Top 1200 Fame Quotes & Sayings - Page 16

Explore popular Fame quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
That sort of reputation which precedes performance [is] often the larger part of a man's fame.
I was 18 when I signed my first record contract and in those days fame was a lot of fun.
Neither genius, fame, nor love show the greatness of the soul. Only kindness can do that. — © Jean-Baptiste Henri Lacordaire
Neither genius, fame, nor love show the greatness of the soul. Only kindness can do that.
In every village marked with little spire, Embowered in trees, and hardly known to fame.
The names, the legends, my heroes, the College Football Hall of Fame is a really amazing fraternity.
I don't pay attention to fame stuff, in general, so for me, I'm on a show and people like it and that's perfect.
A famous writer who wants to continue writing has to be constantly defending himself against fame.
The life, which others pay, let us bestow, And give to fame what we to nature owe.
Fame is a lot of pressure, especially when you're responsible for your entire family. Financially, emotionally - everything.
Fame has only the span of the day, they say. But to live in the hearts of people-that is worth something.
The virtuous nothing fear but life with shame, And death's a pleasant road that leads to fame.
Fame is but a fruit tree- so very unsound. It can never flourish 'till its stock is in the ground.
Personally, fame never really played any part in our family life. — © Oliver Hudson
Personally, fame never really played any part in our family life.
The splendors that belong unto the fame of earth are but a wind, that in the same direction lasts not long.
Actors, politicians, and writers-all of us are but creatures of the hour. Long-lasting fame comes to but few.
I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even put a stopper on death.
The love of fame usually spurs on the mind. [Lat., Ingenio stimulos subdere fama solet.]
Fame is a bit Nietzschean. For everything good, something bad happens to you, so you have to sort of be careful.
I've kind of touched on the youth generation, what the concept of fame, what does it actually, really mean.
I never sang for a Grammy, for money, for fame. That's my whole purpose for singing: for people, for the fans.
I've got a few guitars that I like. The trouble with fame and riches is that you have more than one guitar.
Fame isolates people from reality. That happens to many artists, and I don't want it to happen to me.
You never know how long your fifteen minutes of fame is going to last.
Oh, you know, I think it was definitely a little pressure, to remake something like 'Fame'.
You have to work in this business on your own terms. Don't sell out for money, fame, or notoriety.
I wish every actor had fame like Salman Khan in the film fraternity.
I made up my mind I was going to walk that thin line between fame and oblivion.
I dont have a problem with fame. I got into this business intending to be very successful, but I wanted it to be at my price.
I want to just do my job and have a big impact on the organization, and hopefully be in the Hall of Fame one day.
I think fame itself is not a rewarding thing. The most you can say is that it gets you a seat in restaurants.
So this was fame at last! Nothing but a vast debt to be paid to the world in energy, blood, and time.
No matter how much money, fame, and fortune you have, it doesn't mean sh** if it's not connected with love.
Acting isn't a sure thing. We're not set to have jobs for the rest of lives, and fame is really fickle.
Why is Barry Switzer not in the Hall of Fame? I have no idea. He's done everything humanly possible to be in.
Artists should never think of themselves as an idol. Fame is a side effect of one's work.
I believe some people in this business suffer from fame because they behave in a famous fashion.
In the very books in which philosophers bid us scorn fame, they inscribe their names.
No, I'm not angling for huge fame. My career has been a very slow, arduous climb to the middle. — © Paul Sparks
No, I'm not angling for huge fame. My career has been a very slow, arduous climb to the middle.
I don't think I realized that the cost of fame is that it's open season on every moment of your life.
You want to live your own life, but when you have fame, there are certain things you can't get away with.
Fame terrifies me. I can say that with honesty. You're terrified that, when people know the real you, they won't like you.
Fame is only good for one thing - they will cash your check in a small town.
Who builds a church to God and not to fame, Will never mark the marble with his name.
Top-level football gives you fame and money, but it takes away a lot, too.
It's funny - nowadays people that are famous get chased by paparazzi. They have this fame, but they don't have the money to hide from it.
Fame is a kind of death because it arrests life around the person in the public eye.
Fame, power, and gold, are loved for their own sakes - are worshipped with a blind, habitual idolatry.
My goal has always been longevity. Not fame and fortune, just get a job and keep it. — © James Garner
My goal has always been longevity. Not fame and fortune, just get a job and keep it.
I think it's easy for people to assume that fame is equal to glory, but it can be a very isolating experience.
I grew up in the limelight and being the child of someone famous. So my relationship with fame is not bedazzled.
I did have a bunch of goals I wanted to achieve when I was financially able to do so, but they had nothing to do with fame.
The main downside was that it [fame] happened so quickly and I didn't have time to establish what kind of person I wanted to be.
Nothing will stifle your human evolution more than fame and fortune.
I think the concept of seeking fame and fortune in women's football in the States is a bit idyllic.
Fame is the worst thing that can happen to a person. I choose not to appear in anything publicly. Twitter's it!
Compromising your integrity for money, power, or fame will come back to haunt you.
I'm just a girl, With a dream that got the best of me, In a world that believes fame is everything.
No true and permanent fame can be founded except in labors which promote the happiness of mankind.
The fame and the money and all that stuff that comes along with it is all great, but that's not the sole purpose of why I make music.
Fame makes you feel permanently like a girl walking past construction workers.
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