Top 470 Fashionable Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Fashionable quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
I write some art criticism, and one thing that's clear to me is that politics is fashionable in the American art world in a way it maybe isn't in American fiction. Your work of art becomes fashionable the moment it has some kind of political commentary. I think this has its dangers - the equation between fashion, politics, and art is problematic for obvious reasons. Nonetheless, the notion of politics as being de rigueur in the world of fiction is almost unthinkable. In fiction in America at the moment, the escape into whimsy is far more prevalent than the political.
Unfortunately, some of the young talants are becoming fashionable. And anything that's fashionable can become unfashionable. So one has to watch that. And it's very easy today because there are so many events - art fairs, gallery openings, etcetera. In fact, that's another thing that concerns me, the quantity of gallery openings. In my office in London, I get back after a week, and I have 30 invitations. It's too much.
Today it is fashionable to talk about the poor. Unfortunately, it is not fashionable to talk with them. — © Mother Teresa
Today it is fashionable to talk about the poor. Unfortunately, it is not fashionable to talk with them.
No art should be fashionable.
I was a failure in Boston...because they thought I was too fashionable to be intelligent, and a failure in New York because they were afraid I was too intelligent to be fashionable.
I'm not fashionable at all, and the fact that I manage to sell pictures without being fashionable is thanks to my gallery.
I can't stand the need to be fashionable.
Dear child, I only did to you what the sparrow did to you; I am old when it is fashionable to be young; I cry when it is fashionable to laugh. I hated you when it would have taken less courage to love.
It's fashionable to be indifferent to other people's suffering
I dress to feel comfortable and beautiful, not to be fashionable.
I'm concerned with not ever being fashionable.
Nobody can deny that Apple is fashionable, and most iPhone users buy the newest so they can be fashionable. To do this right, Apple needs a new phone every quarter.
It is necessary to make virtue fashionable. — © Jose Marti
It is necessary to make virtue fashionable.
Love is not fashionable anymore; the poets have killed it.
A fashionable woman is always in love - with herself.
Like it or not, it's the society we live in. Even the standard of right and wrong has been subdivided, made sophisticated. Within good, there's fashionable good and unfashionable good, and ditto for bad. Within fashionable good, there's formal and then there's casual; there's hip, there's cool, there's trendy, there's snobbish. Mix 'n' match.
Before I got into TV, I wasn't fashionable at all.
The truly fashionable are beyond fashion.
Someday, I'd like to create a fashionable dance shoe.
His daughter returned from her boarding school, improved in fashionable airs and expert in manufacturing fashionable toys; but, in her conversation, he sought in vain for that refined and fertile mind which he had fondly expected.
I'm not trying to be fashionable. Never was!
The fashionable woman is sexy, witty, and dry-cleaned.
We are now integrated into American society and I don't like the word fashionable, because fashionable means that it's going to pass. It's not like that anymore.
If you are using search data to decide what's fashionable, you are not fashionable.
The kind of films I do, people assume that I am not a fashionable person, but I am an urban girl, and I have always been fashionable.
I think the problem is that fashion has become too fashionable. For years, fashion wasn't fashionable. Today fashion is so fashionable that it's almost embarrassing to say you're part of fashion. All the parodies of it. All the dreadful magazines. That has destroyed it as well, because everybody thinks fashion is attainable.
I always wanted to be fashionable.
Fashionable women regard themselves, and are regarded by men, as pretty toys or as mere instruments of pleasure; and the vacuity of mind, the heartlessness, the frivolity which is the necessary result of this false and debasing estimate of women, can only be fully understood by those who have mingled in the folly and wickedness of fashionable life.
I know of but one garment which the fashionable social life of this country borrows of Christianity; it is that ample garment of charity which covers a multitude of sins--particularly fashionable sins.
It is fashionable to be a college dropout, no? Like Steve Jobs.
When I started in the profession, there were very visible actors who were Scottish, Welsh, or regional. Lots of working-class-hero leading actors; it was not fashionable to sound posh. Now, I'm middle-aged; it's fashionable to sound posh if you are the generation behind me.
I've said I won't eat meat until the whole world can eat it responsibly, which is going to be hard. It's becoming more and more fashionable to eat more and more meat and they've just made it fashionable to eat meat in the east in China, which is a massive population.
Fashion is everything that can pass fashionable
Kindness is always fashionable.
While the fashion industry may, at least at the top end, be thriving, the notion of fashion itself is becoming more and more meaningless. Any discipline in fashion has long since evaporated; the idea of a single fashionable skirt length, or heel height, is incomprehensible. The definition of the fashionable has become so skimpy that it refers not to the mode of dress of everyday people--the clothes that have sufficiently caught the popular imagination to be worn in a widespread manner--but only to the styles that momentarily excite members of the fashion caravan.
Privacy isn't dead, although it is fashionable for digerati to say so.
Women are the first to jump on what is fashionable.
Fashion starts with fashionable people. — © Halston
Fashion starts with fashionable people.
I wasn't really a fashionable guy in high school.
I never thought I was a fashionable person!
You cannot be both fashionable and first-rate
Vice does not lose its character by becoming fashionable.
Polygons are fashionable at the moment - particularly in the arcades.
Hypocrisy is a fashionable vice, and all fashionable vices pass for virtue.
I don't think I'm very fashionable. I drink a fair amount of Barry's Tea, from Cork - but might that be fashionable? I don't know.
I laugh when I end up on the worst-dressed lists. I'm not trying to be fashionable. I know I'm kind of a cartoon character. Do people honestly think I'm wearing a kafkan in order to be fashionable?
I'm against fashionable thinking.
Religion is the fashionable substitute for belief. — © Oscar Wilde
Religion is the fashionable substitute for belief.
Single mommyhood wasn't fashionable in the mid-'70s.
A couple of years after I arrived in Hollywood, everything that was Latino was fashionable, and years after, my thought is that we're not fashionable anymore. We're here to stay.
Diversity can't be a fashionable thing: it should be here to stay.
Be not afraid of being called un-fashionable.
Scandinavia can be quite fashionable.
I'm not fashionable.
These are fashionable people who call themselves philosophers.
Without any censorship, in the West fashionable trends of thought and ideas are carefully separated from those which are not fashionable; nothing is forbidden, but what is not fashionable will hardly ever find its way into periodicals or books or be heard in colleges. Legally your researchers are free, but they are conditioned by the fashion of the day.
I'm of the opinion that as a DJ you must always play what you love and ignore what's 'trendy' because true passion always eclipses what's fashionable. Quality is always fashionable.
I had a beard way before it was fashionable.
Justice Rehnquist was friendly and unpretentious. He wore scuffed Hush Puppy shoes. That was my first lesson. Clothes do not make the man. The Justice sported long sideburns and Buddy Holly glasses long after they were fashionable. And he wore loud ties that I am confident were never fashionable.
I would never stoop so low as to be fashionable.
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