Top 1200 Federal Quotes & Sayings - Page 18

Explore popular Federal quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Federal nutrition programs are the first line of defense for food insecure Americans, but do not meet all of the needs of everyone who needs help.
If for no other reason than the energy crisis now facing this country, the federal government should be eager to become partners with us in rebuilding our city.
Thanks in part to the Patriot Act, the federal government has been able to demand some details of your online activities from service providers - and not to tell you about it.
If you believe that the job of the federal government is to secure this country, it's really important for you to understand that success in Iraq is part of securing the country.
We should relocate federal agencies throughout the United States, to provide an economic boost to the surrounding areas and make them feel more connected to their government.
The president has very little effect on the economy. If you want to put blame or credit, the main person who influences the business cycle is the head of the Federal Reserve Bank.
I have never been reimbursed at the federal level. Never want to be in a million years. To me, it's just not worth the red flag. — © Mike Quigley
I have never been reimbursed at the federal level. Never want to be in a million years. To me, it's just not worth the red flag.
When you're a member of Congress, you can become an expert in a couple of subjects. For example, I've worked on federal procurement reform, the Armed Services Committee, manufacturing, and women's health care.
Housing providers and building and design professionals have a responsibility under federal nondiscrimination laws to provide housing protections for individuals with disabilities.
As the nation-state has monopolized habeas corpus … on balance we have far more people in prison, federal and state, than ever.
The fact of the matter is that hope comes from many sources. I think depending on the federal government to be some sort of a savior is false hope.
Just because technological advances have made it easier for the federal government to collect information doesn't mean that our privacy rights can or should be violated on the ground or in the air.
The American people say, 'Don't touch Social Security, don't touch Medicare, don't cut defense.' That's 84 percent of the federal budget.
There's no reason to think a Guantanamo detainee is any more likely to escape from Supermax than any other federal prisoner.
Every time we spend a federal dollar, what we're doing is we're pulling money out of somebody's pocket, and we're giving it to somebody else.
Medical research is needed, and I just saw there was a need for help that the government - state or federal - was not spending the taxpayers' money on helping people get through college.
Whenever the very rich hold views at odds with those of the entire population, the federal government tends to do the rich's bidding.
We need to pressure lawmakers to hold hearings on pending mergers, and pressure federal and state enforcers to use their full powers. — © Zephyr Teachout
We need to pressure lawmakers to hold hearings on pending mergers, and pressure federal and state enforcers to use their full powers.
I think in the real world that's probably correct. That would give federal matching funds. It would mean no more ballot access woes.
I'm disappointed . . . that the president has not done more to demand that Congress and other federal agencies make the same sacrifices millions of Americans are already making. There is no charity without sacrifice.
You don't need a lot of credentials to be prison guard in a federal prison. And, you know, you give them a set of keys and a weapon, and they're in power.
The powers of the federal government ... result from the compact to which the states are parties, [and are] limited by the plain sense and intention of the instrument constituting that compact.
A massive state and federal effort, the likes of which we've never seen is going to be needed. We can do it for tsunami victims half a world away. We can do it for our own citizens.
No branch of the law is of more importance to the counsellor, the statesman, or the citizen, than a thorough acquaintance with the Constitution and laws of the Federal Government, as they are administered and as they affect the rights of the people.
If you're not geographically diverse, it's hard to even speak a language that makes sense to folks in faraway places. That's especially a problem in the West, where voters have always mistrusted the federal government.
This Federal Reserve Act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President (Wilson) signs this bill the invisible government of the Monetary Power will be legalized.
We have a lot of things we give away to people who are very, very wealthy in this country. And I'm not sure that our federal government can afford that.
Now is the time for all Alaskans to come together and reach out with our core message of taking power from the federal government and bringing it back home to the people.
I came to Washington primarily to meet other entrepreneurs. That being said, I was also curious to hear how our federal government was thinking about entrepreneurship.
I don't believe the federal government should be involved in the creation of standards directly or indirectly, the creation of curriculum or content. It is clearly a state responsibility.
I look forward to talking about how we can work together to improve educational opportunities and outcomes for all students while also refocusing the federal role in education.
It is imperative to take the initiative, to build firewalls around Alberta, to limit the extent to which an aggressive and hostile federal government can encroach upon legitimate provincial jurisdiction.
All school districts receive funds from the federal government, through the Department of Education, to support anti-drug education efforts.
In the absence of federal leadership, Coloradans should take our rightful role as leaders seriously and work with other states and countries to reduce carbon emissions.
People resisted having weapons on airplanes, but I oversaw the federal air marshals. It's a deterrent. No one sees that weapon, but they are protected on that airplane, and it's a huge positive impact on safety.
What people in Burma need is a democratic federal Burma that guarantees autonomy, rights and protection for all, regardless of ethnicity, gender, religion or race.
Press releases tell us when federal agencies do something right, but the Freedom of Information Act lets us know when they do not.
When you're a federal agent you don't get to arrest people for like $5.00 petty crimes or anything like that, they'll throw you right out of there.
As a former federal prosecutor, I welcome the opportunity to hold Hillary Rodham Clinton accountable for her performance and her character.
Without federal standards for school lunches, candy bars, packaged snacks and soda can be offered to our children in school.
Perhaps Americans should recognize that if they want to keep their privacy, they should ask the federal government to do only the things that the Constitution allows.
The problem isn't a Congress that won't cut spending or a president who won't raise taxes. The problem is an American public with a bottomless sense of entitlement to federal money.
My vehemence was against the federal courts. I never said a word against black people in my heart since I ran for governor. — © George Wallace
My vehemence was against the federal courts. I never said a word against black people in my heart since I ran for governor.
Having federal officials, whether judges, bureaucrats, or congressmen, impose a new definition of marriage on the people is an act of social engineering profoundly hostile to liberty.
The majority of ground in the U.S. is owned by the federal government, and right now, very little of it is accessible to anybody that is trying to produce oil and gas, and we need to be opening that up.
Congress needs to stop kicking the proverbial spending can down the road and make the hard decisions necessary to rein in our debt and balance the federal budget.
New policy tools, which helped the Federal Reserve respond to the financial crisis and Great Recession, are likely to remain useful in dealing with future downturns.
During the Mueller investigation, Roger Stone lied to federal investigators and allegedly pressured one potential witness. Not good. Never good.
It defies logic that protections against predatory debt collection practices don't apply to debt collectors hired by the federal government.
To cut the federal budget without cutting entitlements is like giving up chocolate-chip cookies and then deciding it's OK to eat the ones that don't have any nuts.
If you have a sudden emergency, earthquake, hurricane, you name it, we want to be able to have a National Guard officer able to command federal forces.
I believe that States should be credited for their non-Federal investment in revenue-generating transportation facilities to address their regional transportation needs.
[States and the Federal government are] coordinate departments of one simple and integral whole... The one is the domestic, the other the foreign branch of the same government.
Among the popular and representative systems of government I do not approve of the federal system: it is too perfect; and it requires virtues and political talents much superior to our own.
If Congress can regulate this under the Commerce Clause, then it can regulate virtually anything-and the Federal Government is no longer one of limited and enumerated powers. — © Clarence Thomas
If Congress can regulate this under the Commerce Clause, then it can regulate virtually anything-and the Federal Government is no longer one of limited and enumerated powers.
Do away with the corporate loopholes that allow major profitable corporations to stash their money in the Cayman Islands and not pay a nickel in some cases in federal income taxes.
To prevent a crippling attack on our nation's critical networks, U.S. companies and the federal government must work together to combat those who wish to do us harm.
As Americans we must always remember that we all have a common enemy, an enemy that is dangerous, powerful, and relentless. I refer, of course, to the federal government.
While we don't have the authority on the state level to change federal policy, my fellow governors and I do have a duty to protect our states' citizens, and we have a personal responsibility to act when we have the power to do so.
Jeffersonian Democracy simply meant the possession of the federal government by the agrarian masses led by an aristocracy of slave-owning masses.
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