you?' He says, 'where is my wife? How is my wife doing?'
To the shepherds alone was given all power to teach, to judge, to direct; on the faithful was imposed the duty of following their teaching, of submitting with docility to their judgment, and of allowing themselves to be governed, corrected, and guided by them in the way of salvation. Thus, it is an absolute necessity for the simple faithful to submit in mind and heart to their own pastors, and for the latter to submit with them to the Head and Supreme Pastor.
I still love my former wife, I won't call her my ex-wife.
I was sad to see anybody leave, we had a very nice family on that show. I was very sad to see momma go, Victoria and especially Linda. My god that was my wife on the show, in fact my wife calls her wife.
Against the advice of my wife, I endorsed Arlen Specter. I should have listened to my wife. — © Rick Santorum
Against the advice of my wife, I endorsed Arlen Specter. I should have listened to my wife.
And I'll tell ya, I'm really enjoying this marriage thing. You think about each other. You care about each other. It's wonderful! Plus, I love saying 'my wife.' Once I started saying it, I couldn't stop - 'my wife' this, 'my wife''s an amazing way to begin a sentence.
Eccentricity may be diverting, Mama, but it is out of place in a wife: certainly in my wife!
I like my wife. I'm stupid in love with my wife and always have been.
My wife is an incredible pianist. I don't think there's anything my wife can't do, in all actuality.
If you are the wife of a governor or the wife of a vice president, I think you can be prepared for it.
Whoever is open, loyal, true; of humane and affable demeanour; honourable himself, and in his judgement of others; faithful to his word as to law, and faithful alike to God and man....such a man is a true gentleman.
Stay faithful in things large and taking on the world, but stay faithful in those things small - because remember it's the small things, the size of a mustard seed, that ultimately moves mountains.
What is faithfulness, anyway? Can you be unfaithful to your own feelings and faithful to someone else? Is it faithful to lie in bed night after night with someone you love but no longer desire while ardently dreaming of someone else?
She thought about how marvelous is would be to have a wife keeping the house in order, the meals on the table. At the same time it seemed ridiculously unfair that she could never have a wife. In fact, if she married, she would be expected to be the wife.
My wife and I went to a hotel where we got a waterbed. My wife called it the Dead Sea. — © Henny Youngman
My wife and I went to a hotel where we got a waterbed. My wife called it the Dead Sea.
I've never used one word of profanity in front of my wife, or my daughter, or my granddaughter... or anybody else's wife.
Beware of being obsessed with consistency to your own convictions instead of being devoted to God. The important consistency in a saint is not to a principle but to the divine life. It is easier to be an excessive fanatic than it is to be consistently faithful, because God causes an amazing humbling of our religious conceit when we are faithful to Him.
When people meet my wife they think better of me. They say: "With a wife like that, he can't be as bad as we thought".
I wont let a wife lead me to the altar. [I will not have a wife that shall be my master.]
Bible makes that really clear that there are rewards in heaven. I believe there is reassignment. In other words, faithful in little things I will trust you in much. And if you have not been faithful with that which is not his own, who will give you your own. And if you've been unfaithful with unrighteous mammon who's going to trust you the true riches of heaven.
If the historian will be faithful to the photograph, the photograph will be faithful to history.
You won't ever hear me talk about whether my wife's prettier than your wife.
Alas, woman is faithful as long as she loves, but you demand that she be faithful without love and give herself without enjoyment. Who is cruel then, woman or man?
From time to time, ask yourself these questions: "Am I ready to meet my Maker?" "Am I worthy of all the blessings He has in store for His faithful children?" "Have I received my endowment and sealing ordinances of the temple?" "Have I remained faithful to my covenants?" "Have I qualified for the greatest of all God's blessings-the blessing of eternal life."
I view my wife as my lover, and we have a bond that goes beyond words like wife or girlfriend or mother.
I had to learn how to be faithful. When I was dating around and moving from woman to woman, I did not understand and know how to be faithful. Subsequently, once I entered into marriage, I had to learn how to be with one woman. For me, that was the biggest challenge of all.
The more faithful preachers are to the Word of God in their preaching, the more liable they are to the charge of hypocrisy. Why? Because the more faithful people are to the Word of God the higher the message is that they will preach. The higher the message, the further they will be from obeying themselves.
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