Top 1200 Favorite Color Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Favorite Color quotes.
Last updated on October 8, 2024.
Green has always been my mom's favorite color. My father, aunt and I have gotten her jade, emerald, and peridot pieces over the years, and we always seem to be on the lookout.
So really what I am trying to do is create and understand form. But then too, color enters into it because a lot of things are color changes without a value change, which wouldn't show up if you were just using a non-color medium.
You'll understand, I'm sure that I'm chasing the merest sliver of color. It's my own fault. I want to grasp the intangible. It's terrible how the light runs out. Color, any color, lasts a second, sometimes 3 or 4 minutes at most.
There's one thing which I hate about color films... people who use up a lot of their despairing producer's money by working in the laboratory to bring out the dominant hues, or to make color films where there isn't any color.
I play Hank Hansen, a real guy. Youd be amazed at how much information they have on this guy: personality traits, nicknames, favorite color, you name it. — © Paul Walker
I play Hank Hansen, a real guy. Youd be amazed at how much information they have on this guy: personality traits, nicknames, favorite color, you name it.
Pucci was always my favorite brand when I was in college. It has a similar DNA as my label, both in the sexy, uplifting point of view and in the use of color and surface pattern.
My understanding – of course, I’m not a philosopher or a scientist – of an aspect of Goethe’s theory of color is that he felt that color came out of tension between light and dark. I think that is very appropriate when you think about the kind of color that I shoot.
For her everything was red, orange, gold-red from the sun on the closed eyes, and it all was that color, all of it, the filling, the possessing, the having, all of that color, all in a blindness of that color." - Ernest Hemingway.
I wear green on Sunday because it's my mom's favorite color, but green goes pretty well on Sunday at the Masters, too.
Black has always been a staple for me, but that's not really a good favorite color. I've been really into browns lately.
My favorite commercial I did was my Verizon campaign, which I filmed a series of three commercials. My favorite movie I have done was 'House Under Siege' because it was my very first movie at 5 years old. My favorite TV show I have filmed was 'The Night Shift,' which is one of my favorite shows.
Everybody's going to do the 3D slightly differently the same way that people are going to deal with color differently. Some movies downplay the color, some color is very vibrant. Color design is very different. We've got to think of 3D like color or like sound, as just part of the creative palette that we paint with and not some whole new thing that completely redefines the medium.
We think of color as a thing that we’re receiving. And if you go into one of the Skyspaces, you can see that it’s possible to change the color of the sky. Now, I obviously don’t change the color of the sky, but I changed the context of vision.
...they told me of color, that it was an illusion of the eye, an event in the perceiver's mind, not in the object; they told me that color had no reality; indeed, they told me that color did not inhere in a physical body any more than pain was in a needle. And then they imprisoned me in darkness; and though there was no color there, I still was black, and they still were white; and for that, they bound and gagged me.
Isn't it strange that I know you'd risk your life to save mine, but I don't even know what your favorite color is?
Color is a powerful physical, biological, and psychological force. When less color and less intense color is present, trace amounts and subtle differences become highly significant and are strongly felt.
Color is a very personal thing. You need to make sure to choose a color that makes you happy. But I don't recommend accent walls - choose a color you can live with on all four walls.
In India, you see the way they embrace color in the culture - it's very celebratory of the existence of color. There's no rule of what color belongs together or doesn't belong together. They're not precious about it. It's very full-on.
I suppose the most marked example of color as structure is in the Byzantine use of mosaic decoration that becomes architecture. The decoration of the interiors so related to the form that they fuse. In less elaborate interior design this is always the ideal approach to color - used not only as just color alone.
My mom's chicken, with rice and gravy was my favorite dish as a kid, and it still is now. That's my favorite meal from her or from anybody. It's a family favorite. — © Serena Williams
My mom's chicken, with rice and gravy was my favorite dish as a kid, and it still is now. That's my favorite meal from her or from anybody. It's a family favorite.
Munch writes poetry with color. He has taught himself to see the full potential of color in art His use of color is above all lyrical. He feels color and he reveals his feelings through colors; he does not see them in isolation. He does not just see yellow, red and blue and violet; he sees sorrow and screaming and melancholy and decay.
I like hair each and every way. I like to give scalp massages - to pull and tug on it. But my favorite style is long, real hair in a dusty blonde-brown color.
Color in color is felt at any and every place of the pictorial organization; in its immediacy - its particularity. Color must be felt throughout.
We can translate word and letter into color - [Arthur] Rimbaud stated that in his color vowels, words quote "words" can be read in silent color.
Choosing my favorite moment in journalism would be like picking a favorite among my children. I can't pick one favorite.
I don't wear a lot of color. In fact, I don't actually like color on myself. I love color but it's very challenging, it's very powerful, it can overpower you. I think if my eyes were closed and someone put a red jacket on me, I would be able to feel that it was red. I don't feel great in color.
Color contributes to beauty, but it is not beauty. Color should have a minor part in the consideration of beauty, because it is not color but the structure that constitutes its essence.
This can be one of cheerfulness or gloom because color which is so inexpensive, is what does the trick. Not color alone but color plus imaginative lighting and cleverly grouping of the furniture. You say you have an old lobby that nothing much can be done with? Oh yes it can!
I like to wear a lot of one-tone color outfits - same color trousers, same color shirt.
My favorite poets may not be your bread and butter. I have more favorite poems than favorite poets.
When I was little, people would ask what my favorite color was, and I never knew. I find it's really hard to make decisive 'best' answers on what the 'best' of something is.
Whatever you choose for your stationery is your favorite color because it's where you pour your heart out.
I'm not a girl to wear a lot of bright color, but including a touch of color can pull an outfit together. I'm from New York and wear a lot of black, and color is refreshing.
Purple is my favorite color. It makes me think of spring and summer. A purple dress, eating grapes, lilacs - I love purple.
If it's a question about stuff that matters to you personally, like favorite food, favorite piece of knowledge, favorite animal, it's hard not to have an opinion and want to quantify things.
WHAT is your name? WHAT is your quest? and WHAT is your favorite color?
My songwriting process is based on a formula: Color, tone, words. When I hear production, I initially identify the color that resonates with me. From there, I am able to translate the color into tone or emotion, which may depend on a number of things.
Pity the man who has a favorite restaurant, but not a favorite author. He's picked out a favorite place to feed his body, but he doesn't have a favorite place to feed his mind!
In the work of Seurat, you can see the dots of neutral colors carrying the form and then the dots of more intense color that make the color texture. It is a totally different principle that than of the Impressionists who used broken color to imitate visual effect.
Some have said that if you take a great picture in color and take away the color, you'll have a great black-and-white picture. But if you're shooting something about color and you take away the color, you'll have nothing.
My favorite music is never the music that anyone else likes, and other people's favorite songs are always my least favorite. — © Grimes
My favorite music is never the music that anyone else likes, and other people's favorite songs are always my least favorite.
I love shoes. I am a shoe fanatic. I love my Giuseppe Zanottis - he is my favorite. I have them in every color. Other than shoes, it's important to have a great black leather jacket.
My Nike Free sneakers add a splash of color and slide on fast, perfect for when Im rushing to catch the school bus. And my favorite cargos are skinny but stretchy, so I can go up or down a few pounds and they still fit!
I consider myself a crayon... I may not be your favorite color but one day you'll need me to complete your picture.
My favorite colors come from the shades of local earth. Dig in the ground and you'll find so many layers of color-amazing yellows, sand, browns, black, beige.
Favorite People, Favorite Places, Favorite Memories of the past ... These are the joys of a lifetime Those are the things that last
But when I fell in love with black, it contained all color. It wasn’t a negation of color. It was an acceptance. Because black encompasses all colors. Black is the most aristocratic color of all.... You can be quiet and it contains the whole thing.
Drawing and color are not separate at all; in so far as you paint, you draw. The more color harmonizes, the more exact the drawing becomes. When the color achieves richness, the form attains its fullness also
In teaching color, you teach people how to look something and see the tone in it and break it down to be able to paint it and reproduce that color. But then, I'm psychedelic, so I look at color differently. I like colors that are in contrast with one another, so that they flicker back and forth.
My favorite writer on 'The X-Files' is this guy Darin Morgan. He wrote my favorite episode and the top five favorite episodes that everyone loves.
Perfect love is to feeling what perfect white is to color. Many think that white is the absence of color. It is not. It is the inclusion of all color. White is every other color that exists, combined. So, too, is love not the absence of an emotion (hatred, anger, lust, jealousy, covetousness), but the summation of all feeling. It is the sum total. The aggregate amount. The everything.
Always been purple. Like I remember being in the first grade, looking up at the color charts, and saying, 'Man, purple is the best color, man, it's the best color, it just is the best color.' I have a lot of purple shirts and stuff, I'm always wearing purple.
When you want full color perception, you must give up preferring some colors and hating others, for you can only hate one aspect of a color, not a whole color, it seems, hate being blind, like 'love.
I like black for clothes, small items, and jewelry. It's a color that can't be violated by any other colors. A color that simply keeps being itself. A color that sinks more somberly than any other color, yet asserts itself more than all other colors. It's a passionate gallant color. Anything is wonderful if it transcends things rather than being halfway.
It trips me out when I hear people say, 'Well, I don't see color.' You see color. Now, how you respond and how you handle the situation once you've seen and noticed color is different.
Im a little untidy, and my favorite color is gray, and Im always scurrying around in a panic. — © Olesya Rulin
Im a little untidy, and my favorite color is gray, and Im always scurrying around in a panic.
I love color. When I paint, I use a lot of color. I love art that has a vibrancy of color and compositions. I adore the Impressionists, and I'm influenced strongly by them as a self-taught artist.
My Nike Free sneakers add a splash of color and slide on fast, perfect for when I'm rushing to catch the school bus. And my favorite cargos are skinny but stretchy, so I can go up or down a few pounds and they still fit!
We all see color. We do. And anyone who says he doesn't see color is confused or isn't telling the truth. Except... and I know how this sounds, but I can't remember any point in my life where I saw other people and thought of their color.
One of my favorite - well, my favorite, favorite, absolute favorite event to go to is Alfre Woodard has a party that I call the blacktress party. It's, like, black actresses that either have been nominated for an Oscar or should have been, and it sort of is just a night where we all get in a room and we get to celebrate each other.
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