Top 551 Finance Quotes & Sayings - Page 9

Explore popular Finance quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
The lesson of history is that you do not get a sustained economic recovery as long as the financial system is in crisis.
At Cisco, we are moving to collaboration teams, groups coming together that represent sales, engineering, finance, legal, etc. And we're training leaders to think across silos.
Women in finance bore the brunt of layoffs more than their male counterparts during the Great Recession in 2008 and were also more likely to have been in back office jobs that were replaced by computers.
Mississippi's loose campaign finance laws allow lawyers and companies to contribute heavily to the judges they appear before. That is terrible for justice, since the courts are teeming with perfectly legal conflicts of interest.
What I'm primarily responsible for is products. Everything is developed with my personal involvement. Second is client communication. Everything to do with product and consumer is my primary focus. I also deal with everything which relates to investment and partnership. Distribution, finance, administration, I don't do.
The number-one job of the hedge-fund manager is not to make sure that you can retire with a smile on your face - it's for him to retire with a smile on his face. — © Mark Cuban
The number-one job of the hedge-fund manager is not to make sure that you can retire with a smile on your face - it's for him to retire with a smile on his face.
Barack Obama was first elected after a period of profound failure by elite and government institutions, from finance to foreign policy to Hurricane Katrina, and his first term immediately and unapologetically enacted a flurry of government solutions.
Money is like manure. You have to spread it around or it smells.
Financial literacy is an issue that should command our attention because many Americans are not adequately organizing finances for their education, healthcare and retirement.
I'm looking for backing for an unauthorized auto-biography that I am writing. Hopefully, this will sell in such huge numbers that I will be able to sue myself for an extraordinary amount of money and finance the film version in which I will play everybody.
I studied finance and accounting in college, and I worked at a massive accounting firm out of graduation.
If you're running an engineering or finance company, all companies depend on ideas and ingenuity. I think the principles of creative leadership apply everywhere, whether it's an advertising company or whether you're running a hospital.
You don't want to have so much money going toward your mortgage every month that you can't enjoy life or take care of your other financial responsibilities.
The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design.
I get unhappy doing things that I'm not passionate about. Because I feel like I'm squandering this incredible gift I've been given to finance films. As soon as my name alone was enough to make this happen, I vowed to myself that I was going to work with directors who were changing cinema, doing something important, you know?
Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.
My mother works in a bank, and my dad is the head of my management team and also works in finance.
Here's my gift-giving rule: Respect your current financial situation. — © Suze Orman
Here's my gift-giving rule: Respect your current financial situation.
The only way to permanently change the temperature in the room is to reset the thermostat. In the same way, the only way to change your level of financial success 'permanently' is to reset your financial thermostat. But it is your choice whether you choose to change.
I started studying business and finance in Edinburgh as a backup plan. I was still making music many hours a day, and when I was at university, the electronic music boom started really taking off globally.
In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.
One of the funny things about the stock market is that every time one person buys, another sells, and both think they are astute.
The way to make money is to buy when blood is running in the streets.
By lowering the barrier to create new digital currency applications, we'll see an explosion in the number of ideas tried. We'll invest in, partner with, or build a number of new applications in this space, including replacements for many of the services people use in finance 1.0.
Being rich is a good thing. Not just in the obvious sense of benefitting you and your family, but in the broader sense. Profits are not a zero sum game. The more you make, the more of a financial impact you can have.
Don't gamble; take all your savings and buy some good stock and hold it till it goes up, then sell it. If it don't go up, don't buy it.
Beware of little expenses. A small leak will sink a great ship.
Banks were once places to hold money and were very careful in lending to finance families as they built a future - bought homes, bought cars, took out student loans.
It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.
Professional services industries like finance, consulting, and legal services are, by definition, meta-industries. That is, they serve to help large companies raise money, buy and sell each other, reorganize, implement new systems, conduct complex transactions, and so forth.
It is a kind of spiritual snobbery that makes people think they can be happy without money.
Wealth, in even the most improbable cases, manages to convey the aspect of intelligence.
A big part of financial freedom is having your heart and mind free from worry about the what-ifs of life.
The propensity to truck, barter and exchange one thing for another is common to all men, and to be found in no other race of animals.
Money is the probably the most successful story ever told. It has no objective value... but then you have these master storytellers: the big bankers, the finance ministers... and they come, and they tell a very convincing story.
A moderate addiction to money may not always be hurtful; but when taken in excess it is nearly always bad for the health.
Your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones.
Economically considered, war and revolution are always bad business.
You and I come by road or rail, but economists travel on infrastructure.
I made my money by selling too soon.
The problem of how we finance the welfare state should not obscure a separate issue: if each person thinks he has an inalienable right to welfare, no matter what happens to the world, that's not equity, it's just creating a society where you can't ask anything of people.
By developing deep learning solutions that are faster, easier, and less expensive to use, Nervana is democratizing deep learning and fueling advances in medical diagnostics, image and speech recognition, genomics, agriculture, finance, and eventually across all industries.
Surplus wealth is a sacred trust which its possessor is bound to administer in his lifetime for the good of the community. — © Andrew Carnegie
Surplus wealth is a sacred trust which its possessor is bound to administer in his lifetime for the good of the community.
My dad's a professor of medicine; my mum was a nurse. My little sister is going into healthcare. My older sister is a nurse; my brother's in finance - I'm the runt of the litter.
The longer I go on, the more I am aware of the power of finance.
I went to college at QUT: Queensland University of Technology. I studied for a Bachelors in finance and acting.
All money is a matter of belief.
The ministries of finance and industries and commerce require modern-minded, transparent, and efficient leadership.
You look at marketing: everything that's happening in marketing is digitized. Everything that's happening in finance is digitized. So pretty much every industry, every function in every industry, has a huge element that's driven by information technology. It's no longer discrete.
Europe is difficult to coordinate, and our main deficit may not even lie in this area of finance and economics, but in foreign and security policy. We have a leadership problem because we are still 27 different members who have still not decided on how to work with each other based on what we used to call a European constitution.
Everyone says you've got to do a foundation and legal structure to finance social change. What nonsense!
Divorce is one of the most financially traumatic things you can go through. Money spent on getting mad or getting even is money wasted.
People just want to hear some common sense... and I bring to bear the experience in local government and state government and national government - I was the first woman in history on the Senate Finance Committee - not to mention the diplomatic international experience.
I don't plan on going back to legal work. I wanted an international career, and finance seemed to be where some interesting career opportunities were. — © Nick Johnson
I don't plan on going back to legal work. I wanted an international career, and finance seemed to be where some interesting career opportunities were.
I only make movies to finance my fishing.
Finance is a gun. Politics is knowing when to pull the trigger.
My mother inspired me to treat others as I would want to be treated regardless of age, race or financial status.
I am a graduate in business management with specialisation in finance, and I love accounts!
About the time we can make the ends meet, somebody moves the ends.
I'm a big advocate of financial intelligence.
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