Top 1200 Fame Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Fame quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
The only model to me that correlates with big success in the NFL is having a Hall of Fame franchise quarterback.
Football, we pretty much control what we do and how we react, and there are two days we couldn't, on the draft and on the selection for the Hall of Fame.
Fame is empowering. My mistake was that I thought I would instinctively know how to handle it. But there's no manual, no training course. — © Charlie Sheen
Fame is empowering. My mistake was that I thought I would instinctively know how to handle it. But there's no manual, no training course.
My uncle is in the hall of fame for creating by hand some of the most intricate Indian Mardi Gras garb.
There is not in the world so toilsome a trade as the pursuit of fame; life concludes before you have so much as sketched your work.
I am not obsessed with social media fame, but I do think that it's a great tool by which I can stay in touch with my fans.
What the hell is the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and what does it do besides talk about itself and sell postcards?
Shangela and I are both the type of queens who will taffy-pull 15 minutes of fame into something solid.
There are three things on my piano - my Best Villainess award, my Grammy, and my Rock N' Roll Hall Of Fame statue.
What is Fortune, what is Fame? Futile gold and phantom name- Riches buried in a cave, Glory written on a grave.
I think people imagine that your fame somehow sort of equates with how much you get paid.
Growing up, I realized that fame is not what you think it is. It's a little bizarre. You have to learn how to cope with that and figure out who you are.
Integrity of life is fame's best friend, which nobly, beyond death, shall crown in the end. — © John Webster
Integrity of life is fame's best friend, which nobly, beyond death, shall crown in the end.
Time is, after all, the greatest of poets; and the sons of Memory stand a better chance of being the heirs of Fame.
Andrade had fame and popularity in Mexico, and he experienced that same fanfare when he made his NXT debut.
For my fans around the world, I am pleased to be joining the WWE Hall of Fame, especially at Madison Square Garden.
The only thing fame has changed about me is that I'm more self-aware when I go out in public.
Fame has sent a number of celebrities off the deep end, and in the case of Michael Jackson, to the kiddy pool.
I'm not defined by baseball. I'd love for the Hall of Fame to happen, but if it doesn't, my life won't change. I'll still be coaching my boy's games.
People in the Hall of Fame tend to clap their hands and say, 'OK, I've done it all,' but for me, it was a new beginning.
Have little care that Life is brief, And less that Art is long. Success is in the silences Though Fame is in the song.
OBLIVION, n. The state or condition in which the wicked cease from struggling and the dreary are at rest. Fame's eternal dumping ground.
I grew a very early distaste for fame and glamour because I saw what the spotlight and attention can do to you as a family, so to speak.
The thing about Bollywood is that you can't just quit it even if you have little fame. You have to stick around and keep trying.
Men crowd into honorable careers without other vocation than their vanity, or at best their love of fame.
Fame is a curse... it was the worst phase of my life, which I thank God I'll never have to go through again.
Men should press forward, in fame's glorious chase; Nobles look backward, and so lose the race.
--then on the shore Of the wide world I stand alone, and think Till love and fame to nothingness do sink.
When money and fame happen too late, it's like pouring kerosene over a fire of self-loathing.
Kids will ask us 'How do you become famous?' It's the wrong question. Focus on the craft, not on the fame.
The reward of art is not fame or success but intoxication: that is why so many bad artists are unable to give it up.
Las Vegas, Nevada: A city where oddities don't make you lame, But instead bring you riches and fortune and fame.
And what is friendship but a name, A charm that lulls to sleep, A shade that follows wealth or fame, And leaves the wretch to weep?
I'm not driven by fame or success. I'm quite a shy, introverted person, and I could easily melt away into the background.
Fame really works against actors, in a way, because our anonymity is a wonderful thing for us.
Men's fame is like their hair, which grows after they are dead, and with just as little use to them.
What's fame? a fancy'd life in other's breath. A thing beyond us, even before our death.
I watched my parents' fame diminish - as I was getting more conscious, their celebrity was going back down the mountain. — © Carrie Fisher
I watched my parents' fame diminish - as I was getting more conscious, their celebrity was going back down the mountain.
Time helps a lot. I found the fame thing really was a torment for a while. Then you learn to deal with it.
I can fall in and out of love, have marriages that barely last a month. When they go down the drain, I'll blame it on the fame.
Physicians of the utmost fame, Were called at once; but when they came They answered, as they took their fees, 'There is no Cure for this Disease.'
I've got a very peculiar sort of fame, based on being on the telly. It doesn't mean you have the lifestyle people expect.
I was going to get myself recognized at any price. If I could not win fame by goodness, I was ready to do it by badness.
The only reason I wanted to get one [a star on Hollywood Boulevard Walk of Fame] was because Simon Cowell didn't have one.
The favorites of fortune or of fame topple from their pedestals before our eyes without diverting us from ambition.
All stars are businessmen. Once you decide to become a star, you are talking about money, fame, and being successful.
I respect the Hall of Fame, and if they think that I'm worthy enough, I would be very honored. And if they don't, I gave it all that I had to this game.
I'm not into fame. I'm not into making money, outside of financing my books. I'm not into status. My thing is basically about time - not wasting it. — © Henry Rollins
I'm not into fame. I'm not into making money, outside of financing my books. I'm not into status. My thing is basically about time - not wasting it.
I can't just say I wanna take a Hall of Fame point guard and make him into something else.
Everything was handed to me - looks, fame, wealth, honour, love. I rarely had to fight for anything
The first thing I learned was that even if you have a lot of money and power and fame, you can still suffer very deeply.
I think one of the big mistakes people make is to have fame as one of their main goals. That is the biggest mistake when you're creating art.
Foreign policy is like hitting a baseball: if you fail 70 percent of the time, you go to the Hall of Fame.
Hip-hop belongs in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. It's one of the most radical, revolutionary and reactionary music there is.
I was suited for fame, and I mean that in the most non-egocentric way. I don't mind gearing my life towards privacy. It's my nature.
I always thought Stuart deserved a little bit of fame. He was a gifted artist and a very wonderful person.
Hands down, my son fighting for a world title, that's bigger than me going into the Hall of Fame.
The fame stuff, the kind words from websites and things, are very flattering and lovely, but I just wanna act.
If I became a philosopher, if I have so keenly sought this fame for which I'm still waiting, it's all been to seduce women basically.
I could've made more of an effort to go back to theatre but I fell into the trap of recognition, fame and money.
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