Top 1200 Figures Of Speech Quotes & Sayings - Page 15

Explore popular Figures Of Speech quotes.
Last updated on October 18, 2024.
Taffeta phrases, silken terms precise, Three-piled hyperboles, spruce affection, Figures pedantical--these summer flies Have blown me full of maggot ostentation.
Scientists ofttimes have the greatest faith in a higher power. The more they dig into, establish facts and figures, the more they marvel about the mystery of it all.
My voice as a filmmaker is always about boys searching for their fathers. And not only boys, but all children looking for those figures in their lives. — © Sheldon Candis
My voice as a filmmaker is always about boys searching for their fathers. And not only boys, but all children looking for those figures in their lives.
The American intelligentsia has been pretty secular for a long time. There have always been figures like Oprah Winfrey, let's put it that way.
Classically, throughout all of our history, the movies in times of crisis have turned to military figures as heroes, because they are the guardians of our nation.
When I was there, something clicked in my head; I found myself interviewing people, searching out facts and figures. Later on I became much more self-conscious of what I was doing.
I am convinced that 100 years from now, people will talk about Elliott Carter as one of the most important figures in the second half of 20th-century music.
A man likes to sleep with a brainy girl. She’s a challenge. If he makes good with her, he figures he must be good himself.
All Creatures Great And Small' is one of the most popular British television series ever made. When it was broadcast in the Seventies and Eighties viewing figures regularly soared above 20million.
How does a country deal with the fact that some of its most revered historical figures had certain moral values and political views virtually identical to Nazis?
There are no figures in the Trump campaign who colluded with Russia - but there were at least five in the Obama administration who helped push the bogus narratives of collusion and obstruction, and they have plenty of questions to answer.
I had stopped making figures, and then I began making images of animals in nature, which was a way to introduce the figure.
Clearly, NXT has been blessed with amazing, one-of-a-kind athletes. Our talent have great figures, they're charismatic and beautiful in their own way. However, I am the total package.
Speech is but broken light upon the depth Of the unspoken.
The success of 'Rome' was in making the history accessible and giving viewers everyman characters through which they can connect to historical figures. It stops the story from being too remote.
It is time for the government of China to stop holding innocent religious figures in captivity merely for peacefully protesting China's occupation of Tibet. — © Sam Brownback
It is time for the government of China to stop holding innocent religious figures in captivity merely for peacefully protesting China's occupation of Tibet.
Economics comes easily to me, and we all seek out what we do well in life. I had in mind becoming a businessman. And I was good at logic and reasoning; figures were comfortable inside my head.
I can understand why some of these drummers and bass players become cult figures with all of their equipment and the incredible amount of technique they have. But there's very little that I think satisfies you intellectually or emotionally.
All work and no plagiarism makes a dull speech.
I've been thinking about something for a long time, and I keep noticing that most human speech-if not all human speech-is made with the outgoing breath. This is the strange thing about presence and absence. When we breath in, our bodies are filled with nutrients and nourishment. Our blood is filled with oxygen, our skin gets flush; our bones get harder-they get compacted. Our muscles get toned and we feel very present when we're breathing in. The problem is, that when we're breathing in, we can't speak. So presence and silence have something to do with each other.
On Nov. 5, 2012, my friend Elliott Carter died in New York at the age of 103. For me, he was and remains one of the most interesting figures of music history in the past century.
A fool's wild speech confounds the wise.
I feel like, in a lot of ways, 'Hidden Figures' is the book that I wrote and have been waiting to read since I learned to read.
They say it figures MTV would do such a vulgar, awful, horrible show and they completely miss that it's satirizing the people who watch MTV.
Keep in mind that when public figures get in trouble for something they said, it is usually not because they misspoke, but because they accidentally told the truth.
Usually when reporting on powerful public figures, the press advisor and I would have had a conversation that established what journalists call 'ground rules,' placing restrictions on what can and cannot be reported.
A big chunk of Western civilization, consciously or otherwise, has given the impression that it's dying to surrender to somebody, anybody. Reasonably enough, Islam figures: Hey, why not us?
In society, it's hard for some to view women getting hit. They see the women as different figures rather than as athletes and fighters.
She open her eyes and met his. The impact was so strong he was amazed that his figures continued playing with out pause.
Free speech in Bangladesh can get you killed
Sometimes, something seems dead, and then out of the blue, someone just figures out the way to fix a script and it goes.
In our education system, we are taught to munch figures and remember them for lifetime. But does it help? We are not taught how to make decisions.
Arthur V. Berger commenting on the music of Aaron Copland: Here is at last an American that we may place unapologetically beside the great recognized creative figures of any other country.
I've always thought the word cow was funny. And cows are sort of tragic figures. Cows blur the line between tragedy and humor.
Authority figures are so irritating. Because they always tell you to do things for reasons that aren't very good. That sums up what authority is about for me.
I don't believe in this idea of, 'That's hate speech, stop it.'
I've gotten scripts over the years, but I believe it was the stories of 'Moonlight' and 'Hidden Figures' that really touched my heart and aligned with the messages that I felt were extremely important to me.
But more impressive than the facts and figures as to height, width, age, etc., are the entrancing beauty and tranquility that pervade the forest, the feelings of peace, awe and reverence that it inspires.
There are some who complain that there is not enough food grain. But I put the argument that at the moment we use 2000 census population figures and require 50-55 million tonnes for distribution.
Every innovation scraps its immediate predecessor and retrieves still older figures – it causes floods of antiques or nostalgic art forms and stimulates the search for museum pieces.
You must stand for free speech in the streets. — © Mary Harris Jones
You must stand for free speech in the streets.
Silence in woman is like speech in man.
I have often regretted my speech, never my silence.
The human heart concerns us more than the poring into microscopes, and is larger than can be measured by the pompous figures of the astronomer.
I had a lot of trouble with my coaches. Your coaches are father figures - you look to what they say. Well, the reality of it is, they are just shmucks.
Half the battle is confidence. There are people who have great figures but have terrible confidence so you are not drawn to them because they seem down all the time.
It's part of the juice of sports that you tend to find certain sports figures that you cheer on from other cities and others that you're a bit skeptical about.
The picture must all come out of the artist's inside, awareness of forms and figures... It is more than memory. It is the image as it lives in the consciousness, alive like a vision, but unknown.
Speech should be fruitful as well as free.
When I look at the people who are the guiding figures in modern dance, I think, 'This does not look to me like the way I want to spend my days.'
Freedom of speech is a fundamental human right. — © Anthony Horowitz
Freedom of speech is a fundamental human right.
The Electoral College was necessary when communications were poor, literacy was low, and voters lacked information about out-of-state figures, which is clearly no longer the case.
New technologies are wreaking havoc on employment figures - from EZpasses ousting toll collectors to Google-controlled self-driving automobiles rendering taxicab drivers obsolete.
I'm not so good at just throwing out facts and figures and education and all that. I tell stories to captivate, that give people... that touch people emotionally.
A good indignation makes an excellent speech.
With Jack Abramoff under indictment, a number of readers have suggested that now he might flip and try to offer the feds some figures higher up the food-chain.
It would be unthinkable in Canadian public life today for the public inauguration of our supreme political figures to be accompanied by prayer.
One of the things that fascinates me is the music of speech.
Balance sheets bore me. I suspect if figures had excited me I would have gone into the city and now be a lot wealthier.
Translation from one language to another is like viewing a piece of tapestry on the wrong side where though the figures are distinguishable yet there are so many ends and threads that the beauty and exactness of the work is obscured.
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