Top 1200 False Assumptions Quotes & Sayings - Page 5

Explore popular False Assumptions quotes.
Last updated on October 13, 2024.
In a start-up company, you basically throw out all assumptions every three weeks.
Don't make assumptions. Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want.
They say that the commons of England would first destroy the king's friends and afterward himself, and then bring the Duke of York to be king so that by their false means and lies they may make him to hate and destroy his friends, and cherish his false traitors.
The Civilized… murder their children by producing too many of them without being able to provide for their well-being. Morality or theories of false virtue stimulate them to manufacture cannon fodder, anthills of conscripts who are forced to sell themselves out of poverty. This improvident paternity is a false virtue, the selfishness of pleasure.
While analogies are useful, however, they can also be misleading. They smuggle in assumptions that can be wrong. — © Michael Mandelbaum
While analogies are useful, however, they can also be misleading. They smuggle in assumptions that can be wrong.
Isolating the student from large sections of human knowledge is not the basis of a Christian education. Rather it is giving him or her the framework for total truth, rooted in the Creator's existence and in the Bible's teaching, so that in each step of the formal learning process the student will understand what is true and what is false and why it is true or false.
Having our fundamental assumptions about life challenged is never a comfortable thing.
Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. Hate destroys a man's sense of values and his objectivity. It causes him to describe the beautiful as ugly and the ugly as beautiful, and to confuse the true with the false and the false with the true.
I had a back-and-forth where I asked Donald Trump, is it true or false that he said the government should pay for everyone's health care? He said it's false. Listen, within minutes, we put out a video just contrasting what he said there with video of him just a few months earlier saying exactly the opposite.
This left-wing kind of speech, the Robin Hood thing that Pablo had, of course he was a criminal and a mean person, but it wasn't a false. He wasn't false. I don't know what kind of president he would be, maybe a very bad one, but I am sure he would do things for poor people - popular things that wouldn't solve their lives but would help them.
The strategist's method is very simply to challenge the prevailing assumptions with a single question: Why?
There was promulgation of false propaganda by the administration about the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. There was promulgation of false propaganda about Iraq as a base for Al Qaeda.
There are assumptions made about the way you look. I'm always surprised when people don't think I'm smart.
All the new media are art forms which have the power of imposing, like poetry, their own assumptions.
Our characterization of collective folly is that sound judgment is not feasible when there is forced or false agreement in groups. We also show how group polarization sets the stage for risky and even dangerous decisions to be made. How we navigate between false agreement and polarization is the kind of mastery that collective wisdom represents.
Originality is dangerous. It challenges, questions, overturns assumptions, unsettles moral codes. — © Salman Rushdie
Originality is dangerous. It challenges, questions, overturns assumptions, unsettles moral codes.
A writer is not different from a reader, in that the common ragbag of orthodoxies and assumptions is what a poet has to work with as well.
There are different kinds of fire; there is false fire. No one knows this better than we do, but we are not such fools as to refuse good bank notes because there are false ones in circulation; and although we see here and there manifestations of what appears to us to be nothing more than mere earthly fire, we none the less prize and value, and seek for the genuine fire which comes from the altar of the Lord.
The thing is too that when you sell people a false reality and they take that to be the norm, when that false reality is light-years from what’s really happening, that in itself is a tremendous defense mechanism because when you start talking about what is actually happening, it is so different from what people perceive to be happening. They just can’t make that jump; it’s too insane for them.
I believe it's on everyone - men and women - to knock down stereotypes and outdated assumptions.
People, please remember that I choose my words very carefully. Assumptions are your enemy.
If I look smart and feel confident, other people's bigoted assumptions have less power to harm me.
It is historical continuity that maintains most assumptions, not repeated assessment of their validity.
I think we are progressing with race relations but assumptions hold us back.
Sometimes I make certain assumptions but find they're not immediately obvious to my players.
I am not only convinced that what I say is false, but also that what one might say against it is false. Despite this, one must begin to talk about it. In such a case the truth lies not in the middle, but rather all around, like a sack, which, with each new opinion one stuffs into it, changes its form, and becomes more and more firm.
[C]ontemporary liberalism stands on a foundation of assumptions and ideas integral to the larger fascist movement.
Beware of assumptions that seem "obvious" in one decade. They may become quaint in the next.
When you're surrounded by people who share the same set of assumptions as you, you start to think that's reality.
You put on a face for the public. The face isn't false; it's just another side of you. If it were false, you couldn't last. People want something real and natural, and if they catch you acting, you're dead. It has to look real. In order to look real, it has to be real, and I've always thought of the characters I've played as real people.
It's always wise to raise questions about the most obvious and simple assumptions.
Sometimes it happens that you become one, in some rare moment. Watch the ocean, the tremendous wildness of it--and suddenly you forget your split, your schizophrenia; you relax. Or, moving in the Himalayas, seeing the virgin snow on the Himalayan peaks, suddenly a coolness surrounds you and you need not be false because there is no other human being to be false to. You fall together.
Political assumptions can remain constant for long periods and then change very quickly.
Unfortunately, in seeing ourselves as we truly are, not all that we see is beautiful and attractive. This is undoubtedly part of the reason we flee silence. We do not want to be confronted with our hypocrisy, our phoniness. We see how false and fragile is the false self we project. We have to go through this painful experience to come to our true self.
Conceit and arrogance are acquired states of mind. Conquer acquired states of mind, and basic sanity can unfold. Passion and willfulness are part of false consciousness; erase false consciousness, and true consciousness will appear.
Let us take a patriot, where we can meet him; and, that we may not flatter ourselves by false appearances, distinguish those marks which are certain, from those which may deceive; for a man may have the external appearance of a patriot, without the constituent qualities; as false coins have often lustre, though they want weight.
Making assumptions taught me a lot as a producer, because it's something I never do now.
We should decriminalize all drugs. The assumptions on which our drug policies are based are flawed.
We move from more or less plausible but really arbitrary assumptions, to elegantly demonstrated but irrelevant conclusions.
We have all these cultural assumptions about love. People get hurt, and we say, 'Oh, it's no one's fault.' — © Mona Simpson
We have all these cultural assumptions about love. People get hurt, and we say, 'Oh, it's no one's fault.'
An argument can be logically valid, but unsound in that it contains a false premise and, therefore, leads to a false conclusion (e.g., Scientists are smart; smart people do not make mistakes; therefore, scientists do not make mistakes).
Their false compassion is called compassion and their false understanding is called understanding, for this is their most potent spell.
The self-fulfilling prophecy is, in the beginning, a false definition of the situation evoking a new behavior which makes the originally false conception come true. The specious validity of the self-fulfilling prophecy perpetuates a reign of error. For the prophet will cite the actual course of events as proof that he was right from the very beginning.
And just as the false assumption that we are not connected to the earth has led to the ecological crisis, so to the equally false assumption that we arenot connected to each other that has led to our social crisis.
Some people, they make these assumptions before they even listen to the music.
Rational discussion is useful only when there is a significant base of shared assumptions.
Nothing can be true which is either complete or vacant; every touch is false which does not suggest more than it represents, and every space is false which represents nothing.
What a man believes may be ascertained, not from his creed, but from the assumptions on which he habitually acts.
Beware of "the real world". A speaker's apeal to it is always an invitation not to challenge his tacit assumptions.
Pause and remember - Making the wrong assumptions causes pain and suffering for everyone.
I've been very fortunate. But rich? People make huge assumptions about the guys in Gn'R. — © Duff McKagan
I've been very fortunate. But rich? People make huge assumptions about the guys in Gn'R.
Theology is a thing of unreason altogether, an edifice of assumptions and dreams, a superstructure without a substructure
...theories should be judged by their ability to predict events rather than by the realism of their assumptions.
You ought to be true for the sake of the folks who think you are true. You never should stoop to a deed that your folks think you would not do. If you are false to yourself, be the blemish but small, you have injured your folks; you have been false to them all.
The harder you fight to hold on to specific assumptions, the more likely there's gold in letting go of them.
The philosopher forms his principles on an infinity of particular observations. He does not confuse truth with plausibility, he takes for truth what is true, for false what is false, for doubtful what is doubtful, and probable what is probable. The philosophical spirit is thus a spirit of observation and accuracy.
Move beyond the old assumptions, practices, and language that can be barriers to equal access.
Men see how you dress, and then make assumptions about your relationship potential.
The one thing that's always very safe to say with 'Arrow' is never make assumptions.
The stand-up really helped because you know the feeling when something feels true, and you know the feeling when it feels false. You don't ever want to give an actor the feeling of it being false, because you know how unfair that is.
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