Top 1200 Favor Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Favor quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
If you can't return a favor, pass it on.
Walking with God doesn't lead to God's favor; God's favor leads to walking with God.
I will say, then, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races: that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people.
Religion is a personal, private matter and parents, not public school officials, should decide their children's religious training. We should not have teacher-led prayers in public schools, and school officials should never favor one religion over another, or favor religion over no religion (or vice versa). I also believe that schools should not restrict students' religious liberties. The free exercise of faith is the fundamental right of every American, and that right doesn't stop at the schoolhouse door.
Maybe there's two types of people in the world: those people who favor humans over ideology, and those people who favor ideology over humans. — © Jon Ronson
Maybe there's two types of people in the world: those people who favor humans over ideology, and those people who favor ideology over humans.
The Allies had made war on Napoleon as a tyrant and an oppressor of nations; yet once they had him out of the way, they did him the favor of representing him as the torch bearer of the French Revolution. They did him the further favor of repeating his mistakes and besting him at them.
I'm all in favor of the president tweeting.
A majority of Trump's voters were in favor of staying in the Paris Agreement. And if you look at what's really happening in the economy, the economic argument actually is very strongly in favor of the Paris Agreement. There are now twice as many jobs in the solar industry as in the coal industry. Solar jobs are growing 17 times faster than other jobs in the U.S.
To refuse graciously is to confer a favor.
There is no safety in regaining the favor of an enemy.
I'll take discrimination if it's in my favor!
It is prima facie highly implausible that life as we know it is the result of a sequence of physical accidents together with the mechanism of natural selection. We are supposed to abandon this naïve response, not in favor of a fully worked out physical/chemical explanation but in favor of an alternative that is really a schema for explanation, supported by some examples. What is lacking, to my knowledge, is a credible argument that the story has a nonnegligible probability of being true.
It is the life of democracy to favor equality.
To accept a favor from a friend is to confer one.
I am not in favor of making remakes. — © Randhir Kapoor
I am not in favor of making remakes.
I have rarely read a more wonderful book than To Win Her Favor by Tamera Alexander. Rich with historical detail and fully developed characters, this novel held me spellbound until the last page. If you read one historical novel this year, make it To Win Her Favor. It will linger with you long after the last page.
Beauty- it was a favor bestowed by the gods.
We are in favor of greater free markets.
I'm in favor of it as long as it's multiple choice.
A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so.
I do not favor the gag order.
I favor capital punishment. It saves lives.
Polls show that most people in the world favor humbler, more compassionate solutions to our common problems. Not only favor them but, resolving to love in a more complete and final way, try to put them into action. A society based on universal compassion is not just our only hope; it is an evolutionary imperative.
If we have system in which government is in a position to give large favor - it's human nature to try to get this favor - whether those people are large enterprises, or whether they're small businesses like farmers, or whether they're representatives of any other special group. The only way to prevent that is to force them to engage in competition one with the other.
While I have often said that all men out to be free, yet I would allow those colored persons to be slaves who want to be; and next to them those white persons who argue in favor of making other people slaves. I am in favor of giving an opportunity to such white men to try it on for themselves.
I think, again, the overall intellectual structure of the speech is very much consistent with what Donald Trump has been saying on the campaign trail. He's against free trade. He's against immigration. But he has been in favor of tax reform, and he has been afraid of - in favor of developing American energy sources like through fracking or hydraulic fracturing.
I'm in favor of sexual encounters.
While we bemoan the decline of literacy, computers discount words in favor of pictures and pictures in favor of video. While we fret about the decreasing cogency of public debate, computers dismiss linear argument and promote fast, shallow romps across the information landscape. While we worry about basic skills, we allow into the classroom software that will do a student's arithmetic or correct his spelling.
The dominant propaganda systems have appropriated the term "globalization" to refer to the specific version of international economic integration that they favor, which privileges the rights of investors and lenders, those of people being incidental. In accord with this usage, those who favor a different form of international integration, which privileges the rights of human beings, become "anti-globalist."
I always look at it like favor isn't fair.
My struggle isn't believing my performance can earn God's favor; my struggle is believing my performance can keep God's favor
I would favor three policies: raising the minimum wage to $12, closing the tax loophole where persons only pay a 15% income tax on long term capital gains (tax it at the full tax rate), and institute a progressive tax moving the highest tax rate from 39.6% to 45%. I would favor implementing these three policies in that order, starting with raising the minimum wage, but not stopping there.
This is a universe that does not favor the timid.
A wife should always be few feet behind her husband. If he is an MA you should be a BA.If he is 5'4'tall you shouldn't be more than 5'3'tall. If he is earning five hundred rupees you should never earn more than four hundred and ninety nine rupees.That's the only rule to follow if you want a happy marriage...No partnership can ever be equal.It will always be unequal, but take care it is unequal in favor of the husband. If the scales tilt in your favor, God help you, both of you.
A Student is the most important person ever in this person, on the telephone, or by mail. A Student is not dependent on us...we are dependent on the Student. A Student is not an interruption of our work..the Studenti s the purpose of it. We are not doing a favor by serving the Student...the Student is doing us a favor by giving us the opportunity to do so. A Student is a person who brings us his or her desire to learn. It is our job to handle each Student in a manner which is beneficial to the Student and ourselves.
No favor can win gratitude from a cat.
The gods favor the bold.
I'm not in favor of stealing music.
I'm largely in favor of financial reform.
I'm somebody's who's in favor of transparency and openness. — © John Barrasso
I'm somebody's who's in favor of transparency and openness.
Look with favor upon a bold beginning.
The friendship of a great man is a favor of the gods.
Religion, richest favor of the skies.
The problem with me is that nothing embarrasses me. Everything I've done ends up working in my favor. Even when I make mistakes and people exploit my mistakes on television or on the Internet, and they use it to make fun of me, it's just kind of working in my favor at the end. It's really strange.
Self love is not opposed to the love of other people. You cannot really love yourself and do yourself a favor without doing other people a favor, and vice versa.
It is not possible to be in favor of justice for some people and not be in favor of justice for all people.
Anytime you make a bet with the best of it, where the odds are in your favor, you have earned something on that bet, whether you actually win or lose the bet. By the same token when you make a bet with the worst of it, where the odds are not in your favor, you have lost something, whether you actually win or lose the bet.
I'm in favor of progress; it's change I don't like.
I'm not in favor of any amnesty whatsoever.
While I am in favor of the Government promptly enforcing the laws for the present, defending the forts and collecting the revenue,I am not in favor of a war policy with a view to the conquest of any of the slave States; except such as are needed to give us a good boundary. If Maryland attempts to go off, suppress her in order to save the Potomac and the District of Columbia. Cut a piece off of western Virginia and keep Missouri and all the Territories.
If we do what is necessary, all the odds are in our favor. — © Charles Buxton
If we do what is necessary, all the odds are in our favor.
Fortune and love favor the brave.
We are in favor of free trade.
I'm all in favor of NATO.
This is a public statement: I'm in favor of mixtapes.
Consumption is the death of capital, and the only valid arguments in favor of consumption are arguments in favor of death itself.
I have said that I am in favor of personhood as a concept. I am not taking a position on any of the state amendments, and I have said over and over again - and it has been reported over and over again - that I am not in favor of banning any common forms of birth control in Colorado or in the United States.
Valid criticism does you a favor.
I'm going to give Vargas the chance to cash his last paycheck. I would like to say publicly that Fatty Vargas has always feared me. I conceded to take this fight at 162 pounds because fatty couldn't lose any more weight. I will do Vargas a favor by retiring him in this fight so his family doesn't have to suffer every time he steps in the ring. I'm going to do his wife a favor and not let her cry anymore.
Do your kids a favor - don't have any.
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