Top 1200 Family Name Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Family Name quotes.
Last updated on October 4, 2024.
I'm a small town boy from a place not too different from Farmville. I grew up with a corn field in my backyard. My grandfather had emigrated to this country when he was about my son's age. My mom and dad built everything that matters in a small town in southern Indiana. They built a family and a good name and a business, and they raised a family.
My name ain't Liam Smith, my name ain't Rocky Fielding, my name ain't Amir Khan, James Kirkland - it's Demetrius Andrade and it ain't no easy walk in the park.
More non-fringe, non-radical homosexuals emerge into public view every day. As the stereotype of the homosexual as antisocial deviant crumbles, a (political) party or faction that tolerates gay-baiting rhetoric in the name of 'family values' makes 'family values' look more and more like common bigotry.
I watched my mom and dad build everything that matters - a family, a home and a good name. — © Mike Pence
I watched my mom and dad build everything that matters - a family, a home and a good name.
More is required than a common last name to truly be called a family.
When I was starting out, I thought about how the Internet is global and that we should have a global name, a name that's interesting. At that time, the best name was Yahoo! Suddenly I thought, 'Alibaba is a good name.'
My uncle used to say, 'You'll go on and become the dream of the family.' That's how I got my name.
That is the way with people ... If they do you wrong, they invent a bad name for you, a good name for their acts and then destroy you in the name of virtue.
Jesus Your name is a shelter for the hurting, Your name is a refuge for the weak, only Your name can redeem the undeserving, Jesus Your name holds everything I need.
I was very headstrong about wanting to keep my name when I moved to Los Angeles. But casting directors would call my managers and say I was perfect for the part, but my name wasn't marketable - I was a young guy, and had the old man name of Gary. I kept losing jobs because of the name not being marketable, so I changed it to Garrett.
A name? Oh, Jesus Christ. Ah, God, I've been called by a million names all my life. I don't want a name. I'm better off with a grunt or a groan for a name.
'Zolten' is a common Hungarian name, it's my wife's maiden name and most importantly, it's the name of Dracula's dog.
It is an advantage to be born in Kapoor family and to be known by that name, but it also a burden because there are lots of expectations from you.
My grandfather is from Ireland. His name is Florence McCarthy. He moved to New York in 1920. They used to beat him up because his name was Florence. He had to switch his name to Frank. And then this Christmas, he made an announcement - he goes, 'I'm switching me name back to Florence.' And we beat him up, 'cause it's a dumb name and he's old and weak and it was easy.
But that's not the name of a man, it's the name of a mountain! (...) "It is my name," Athos said calmly. "But you said your name was d'Artagnan." "I?" "Yes, you." "That is to say, someone said to me: 'You are M. d'Artagnan?' I replied: 'You think so?' My guards shouted that they were sure of it. I did not want to vex them. Besides, I might have been mistaken.
And I agreed with that, and I couldn't wait to change my name anyway, because I'm not too fond of the name of Reginald. It's a very kind of '50s English name. — © Elton John
And I agreed with that, and I couldn't wait to change my name anyway, because I'm not too fond of the name of Reginald. It's a very kind of '50s English name.
I had done 25 motion pictures prior to The Partridge Family and nobody knew my name.
With Caavo, you don't have to know the device name, the network name, the service name. Just which show you want to watch, regardless of whether it's live, recorded, downloaded or streaming.
Carson is an old family name, though my grandma used to watch Johnny all the time and was crazy about him.
I don't have a pen name, so I'm thinking of getting a doctor's name. What would you call that, a stethoscope name?
I was the third one in my family born, and there are three notes in a chord, so that's how they came up with my name.
I'm very much Israeli and American; I never was tempted to change my name. Some people suggested I should have a different name, and I said absolutely not. That's the name I inherited, and it's meaningful: Israel is on every cake that I present.
Name any name and then remember everybody you ever knew who bore that name. Are they all alike. I think so.
The thing is, I don't take anything for granted anymore - my family, my music, you name it.
My name will live forever, but I should not care about this at all, because I am not my name and my name is not me!
I just planted the family vegetables yesterday. You name it, I grow it.
First name: Mister; middle name: period; last name T.
The Pixar name means more than any other name. It's very important to us to keep that name at a high level.
I wanted to use some kind of name so people would know where I was from. So I took the name "bluegrass." There is not a prettier name in the whole world.
If we are practicing our faith and seeking the companionship of the Holy Spirit, his presence can be felt in our hearts and in our homes. A family having daily family prayers and seeking to keep the commandments of God and honor his name and speak lovingly to one another will have a spiritual feeling in their home that will be discernible to all who enter it.
My family is from Nigeria, and my full name is Uzoamaka, which means 'The road is good.'
Jesus has given you the right to use His name. That name can break the power of disease, the power of the adversary. That name can stop disease and failure from reigning over you. There is no disease that has ever come to man which this name cannot destroy.
I never wanted anyone to think that I would use my family name to get me anywhere.
The name 'Fojian' says it all. There was a time when each family had a person in the defence forces.
In all honesty, because my name is Cinco and I grew up in Phoenix, I had a lot of exposure to Latin culture and those sorts of things, and that inspired the idea of this villain, El Macho. The name came first and everything else came after that. We loved the idea of this villain. Ken actually has a lot of Latino roots in his family, too.
My last name is originally Irish. I'm not exactly sure whereabouts it's from, but I've got family branches that were traced back there.
My name is Kim Phuc, though you likely know me by another name. It is one I never asked for, a name I have spent a lifetime trying to escape: 'Napalm Girl.'
We wanted people to remember the name as soon as they heard it. When people become so accustomed to the Wii name, nobody is going to say it's a strange name, just like nobody is going to say that Google is a strange name or IKEA is a strange name today.
Drummed into me, above all, by my dad, by the whole family, was that without your good name, you would be nothing. — © Arthur Ashe
Drummed into me, above all, by my dad, by the whole family, was that without your good name, you would be nothing.
My True Name is so well known in the Records, or Registers at Newgate, and in the Old-Baily, and there are some things of such Consequence still depending there, relating to my particular Conduct, that it is not to be expected I should set my Name, or the Account of my Family to this Work; perhaps, after my Death it may be better known, at present it would not be proper, no, not tho' a general Pardon should be issued, even without Exceptions and reserve of Persons or Crimes.
I have a sister and her name is Mimsy, like from 'Alice in Wonderland,' so we've got some strange names in our family.
Family was even a bigger word than I imagined, wide and without limitations, if you allowed it, defying easy definition. You had family that was supposed to be family and wasn't, family that wasn't family but was, halves becoming whole, wholes splitting into two; it was possible to lack whole, honest love and connection from family in lead roles, yet to be filled to abundance by the unexpected supporting players.
I have a sister and her name is Mimsy, like from "Alice in Wonderland," so we've got some strange names in our family.
I do have two data identities. I have my name, Bruce Sterling, which is my public name under which I write novels. I also have my other name, which is my legal name under which I own property and vote.
One person may need (or want) more leisure, another more work; one more adventure, another more security, and so on. It is this diversity that makes a country, indeed a state, a city, a church, or a family, healthy. 'One-size-fits-all,' and that size determined by the State has a name, and that name is 'slavery.'
There was a woman in Elizabeth I's court that happened to have the same family name as me.
It's the greatest of Southern honors . . . to have one's name incorporated into a family tree. It's an honor not lightly given.
I created a flag from the sport's dignity. I oversee the name of my family with affection, steady nerves and blood.
The family I'm from, well, no one had their name on big buildings. My family were builders of a different kind. Builders in the way most American families are. They used whatever tools they had - whatever God gave them - and whatever life in America provided - and built better lives and better futures for their kids.
The first time I was in his office was when they called me in to tell me they had changed my name. I had a feeling that if I'd gone along with the name they'd chosen, I'd never be seen again. I'd be swallowed up by that name, because it was a false name: Kit Marlowe.
One of the cardinal sins in our country is profanity -- the taking of the name of the Lord in vain. Reverence for the name of Deity is enjoined in holy writ. Jesus made this clear when teaching His disciples to pray. He said, addressing the Father, "Hallowed be thy name: (see Matthew 6:9). Blaspheming the name of God separates man from his Creator."
I was pretty naive about how hard it would be to get out from under the family name. Not that I'm complaining. — © Owen King
I was pretty naive about how hard it would be to get out from under the family name. Not that I'm complaining.
The name Van Halen, the family legacy, is going to go on long after I'm gone.
I hate to see a young man get ahead on the basis of a famous family name.
I know of a world that is sunk in shame, Where hearts oft faint and tire; But I know of a Name, a precious Name, That can set that world on fire: Its sound is sweet, its letters flame. I know of a Name, a precious Name, 'Tis Jesus.
It was the family tradition. I wanted to live up to the name-McNair.
If you use your own name as your business brand, keep in mind that if you lose that brand, you have lost your name. And that is a bit of a problem going forward in life. If you decide to make up a name, and if you have lost that name, then who cares. But when it is your name on the products, and you lose it, that is the game changer.
People have always had difficulty saying my name or were resistant to calling me 'Sir' even though my name starts with 'Ser.' Growing up, my family always called me Darius. They're the only ones that are allowed to. All my close friends call me 'Ser' or 'D' and on sets most people call me 'Ser'D.' I'm cool with that.
My fans, country radio, friends, family, you name it - they know I love to perform.
My wife and family, to say the least, are the center of my life; they are my grounding. I don't want to sound schmaltzy, but they are my inspiration and you name it.
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