Top 1200 Family Name Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Family Name quotes.
Last updated on October 4, 2024.
The Skakel family, when they married into the Kennedys, was so wealthy, they could have purchased the Kennedy family.
You must remember, family is often born of blood, but it doesn't depend on blood. Nor is it exclusive of friendship. Family members can be your best friends, you know. And best friends, whether or not they are related to you, can be your family.
..this indiscriminate love feels entirely serious to her, as if everything in the world is part of a vast, inscrutable intention and everything in the world has its own secret name, a name that cannot be conveyed in language but is simply the sight and feel of the thing itself.
It is violence when we use a sharp word, when we make a gesture to brush away a person. So violence isn't merely organized butchery in the name of God, in the name of society or country. Violence is much more subtle, much deeper.
When I first got into this biz called show, I decided I was going to change my name, make it more Hollywood. And you know how you do that? You take your middle name and the first street that you ever lived on. So when I first started, I actually went by Sue Rural Route 2.
My name is Jidenna, which means 'to hold or embrace the father' in Igbo. It was my father who gave me this name and who taught me countless parables, proverbs, and principles that made me the man I am today.
I don't discuss my family with the press; I discuss my family with my family. If you notice, when you hear something sensational in the press about me, I don't respond to it publicly, because a lot of things are put out there simply for the attention. Things that are meaningful, you don't need to talk about.
The word dysfunction has, I think, served its purpose and now has lost its meaning. Every family, like every person, is imperfect, after all. The idea that there is a family somewhere who functions, is an odd concept. In my youth I was running from my family to try to find out who I was-their influence distracted me. Now I see what a powerful hold they have, no matter what.
I know the Trump family personally, his kids and grandkids, and they're a fantastic family. — © Kimberly Guilfoyle
I know the Trump family personally, his kids and grandkids, and they're a fantastic family.
Every family is a "normal" family- no matter whether it has one parent, two, or no children at all.
I loved to sing in family parties, for my friends and family. That's how I discovered my talent.
Sometimes after an enjoyable family home evening, during a fervent family prayer, or when our entire family is at the dinner table on Sunday evening eating waffles and engaging in a session of lively, good-matured conversation, I quietly say to myself, 'If heaven is nothing more than this, it will be good enough for me!'
I am a family person; we are a big family, and I need my friends around me.
Serbian history tells that the family is the most important thing and you have to stick with the family.
The best TV is always about family, whether it's 'All in the Family,' or 'The Sopranos' or 'The Flintstones.'
I found L.A. much less responsive to the name Juilliard than New York was. In New York, that name actually means something. People will look up from their desks when you walk in. In L.A. it's, 'Oh yeah, that's a music school. What do you play?'
Family is what matters. The health of my children is No.1. The relationship with my family, my wife, my faith - all of it is easily No. 1.
I love spending time with my dog, my niece and my family. I'm very family-oriented.
You have to find a balance between work and family. And I have help. I have an amazing family who chip in.
I have a very feminine voice when I write, a very womanly point of view. My last name feels strong and powerful. To me, it's almost a bit masculine. I like the dichotomy of the two. Two sides perfectly represented within my name.
I've been in and out of hospitals a lot in terms of family or extended family or myself.
If you are a part of a family, that family does not treat you badly when you are down, it supports you to revive.
The Family is the Country of the heart. There is an angel in the Family who, by the mysterious influence of grace, of sweetness, and of love, renders the fulfillment of duties less wearisome, sorrows less bitter. The only pure joys unmixed with sadness which it is given to man to taste upon earth are, thanks to this angel, the joys of the Family.
The difference between Socrates and Jesus is that no one had ever been put to death in Socrates' name. And that is because Socrates' ideas were never made law. Law, in whatever name, protects privilege.
I come personally from a broken family, divorced very early in my childhood, a family with its own share of troubles, so I think that was very influential in both me believing that someday I would consistently devote myself to my own family that I created, but I think it also really affects my view of the world.
The thing that I just discovered, which fascinates me really - my name, McCann, the translation isn't 'Son of Ann'... It comes from 'Canis' - as in 'canine' - as in 'dog!' My name - Rory McCann - means Rory Hound, Rory Wolfhound.
In my family history, there are generations of women who were abandoned by men. It's one of the themes of my family. — © Lynn Nottage
In my family history, there are generations of women who were abandoned by men. It's one of the themes of my family.
To get a name can happen but to few. A name, even in the most commercial nation, is one of the few things which cannot be bought . It is the free gift of mankind, which must be deserved before it will be granted, and is at last unwillingly bestowed.
I once stood in the middle of New York city watching my name go round the electronic zipper sign in Times Square and I felt pretty thrilled, but not quite as thrilled as I felt when I saw my name in the Examiner for the first time.
It doesn't matter what kind of problems a family is having; it should always stay in the family.
Learning to be extremely disciplined has been the key for me. I work really hard during work hours and family really hard during family hours. Family does always come first though, in any situation.
Disco deserved a better name, a beautiful name because it was a beautiful art form. It made the consumer beautiful. The consumer was the star.
I always admired the tolerance of my family - you know, that they tolerated my dissension for the family consensus. — © Ehud Olmert
I always admired the tolerance of my family - you know, that they tolerated my dissension for the family consensus.
When I started writing, I didn't have the common sense to use a pseudonym, so I write under my own name. If I did have a pen name, though, it would be something very historical - something that sounds very sort of Regency... Sophia something.
Identify with excellence, put your name on your work, and both your work and name will stand the test of time.
Yes. Because every family needs a laser for thier family jet.
As children everyone thinks their family is weird and they're upset by the weirdness of their own family.
I didn't know anyone in my family who acted; no one in my immediate family did any acting.
The Chinese view the state, not just as an intimate member of the family ... but as the head of the family.
The Chinese view the state, not just as an intimate member of the family... but as the head of the family.
My success, I think it is due to the Mizanan family. Everyone in my family is a hard worker.
No one in my family is musical, including extended family. I am like the black sheep.
My family's a very musical family, so music's always been a part of my life.
Look, you can date whoever you want and I will totally support you. I am all about support. Support is my middle name.” “So that’s why you never told me your middle name. I figured it was something embarrassing.
Certain citizens claimed I had disgraced the fair name of the city of Limerick, that I had attacked the church, that I had despoiled my mother's name, and that if I returned to Limerick, I would surely be found hanging from a lamppost.
I was born into a Turkish family that had acquired Italian citizenship. Many members of the family subsequently became British, French, Brazilian, and German, so there was a bit of everything. It was not uncommon for people in the family to speak seven languages: English, French, Ladino, Italian, Turkish, Arabic, and even Greek.
If I had a kid, I'd give him a name that would make everyone would want to say his name. I'd call him, Pizza-Pussy-Santa. I would! Cause everybody likes one of those things.
Certain family matters should always remain private within the family. — © Camille Grammer
Certain family matters should always remain private within the family.
Serbian history tells that family is the most important thing and you have to stick with the family.
Traveling, I've met Ghanaian people who have seen me in minor stuff, but they see the name Ato Essandoh, and they recognize it as a Ghanaian name. They come up to me and are always so excited. You don't think about it, but they really absorb American culture.
You're either Mormon or Southern Baptist in my family. They're incredibly conservative and I love my family.
My photo has nothing to do with the person I am, the dreams I have, the family I want to build, the family I'm from.
Lord knows---and we both know --- that too many wrongs have been committed in the name of religion. ... But you're not here in the name of religion. Religion is an organization. Faith is within. ... Catholic, cattolico--- it means universal. Too often we forget that.
We see it in attempts on Capitol Hill to impose gag rules on rules on doctors on what they can say to their patients about family planning. And we certainly see it now with an effort by the government to tap our phones; invade our medical records, credit information, library records and the most sensitive personal information in the name of national security.
Just because you have a chosen family doesn't mean that your family threw you out.
Having my name kind of pop out on a page more so than other people helped in recruiting, helped in a lot of different areas. But when it comes down to it and you're talking about professional football - you can either play, or you can't. They don't care what your last name is at the end of the day.
I once stood in the middle of New York city watching my name go round the electronic zipper sign in Times Square and I felt pretty thrilled, but not quite as thrilled as I felt when I saw my name in the 'Examiner' for the first time.
I come from a big family of brothers and sisters and family dramas and honor and dishonor.
Most of my characters are an amalgamation of people that I've met, my family, or myself. Being a writer, you can draw only from what you know. I am lucky to have really rich and interesting people in my family for, you know, interesting family nights and great characters.
I think personal and family matters should be kept limited within the family.
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