Top 1200 Feeling Insecure Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Feeling Insecure quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
Being an actress hasn't made me insecure. I was insecure long before I declared I was an actress.
When people are feeling insecure about their jobs and there are cuts to be made, it's hard to put up an argument that the film industry needs funding.
When you get famous and rich when you're young, what happens is you start feeling insecure. — © Greg Gutfeld
When you get famous and rich when you're young, what happens is you start feeling insecure.
One of the fundamental aspects of leadership, I realized more and more, is the ability to instill confidence in others when you yourself are feeling insecure
We need to make peace with who we are so insecurities don't become a distraction to how we live. Just because I sometimes feel insecure doesn't mean I have to be insecure.
I was very insecure growing up, and even though I'm not that girl anymore, I think that the passion, that not feeling pretty and being insecure, is where my soul came from. And from early childhood, I let it free onstage.
The worst thing to do when I'm feeling insecure or a bit vulnerable is to scroll through Instagram. You only show when life is good on social media. Everyone looks happy all the time.
I can't really explain the feeling of acting. It makes you the most insecure you can possibly be.
One of the most important things for me in terms of my working method is doubt. I get very insecure about my ideas. And I don't say 'insecure' in kind of a paranoid way. I mean just: 'Are they good enough?' 'Is this the right thing to do?' I really beat myself up over that.
Feeling good and feeling bad are not necessarily opposites. Both at least involve feelings. Any feeling is a reminder of life. The worst 'feeling' evidently is non-feeling.
I'm still insecure, but when I first started acting, I was really insecure. I glared at a lot of people. I assumed everyone hated me. Somehow that scowl has turned into an acting career.
When you're an insecure teenager, you build walls and defenses and masks, and those are incredibly satisfying to perform and chip away at. I mean, when I was an insecure teenager, you'd have had no idea what I was insecure about because I hid it so well. Only confident people are comfortable wearing their vulnerabilities on their sleeve.
We live in a very insecure world with a very insecure communications platform.
Actors know what actors are insecure about - and they're all insecure.
Marianne Williamson has written that there are really only two primary emotions in the universe, love and fear. So anytime you're feeling anxious, insecure, worried, angry or resentful, you've left love and entered fear.
When do you manipulate others for your own advantage? When I notice myself doing it, usually it is when I am feeling insecure.
If workers are more insecure, that's very 'healthy' for the society, because if workers are insecure, they won't ask for wages, they won't go on strike, they won't call for benefits; they'll serve the masters gladly and passively. And that's optimal for corporations' economic health.
I'd always been insecure. Being the fourth of five kids means attention is divided five ways, and to do this equally is impossible. I grew up feeling like the little orphan in the family, the one who didn't fit in.
Feeling animalistic. Feeling Hyena. Feeling Wolf. Feeling Dog. I am tongue and heart.
The feelings that we equate with love-feeling sick, feeling insecure, not eating-that's just lust getting in the way. It's your ego saying, 'I want to get laid' and 'I hope she likes me more than I like her.' Love is something that should be there in 20 years' time.
I think I'm insecure about what every girl is insecure about, looks and stuff like that, but it's not a big deal.
I get insecure about a lot of things. In my line of work, unfortunately, your appearance is important, and I'm always like, 'Am I going to the gym enough this month? Have I been taking care of myself?' I get insecure about things from time to time.
I was feeling insecure you might not love me anymore — © John Lennon
I was feeling insecure you might not love me anymore
I remember working on a show, and feeling so insecure about whether I looked attractive enough to do a love scene. It was weird because I couldn't understand why I wasn't feeling beautiful, even though I knew I was.
Inherent in the impulse to be free, is insecurity. The impulse to be free comes from outside of the mind, and because of this, it makes the mind feel very insecure. Most spiritual seekers move away from this insecurity by seeking and striving for a distant spiritual goal. That's how they avoid feeling insecure.
Do you feel insecure because you keep getting the nagging feeling that you're not that smart? Well, I've got good news for you, my friend. You have no need to be insecure. That nagging feeling is absolutely right on target. You are not that smart. But I have more good news for you. You are also not alone.
I am insecure. Everyone's insecure.
Modeling and pageants help me overcome feeling insecure about the way that I look and my height.
Well, here's my feeling about shtick. I think sometimes if you don't have it going on too much, you're probably feeling insecure and then you want to add on the shtick. I would say, oh, like Kiss. You try to stand out from the crowd, you're going for a bold statement, you're going for a high concept.
I wasn't a good-looking child. I got screwed out of the genetic deal. My sister looks like a model. I think that's why I'm a comic. I'm deeply insecure, since I was always feeling ugly. I wasn't a healthy child. I had poor self-esteem. That's why I need people's approval.
I think that a lot of women experience that balance between feeling insecure about and appreciative for their bodies. I definitely have.
I grew up being really insecure and dumped on, over-feeling certain things in a negative way. So I thought I had something to prove.
An expectation is a shelter - it gives you a security feeling. So when someone breaks your expectations he is breaking your shelter, making you insecure, fearful.
When people are feeling insecure, they'd rather have someone who is strong and wrong rather than somebody who is weak and right.
I can be such a people pleaser, and so worried about what people are thinking or feeling insecure.
Who you are as a person is more special than trying to be someone you're not. Don't get me wrong - I have bad days, everyone does, but I know if I'm feeling insecure today, I'll move on tomorrow. I'd tell girls to realise it's OK to have bad days to get to the good ones.
I'm not insecure. I've been through way too much f**king sh*t to be insecure. I've got huge balls. But I've been humbled. That makes you grateful for every day you have.
You check to see the facts are correct where business is concerned but if I read everything that was written about me, I'd end up feeling totally insecure about myself.
I could have been insecure in 'Yamla Pagla'... if I wanted to be. With three actors who are amazing beyond belief and are a brand themselves, they don't even need me. They made sure that I was part of it. It's about the people whom you meet. They make you secure or insecure. It's their attitude. I have been very fortunate.
There's a lot of wisdom that my dad and my grandparents and my uncle have been able to impart on me, and what I've treasured the most is I've seen examples in my life of people embracing their creativity, not feeling insecure about their artistic inclinations.
It is cruel and insensitive to interpret an affair as a symptom of sickness in the relationship, as it leaves the 'cheated-on' partner - who may already be feeling insecure - to wonder what is wrong with him Many people have sex outside their primary relationships for reasons that have nothing to do with any inadequacy in their partner or in the relationship.
I get insecure about a lot of things. In my line of work, unfortunately, your appearance is important, and I'm always like, "Am I going to the gym enough this month? Have I been taking care of myself?" I get insecure about things from time to time.
There is no better feeling than the feeling that I have done something right. That feeling comes so rarely and is so fleeting that I can never really enjoy it. So in a way, it's not a good feeling at all.
Competitive feeling means you want do do good work. You can't lie about wanting to be on top. There is no reason for me to be insecure at this time. I would be insecure if I was sitting at home doing nothing, but I am in films now, and that's where I always wanted to be.
Acting is the most insecure profession in the world - you're insecure if you're successful, you're insecure if you're not. A tightrope walk without a net. It's a miracle I'm still standing!
There is something about growing up in the Midwest that gives a different kind of sensibility. But if I'm feeling insecure, the smiles and politeness get upped a notch, and maybe that isn't totally reflective of how I'm feeling on the inside.
I think style is very different from fashion. Fashion was what I went after when I was feeling incredibly insecure and monstrous on the inside. — © Stacy London
I think style is very different from fashion. Fashion was what I went after when I was feeling incredibly insecure and monstrous on the inside.
If you see a person who's insecure and covers it up, it can be quite a problem. But the person who is insecure and shows you is quite appealing. They give you just the courage to drop your defenses.
I think directing in a team is a really good idea because it stops the cult of the director as God straight away, and also you're discussing things on set so it opens it out to everyone and it becomes a totally collaborative thing. And you have someone who supports you when you're feeling a bit insecure.
Feeling insecure is good for you. It forces you to do something better, drives you to use all your talents.
If a therapist is feeling insecure in therapy, a lot of therapists will try to sort of push that aside to try to do the therapy. Instead, we would ask people to get with that feeling of insecurity, because after all, the client is being asked to do the same thing. It has a kind of a quality of two human beings in the same situation, really, working through these psychological processes. And yeah, you hired me; I'm working for you as a therapist. But I'm not up here and you're down there. And what you're struggling with, at other times and with other areas I'm struggling with.
There's an insecure part of me that comes out of me, I get nervous. I don't know why, I wish I could overcome it because it gives me an anxiety feeling.
If you're feeling insecure and you need to feel special, the best place to go is somewhere foreign where people treat you as special because you're different.
If I'm not feeling super confident about an outfit or a little insecure - I'll probably accessorize my outfit with some jewelry.
There are two kinds of loss of hope, one is the feeling when your pulse slows down and you are going to die, and there's nothing else left. The other loss of hope is when you're living in a country which becomes insecure, and you don't know what the future is. That's existential.
...I've just been feeling insecure since I was 20, and that's all I've been trying to express. Now the entire world is feeling insecure.
Every time I create something, just before that there's a kind of - you're feeling very low, you're feeling very down and insecure. Then you create and then it's fine. This is the way I observe me doing it.
Networking is extremely masculine. It's a vulnerable thing to admit to, but even I experience feeling super insecure around certain masculine meetings. So, we put women in control. Women will make the first move on Bumble Bizz as well.
I don't know how any film can bother you. It doesn't have to do with multi-starrer films. If you are insecure, you can feel insecure being the only girl also. — © Kriti Kharbanda
I don't know how any film can bother you. It doesn't have to do with multi-starrer films. If you are insecure, you can feel insecure being the only girl also.
We're all human so of course there are days when I'm feeling insecure. When that happens, I take time to reflect on how far I've come and how far I will continue to go - it helps me feel empowered and self-assured.
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