Top 1200 Feel Like Giving Up Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Feel Like Giving Up quotes.
Last updated on October 21, 2024.
I have that sort of Curb Your Enthusiasm, Larry David/George Costanza thing where people are like, "How did you feel writing such an unlikable character?" And I'm like, "It's me! I based him on myself!" There are certain moments where they do feel like unwittingly personal attacks.
The more you fail, the more you succeed. It is only when everything is lost and - instead of giving up - you go on, that you experience the momentary prospect of some slight progress. Suddenly you have the feeling - be it an illusion or not - that something new has opened up.
The ultimate expression of generosity is not in giving of what you have, but in giving of who you are. — © Johnnetta B. Cole
The ultimate expression of generosity is not in giving of what you have, but in giving of who you are.
I stand up for other people, I'm very protective of people around me. If I feel like somebody is getting a bad rap or being unfairly picked on, I will stand up for them, absolutely.
It's only my first year in the pros but I feel like I've been here a while now, I feel like a veteran already.
I know what it's like to have guys make you feel like you need to flirt with them or be sexy or hook up with them or something, and you don't have to do those things. You just have to be strong and stand your ground.
The news of me giving a Rolls Royce to Salman is completely untrue. If anyone should be giving Rolls Royce then he should be giving to me.
Liberality is not giving much, but giving wisely.
You know, people at Wal-Mart are standing there with their uniforms on. I feel like I'm putting on a uniform to do a movie. I don't feel like it's dressing in drag.
I feel really content in my 30s actually. I don't feel like the wisest person in the world but I definitely don't worry or stress like I used to.
People feel like they know me, in a strange way, like they grew up with me or they went to high school with me!
Our giving is but a reflex of God's giving.
I always feel like people misunderstand the difference between an Asian story and an Asian-American story. That's completely different, too. I have friends who grew up in Asia, and our experiences are so different. Even though we might look the same, I feel like being Asian and then being Asian-American is completely different.
When you have a true ambition for something, you will not give up hope. Giving up hope is a sign that you are lacking ambition to achieve that goal! — © Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler
When you have a true ambition for something, you will not give up hope. Giving up hope is a sign that you are lacking ambition to achieve that goal!
The truth of the matter is, when you're on 'Howard Stern,' you feel like you're in his living room talking to him, you don't feel like you're having an interview.
Although I feel like R&B is becoming bigger in the U.K., I still feel like the representation isn't where it should be in comparison to America.
I don't feel a day older when it comes to my approach to music or what gets me off than when I was a teenager. I've always been into different kinds of stuff and when I play I like to play loud. I like my arm hairs to move and I like my body to vibrate 'cause I like the feel of it; I'm still a teenager at heart.
I understand professionals have to work when they don't feel like it, and I certainly don't feel like it. So maybe this will put the nail in the coffin for my acting career.
I feel like on 'Free TC,' you know, I feel like I went hard, and not enough people recognized.
I feel like we have these tough years preparing for this great season of life and I feel like 2019 will be that.
I know my age is a little older and some people might say, 'hey this guy's an old guy'. But I'm learning every day. I don't feel like an old guy. I feel like I'm young. I feel like I'm in there just learning so much stuff. I'm just doing a whole lot more different things than I was before.
I feel like I'm a confident dude, so I feel like I can get away with wearing something bold.
I feel displaced when I'm back in America, like a visitor. I feel like if I don't get a cup of tea I'm going to lose my mind.
The amount of people that I feel like... I'm not being self-demeaning, but I actually feel like I'm not as cool as them, you know what I mean?
I feel like, of course, Portland didn't want me to leave, but I feel like at the end of the day it's good to have a fresh start.
I like to mix it up, so sometimes I train with my personal trainer, sometimes I take classes because I feel like my body gets very used to it if I just do the same thing all the time.
In 'George Lopez', I played Veronica who's a bratty 18-year-old, and so I feel like it's much easier for me to play that because I feel like a late bloomer. It wasn't difficult or challenging at all because it's not like I haven't been a teenager.
I feel like the longer I hold out - I feel like as soon I move to L.A., I just become one of a million.
If you feel like you're wearing something that you're stoked on, I feel like it actually makes you want to skate better.
People feel like city government is corrupt. They feel like it doesn't work unless you have clout.
We all don't feel like a million bucks, even if you're an actor. You just don't; not all of us feel like movie stars.
There are certain things that I always dreamed of, like fighting in the UFC. There's just certain things that I feel like haven't been accomplished there. There's such great women coming up in the sport; seems like a wonderful time to be in women's MMA.
You tend to feel very hurt when people attack you and feel indifferent when you get praise. You think, 'Of course they like it. They should like it.'
I am not giving so much of my wealth that I should feel that I am a philanthropist.
I can always look up at the cosmos and marvel, no matter what happens. And when I look up at it, I feel as though my problems are small. I don't know why, but it always makes me feel better.
If you feel like you're in control of everything, and then things aren't going well, you feel like you're failing.
When I wake up in the morning I want to feel hungry for life. Desire is what drives me. When I go to sleep, I feel I have experienced a small death, so that I can wake up in the morning renewed and reborn.
Giving a reader a sex scene that is only half right is like giving her half a kitten. It is not half as cute as a whole kitten; it is a bloody, godawful mess. A half-good sex scene is not half as hot; it actually moves into the negative numbers, draining any heat from the surrounding material.
I feel like I have an affiliation with the '90s. I feel like a lot of things going on in fashion and pop culture were loud and outlandish. — © Charli XCX
I feel like I have an affiliation with the '90s. I feel like a lot of things going on in fashion and pop culture were loud and outlandish.
I would say to young entrepreneurs and budding philanthropists - are you giving to feel good or do good?
I never feel like anything I have done is perfect. I feel like there is always room for improvement.
Do I feel like I still need to prove myself? Absolutely. And I want to feel that way, and I like that.
I don’t like to feel that I owe anything. I like to feel that I pay my own way, no free lunch.
I've risen from the dead. Though sometimes, when I wake up in the morning, I feel like I've died. I swear I'm aging in dog years. But no, I'm not dead. It's funny how stuff like that gets started.
I have the insecurities of any actress, I suppose of any woman. Even the most beautiful ones feel unhappy. Look at Bardot: she was suicidal. But I like to play with the camera. I like to ham it up.
Sometimes I feel like when you're in the dressing room, and you're on stage in 10 minutes, you feel like your stomach is going to explode.
I'm very, very blessed. But my safety, my privacy, and my respect are three things that I feel like are trying to be taken away from me right now. As a mother I have to speak up and say something. I have to speak up.
When I feel like it's my shot within the flow of the offense and getting in any rhythm, I feel like I should make every one of them.
It's good to feel tired at the end of the day. It's not often as an actor that you're like, "Oof. Ow. I feel like I've been out working." — © Melanie Lynskey
It's good to feel tired at the end of the day. It's not often as an actor that you're like, "Oof. Ow. I feel like I've been out working."
I don't feel like I necessarily juggle. I just feel like I'm focusing on being a singer/actor. That's what I am, and it's what I do.
I feel like there's this need that the Asian-American community has to feel like people. It's something that Asians in Asia do not understand about us.
Everything my fans tell me is the way I felt when I was a Tupac fan coming up. My fans tell me, 'Boosie will make you feel like you was in the household watching everything that was happening to me, with your music.' That's how Tupac made me feel, like everything he was talking about I was living. My music do that, you know?
I think it's really important, especially with the work space, to create a place that makes people feel creative, where they feel safe, and they feel like they're instantly connected.
I wasn't brought up with any religion at all. At school and in my early 20s, I read every religious text I could get my hands on - Buddhist scriptures, Hindu texts, the Qur'an, and the Bible. I wanted to feel like something made sense to me, that there was something sacred I could feel aligned with.
I'm over being a pop star. I don't wanna be a hot girl. I wanna be iconic. And I feel like I've accomplished a lot. I feel like I'm highly respected, which is more important than any award or any amount of records. And I feel like there comes a point when being a pop star is not enough.
..the best strategy for giving is a two-fold approach: a basic plan combined with a willingness to consider spontaneous giving when unique opportunities arise.
My family's always been really funny. I feel like comedy's hard. I feel like it's so important.
Change was as much about loss as gain, about giving something up even as you reached for something new or different. The world was opening up, not closing in.
I get a bit insecure if I feel like there's too much makeup on my face or if I feel like I'm cakey.
I feel like there's so many places to shop today that just feel like an Excel spreadsheet put between four walls.
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