Top 1200 Fictional Worlds Quotes & Sayings - Page 16

Explore popular Fictional Worlds quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
The Assault Weapons Ban deals with a fictional distinction. You have guns that are exactly the same guns as are banned, in function, that were banned because of the way they look. And you know, that's the whole truth of this policy: it's to make politicians look as if they are doing something, when in point of fact, they are doing nothing.
When you stop admiring yourself and let the eyes of the heart open your vision to vast other worlds then all you do, will become admirable
In my schoolboy reveries, we were always two fugitives riding on the spine of a book, eager to escape into worlds of fiction and secondhand dreams. — © Carlos Ruiz Zafon
In my schoolboy reveries, we were always two fugitives riding on the spine of a book, eager to escape into worlds of fiction and secondhand dreams.
I don't think anybody in the entertainment industry or in politics is surprised by the fact that those worlds are rife with promiscuity and irresponsibility - certainly a lack of accountability.
I have a heart to love all the world; and like Alexander I wish there were yet other worlds, so I could carry even further my amorous conquests.
However, in modern conceptual frameworks there is a more sophisticated view. I would say that the act of music exists in several worlds simultaneously.
'A Tuna Christmas' is the second in a series of plays created by Joe Sears and Jaston Williams featuring the fictional town of Greater Tuna, the third-smallest town in Texas. What makes these plays so hysterically funny is the accurate portrayal of small-town life in the Lone Star State.
I've lived in a flat in Westminster in London for over 20 years; and I also have a house in the country, down in Somerset, so I have the best of both worlds.
I know how addictive videogames are - I have friends who can't get up off the couch because they're so hooked. They provide these different virtual worlds that you can live in.
It is quite possible that the truest and most eloquent art is a successful fusion of both the visible and visionary worlds, each enhancing and reinforcing the other.
When you have a celebrity who is willing to shine his personal spotlight on the non-profit and can also speak articulately about the mission, that's really the best of both worlds.
I live an odd existence. I dip into bizarre, very expensive worlds, and then I'm back with a bang to reality, and I put the bins out.
It was 'ST' format to let space and alien worlds, rather than human weakness, provide the conflict and danger necessary to our adventure show. — © Gene Roddenberry
It was 'ST' format to let space and alien worlds, rather than human weakness, provide the conflict and danger necessary to our adventure show.
In the best of all possible worlds, everybody would be honorable, but that's not the way the world works. Reputations for reporters are made by discovering things underneath that rock.
The traveler has to knock at every alien door to come to his own, and one has to wander through all the outer worlds to reach the innermost shrine at the end.
When Alexander of Macedon was 33, he cried salt tears because there were no more worlds to conquer. [Eric] Bristow is only 27.
Now, a lot of early VR worlds or universes that are coming online take inspiration from 'Ready Player One.' It's just the coolest thing ever.
I grew up reading SF in the 70s and 80s, and I like fast, thought-provoking plots that take you places in fully realized worlds.
It seems like there are two worlds out there - one that has revolved around 'Breaking Bad,' and then the one that I've been in, which just kind of observes it from afar.
I really love the TV thing because it's a little of the best of all worlds. You have a sense of a family and work with the same people over the seasons.
'Scandal' has always lived in this dark place with this idea that Washington is filled with this underbelly of monsters, that if the real world understood how dark, twisted and corrupt it really was, they would never agree with our government or want to be part of it. It's been kind of fun to live in that world. It felt like a fictional world.
I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad-Gita... "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." I suppose we all thought that, one way or another.
I'm interested in how artists and writers do this, using art as therapy. Escaping into the worlds we create. We're all victims and few of us are truly free.
To me, thought-controlled computing is as simple and powerful as a paintbrush - one more tool to unlock and enliven the hidden worlds within us.
There are things that I will always shoot, but now that the modeling and acting worlds are becoming very close, you can do a little bit of one and more of the other.
What could be more interesting than thinking of mysterious happenings, finding the answers to intriguing questions, and making up new worlds?
I am more than happy to invite my five favorite fictional characters. Let's see. First on my list is Sam Gamgee from The Lord of The Rings. Sam is a beautiful character; in him, we find the profound heroism of an ordinary person. He epitomizes the saying that courage isn't not being afraid, courage is going anyway. I just love that.
My mum's a bouncy, energetic, driven, crazy woman, and my dad's very relaxed, doesn't say much. I have the best of both worlds in my personality.
Like every writer, I'm drawn by unlikely juxtapositions, precisely-dated and once-only collisions between people from different worlds.
The digital revolution is forever. They put importance on that option as well. With Amazon, you're getting the best of both worlds, with a whole new playing field.
We find ourselves attached to fantasy worlds sometimes when it's hard to process what's going on in our world. It's reassuring to see the good winning.
A philosopher might find the general work unsophisticated, and scientists are often bemused by esoteric talk of zombies, supervenience, and possible worlds.
Creeds matter very little... The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the pessimist fears this is true. So I elect for neither label.
The middleweight division is one of the most exciting divisions in the sport. Fighters can punch like heavyweights and have the speed of the lightweights. You have the best of world worlds.
Imagination tends to be truly useful if accompanied by the power of mental control - if the worlds in one's head can be purposefully manipulated and distinguished from the real one outside it.
This business is crazy-pants. We flit in and out of these fantasy worlds and these intense periods of work and camaraderie, and then it goes away, and you do it all over again.
I like to jump into different worlds. I'm attracted to the emotional rollercoaster of acting. Now I've been doing it for so many years, I must rather enjoy it.
I want to balance my projects. Ideally, I'd like to do at least one indie film, a mainstream movie, and a TV series in a year - the best of both worlds. — © Coco Martin
I want to balance my projects. Ideally, I'd like to do at least one indie film, a mainstream movie, and a TV series in a year - the best of both worlds.
Imagination is only intelligence having fun. A healthy mind knows how to switch between worlds, and which one you need to eat and sleep in.
Each mental act opens up a new dimension of actuality. In a manner of speaking, your slightest thought gives birth to worlds.
I think the San Sebastian victory and and my European time trial title, and the second place in the worlds, really changed my life and my career a lot.
I belong to the beloved. Have seen the two worlds as one and that one call to and know. ...First, Last, Outer, Inner, only that breath breathing. HUMAN BEING.
I'm not the worlds biggest remake guy, meaning finding titles and saying, "Hey it's got some brand awareness, let's just make a movie."
We live in a vast and awesome universe in which, daily, suns are made and worlds destroyed, where humanity clings to an obscure clod of rock.
It is the clash of two different worlds that makes British-ness unique - we have an aristocratic, noble history, but it is always contrasted with something rebellious.
Children exist in the worlds that adults create for them, both locally and globally, and their options are, by virtue of age, often painfully limited.
In the Arab world, there is no link between the cultural habits of peoples and the ways of thinking and creating of modern intellectuals. They are two separate worlds.
I grew up reading SF in the '70s and '80s, and I like fast, thought-provoking plots that take you places in fully realized worlds. — © Kim Harrison
I grew up reading SF in the '70s and '80s, and I like fast, thought-provoking plots that take you places in fully realized worlds.
I've been happy with my life. Also very lucky. I lead two lives - businessman and racer - and it feels like the best of both worlds.
Through the darkness of future past, the magician longs to see, one chance out between two worlds, fire walk with me!
If the machines can take the drudgery out of it and just leave us with the joy of drawing, then that's the best of both worlds - and I'll use those computers!
And for all the richest and most successful merchants life inevitably became rather dull and niggly, and they began to imagine that this was therefore the fault of the worlds they'd settled on.
I don't put a very clear label on my work. If anything, I write science fiction - looking at a moment now, in the present, and then extrapolating outward to think about what the future might look like if this particular trend goes on, or if this particular trend is the most dominant. That's a science fictional tool.
I take inspirations from newspaper strip cartoonists who look for ways of expanding their characters' worlds once they have established the initial concept of their strips.
In the nights sometimes now he'd wake in the back and freezing waste out of softly colored worlds of human love, the songs of birds, the sun.
Books are boring," James said as he wrote. "They line the walls like a thousand leather doorways to be opened into worlds unknown," I offered.
I didn't think the worlds of theater and basketball intersected. I thought the Venn diagram would be one person: me. As it turns out, there are a few of us.
While my life shifts from refugee camps to red carpets, I choose them both because these worlds can, in fact, coexist. And for me, they must.
I was trying to write new music, but there was nothing I was reacting against. It turned out 'Worlds' itself became something for me to to resist.
She was scared Unprepared Lost in the dark Falling apart I can't survive Without you by my side We're gonna be alright This is what happens when Two worlds collide.
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