Top 1200 Family First Quotes & Sayings - Page 7

Explore popular Family First quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
The way I was raised, family was always the most important. When I had our first daughter, Natasha, I knew that's what I wanted to do.
I love family films. Of course, as a mother who has to watch so many movies, you really appreciate it when somebody makes a film that is for everybody - family entertainment that's really for the family, where everyone has a good time.
DURING the first years of my service in Dr. Flint's family, I was accustomed to share some indulgences with the children of my mistress — © Harriet Ann Jacobs
DURING the first years of my service in Dr. Flint's family, I was accustomed to share some indulgences with the children of my mistress
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights describes the family as the natural and fundamental unit of society. It follows that any choice and decision with regard to the size of the family must irrevocably rest with the family itself, and cannot be made by anyone else.
I came from a very musical family, so I grew up singing karaoke with the family. My family said 'do this' and brought me to singing lessons. I had always been writing poems and songs.
Family is paramount to me in my life, and my own comes first above everything, and that's something universal that people can relate to.
Family comes first so I only have this specific window of time available to me and because of that I actually get more done.
DURING the first years of my service in Dr. Flint's family, I was accustomed to share some indulgences with the children of my mistress.
This Sonia Gandhi thing should be seen in perspective - the people of India have an emotional attachment to the family. And why not? Three of the five Congress prime ministers belong to that family. The people empathise with the family name.
You always want to be the person who doesn't need to be included, but it feels damn good to be among you people. My first Broadway show was Master Class, and I saw Audra McDonald. The one that sealed the deal was Ragtime, with Marin Mazzie. My first big role was with John Lithgow, and he taught me the ropes. Norm Lewis sang the night I met my husband. It makes me feel like I have a family.
My family came from Spain in 1725, and if people want to consider me Hispanic, they can, but I didn't advertise that way, and I'm an American first.
I say, If everybody in this house lives where it's God first, friends and family second and you third, we won't ever have an argument.
I am a very simple guy. Of course, popularity matters a lot, but for me, my health and family come first. — © Barun Sobti
I am a very simple guy. Of course, popularity matters a lot, but for me, my health and family come first.
Half of my family is in Los Angeles, so my cousin was the first person to play me, like, Snoop Dogg, and I would always feel like 'Omg I shouldn't be listening to this,' and my other cousin was the first to introduce me to Aaliyah, so every time I'd go to the West Coast, I'd get those West Coast vibes.
I never look back at all. All of my sentiment and emotion goes into my family. I'm an extremely family oriented person and I have a very, very happy family life. That doesn't just include blood relations. I have friends who are close to me.
We as gay people get to choose our family and the people we're around. I am your family. We are a family here.
My mum is a social worker and my dad's a roofer. My brother Nicky and I were the first two in my family to go to university.
I will never put anybody before my family because your family is your family.
At the moment I have my family coming out with me on the road. We have our own vehicle and its more like a family vacation. I just stop, do some gigs, and take off. Its a lot more fun now with the family.
A story about family, first loves, second chances, and the moments in life that leads you back home
For the first five years of my life, things felt pretty good. A lot went wrong after that, family-wise.
People are identifying not only with the trans movement, but also the Pfefferman family. What I am noticing is people are coming up on the street and talking about their life and their family, and they say, 'Your family is just like mine.'
My family are doctors and pilots and people involved in indigenous First Nation land rights; not overtly artistic.
When my family first found out about my part in 'EastEnders' they were happy for me and very supportive.
The world of football has given me more than I deserved. But you always think of your family first.
I hate it when people are rude to service staff. I grew up in my family's hotel and experienced it first-hand.
Addams Family blew my mind because it was the first time I was in L.A. and Hollywood, and I grew up a huge fan of movies.
Family can replace everything. So, before starting a family, one should think what's more important: family or everything.
That's why I loved being with you. We could do the simplest things, like toss starfish into the ocean and share a burger and talk and even then I knew that I was fortunate. Because you were the first guy who wasn't constantly trying to impress me. You accepted who you were, but more than that, you accepted me for me. And nothing else mattered-- not my family or your family or anyone else in the world. It was just us.
At the moment I have my family coming out with me on the road. We have our own vehicle and it's more like a family vacation. I just stop, do some gigs, and take off. It's a lot more fun now with the family.
The presumption that the law can tell us what natural institution is supposed to be is a formula for totalitarianism. There's not equality in a family; there never is. And yet for that reason, the family is condemned as patriarchal. The goal of this sort of legislation is about the destruction of the traditional family, not just marriage.
For every nineteenth-century middle-class family that protected its wife and child within the family circle, there was an Irish ora German girl scrubbing floors in that home, a Welsh boy mining coal to keep the home-baked goodies warm, a black girl doing the family laundry, a black mother and child picking cotton to be made into clothes for the family, and a Jewish or an Italian daughter in a sweatshop making "ladies" dresses or artificial flowers for the family to purchase.
My grandmother's brain was dead, but her heart was still beating. It was the first time we ever had a democrat in the family.
In its effect on family relationships, in its facilitation of parental withdrawal from an active role in the socialization of their children, and in its replacement of family rituals and special events, television has played an important role in the disintegration of the American family.
The worst thing a man can admit is 'I'm not 100 percent fulfilled by my family.' But it doesn't mean he doesn't love his family. I love my family, but I still want to work; I still want challenges. It took me a while to fall in love with the responsibility of family life, and it was a deep thing when I did.
We are all human beings. As such, we are part of a big family: the human family. The pain of any human being will somehow affect the entire family.
I have a humble background. My dad was a coal miner. My mum worked a receptionist. I was one of the first people in my family to go to university.
My first Valentine gift was a cute little pup gifted to me by my family, which I had always wished for. — © Shefali Zariwala
My first Valentine gift was a cute little pup gifted to me by my family, which I had always wished for.
This attitude of how society views women as chattel - that's the biggest thing to overcome. When I first started a stake in the issue of relationship abuse, I got really beat up by the Christian right because I was interfering in what was a personal family affair. It's a "family matter." That's why I wish we'd drop the phrase "domestic violence." It sounds like a domesticated cat. It is the most vicious of all crimes - to be abused by someone you had a relationship with! Because then you blame yourself.
Trump says he wants to run for president. Why not? It wouldn't be the first time he pushed a black family out of their home.
I remember reading 'The Grapes of Wrath' in high school in 1983. My family had immigrated to the U.S. three years before, and I had spent the better part of the first two years learning English. John Steinbeck's book was the first book I read in English where I had an 'Aha!' moment, namely in the famed turtle chapter.
Not everybody even gets to live with their own family because they have to go to L.A. or New York or wherever to work and find a job and leave their family back home. But every day, I get to work with my family - if I want to.
Due to my lack of family, I've almost built a family around me of friends that are, for me that is, they mean more to me than my own family.
When you're part of the first family, your life tends to get played out in front of the whole nation.
From the psychological jousting between sisters in the early family arena emerge the first tentative boundaries of their personalities.
Family's first, and that's what matters most. We realize that our love goes deeper than the tennis game.
Eating in Italy is essentially a family art, practiced for and by the family. The finest accomplishments of the home cook are not reserved like the good silver and china for special occasions or for impressing guests, but are offered daily for the pleasure and happiness of the family group.
Love is love. Family is family. A family's sexuality does not define the wonderful parent that they can be for their children. — © Jo Frost
Love is love. Family is family. A family's sexuality does not define the wonderful parent that they can be for their children.
Believe me, I recognize the cultural and anatomical challenges and respect the sacrifices women make in order to balance family and a career, or family with no career, or career with no family.
My youngest uncle Randy and I were the first members of our entire family to ever go to college.
I think my husband and dad were both very happy that I had a baby boy, to get some testosterone in the family, because there are a lot of girls. It's not a perfect family, but it's a strong family. The nice thing is how the different ages interact.
When suicide hit my family, we learned first-hand that no one is immune from what is now the 10th leading cause of death in the US.
When I speak on work-family issues to audiences around the country, some of the biggest complaints I hear come from individuals who are described by the census as living in 'non-family households.' They resent the fact that their family responsibilities literally don't 'count,' either for society or for their employers.
My great strength, which I very much believe in, is family. For me, family doesn't simply mean components of DNA. I mean family in the sense of siblings. My mom and my sisters are the energy and inspiration in my life.
My family is mostly a chosen one. I've managed to invite some really amazing people into my life and they become family. Brothers, sisters, siblings, mentors, role models. And I like to live that way, where your family bleeds out into the larger community.
My family absolutely comes first, and I don't mean that in a Pollyanna way. It's the focus of my life because it's what makes me happy.
At the age of 15, I bought a USB microphone on a trip to the United States with my family, and that was my first recording studio.
Half of my family is in Los Angeles, so my cousin was the first person to play me, like, Snoop Dogg, and I would always feel like, 'OMG, I shouldn't be listening to this,' and my other cousin was the first to introduce me to Aaliyah, so every time I'd go to the West Coast, I'd get those West Coast vibes.
As I wrote 'The Christmas Lamp' I realized that tradition is priceless, whether you have a small family, a large family, or no family. Tradition doesn't have to be logical; it only has to emphasize the light of Christ and his everlasting love.
I think that in any family - black, white, Chinese, Spanish, whatever - family is family. You know that there's dysfunction, and that there's this cousin who doesn't like this auntie. But, at the end of the day, like I say, love brings everybody together.
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